I started to use exchange 5.5 with SP2 two months ago. I had change the MX record in the DNS to the current mail server. At the beginning I encouter mail not receive from people. However, after two weeks, I have no much problem. However, recently I was imform by my colleague that they could not receive mail from some of their customer(about five different customer).
I ask the customer to send to my hotmail account,I can received. Then I send to myself and I can receive too. But when they send direct to me, I cannot receive. Below are two type of error from two sender.
Error 1
<< Deferred: Connection reset by receiver server(that's mine mail server) Warning: message undelivered after four hours.>>
<<The recipient was unavailable to take delivery of the message. The The MTS-ID of the original message Is:c=US;a= ;p=Trade;I=NT4SERVV-020118163240Z-646.
MSEXCH:IMS:Trade:NT4Serv 3499 (000B099C) Host unreachable>>
Have anyone encounter this problem before? I've been trying to solve this for the pass two weeks. Could it be my DNS setting wrong? Or is it the sender DNS was not update of our change in MX record? Can "Tracert" command do the update to the sender DNS of our record?
I started to use exchange 5.5 with SP2 two months ago. I had change the MX record in the DNS to the current mail server. At the beginning I encouter mail not receive from people. However, after two weeks, I have no much problem. However, recently I was imform by my colleague that they could not receive mail from some of their customer(about five different customer).
I ask the customer to send to my hotmail account,I can received. Then I send to myself and I can receive too. But when they send direct to me, I cannot receive. Below are two type of error from two sender.
Error 1
<< Deferred: Connection reset by receiver server(that's mine mail server) Warning: message undelivered after four hours.>>
<<The recipient was unavailable to take delivery of the message. The The MTS-ID of the original message Is:c=US;a= ;p=Trade;I=NT4SERVV-020118163240Z-646.
MSEXCH:IMS:Trade:NT4Serv 3499 (000B099C) Host unreachable>>
Have anyone encounter this problem before? I've been trying to solve this for the pass two weeks. Could it be my DNS setting wrong? Or is it the sender DNS was not update of our change in MX record? Can "Tracert" command do the update to the sender DNS of our record?