is there a way to have a twinning buttom on softphone like you can do on a desktop phone?
Can`t find such a thing.
Up to now, I have 3 buttons (with underlying shortcodes) programmed:
Mobile Twinning ON
Mobile Twinning OFF
Mobile Twinned Calls Pickup
So now: how to send a call (having with a softphone) to the twinned mobile number (with 1 click)?
Thanks a lot for your Brains!
is there a way to have a twinning buttom on softphone like you can do on a desktop phone?
Can`t find such a thing.
Up to now, I have 3 buttons (with underlying shortcodes) programmed:
Mobile Twinning ON
Mobile Twinning OFF
Mobile Twinned Calls Pickup
So now: how to send a call (having with a softphone) to the twinned mobile number (with 1 click)?
Thanks a lot for your Brains!