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security 2

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Technical User
Aug 19, 2002
I have setup user and group accounts on my database and while working locally on my machine the securirty works. But the database is sitting on a file server and when I load the database and the "workgroup information" file it only prompts myself for passwords and usernames and no one else accessing the file server. Any thoughts on this problem?
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while that is an interesting thread. I am looking to use access's built in secuirty group levels. Please post any other suggestions.
It's sort of awkward but the way it's done is;
1. make a copy of your SYSTEM.MDW file (it contains all the security info) and put it on your server.
2. at each workstation, find a file called WRKGADM.EXE. Run it to join that workgroup, i.e. browse to the server version of the SYSTEM.MDW and click OK.

This has to be done on each workstation.
Note: it won't work to copy WRKGADM.EXE to the server. It seems that each version of windows has it's own version of WRKGADM.EXE and one version won't likely work with another OS version. You'll need to search for the WRKGADM.EXE on each workstation to make this work.
this seems kind of ridiculous. you can only apply password security to people who you want to use the database, but anyone else with access to the server has free run of the program?
The other way is to use the secure database wizard, but it has it's own drawbacks. It does really secure the database.
how does the wizard not secure the database?

If you have security set up correctly then only those users you have given permissions to will be able to access the database.

Once you have created your own MDW secure the database with the wizard. Ensure that you have made yourself a member of the Admins usergroup, (do this while logged on as the defaul user Admin, if I recall correctly). Then log off the database, and logback in as yourself. Go to the usergroups and names and make sure that the Admin Name has the Admins group removed. Then go and set the security on all the forms report tables, queries etc (do this by group for ease) and you should have a secure database.

Heres a good link to help you set up security

Also create a short cut for users to use to open the database which will ensure they have joined the correct workgroup (MDW). This will look a bit like

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\msaccess.exe" C:\XXXXX.mdb /wrkgrp C:\YYY.MDW

Where Green is the location of Access,
Red is the location of your database
Blue is the location of you security file.

Hope this helps
how can i create a link that includes these three componets?
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\msaccess.exe" C:\XXXXX.mdb /wrkgrp C:\YYY.MDW

Where Green is the location of Access,
Red is the location of your database
Blue is the location of you security file.
On your Desktop screen right click and go to new Shortcut, and in the command line add the above line with your DB detail in it.

hope this helps Rob! [Bigcheeks]
Below is line command line options. The system tells me that the text contains "options" that access can't work with. See any problems?
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE C:\\Registration\db1.mdb
Try this

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE" "C:\\Registration\db1.mdb" /wrkgrp

The Wrkgrp was missing, and I've enclosed it in "" which helps on my computer
Rob! [Bigcheeks]
no that dosnt seem to work either. what does the /wrkgrp do am i suppose to replace the "wrkgrp" with something spcecific to my database?
The wrkgrp joins you to the MDW. I have heard it said that there can be problems if the files are to many folder deep. Try putting the MDB file and the MDW file in a higher folder.

do you get an error message, if so what does it say Rob! [Bigcheeks]
Rob is definitely right that a properly secured database will not allow users without the correct permissions into the database. And the link to the Access security FAQ is key--read that thing three times and you'll know everything you need to know to make a database fully secure.

I have a write-up in the developers' section of my website that discusses how to deploy databases. In this write-up I go into making batch files and shortcuts to get this job done.

If you do check it out, I'd love to hear back from you about how helpful it was.

Jeremy =============
Jeremy Wallace
Designing, Developing, and Deploying Access Databases Since 1995

Take a look at the Developer's section of the site for some helpful fundamentals.
ok, I have succesfully made the shorcut work with the help of all your tips. But I still have a problem, with a direct link to the database on file server it will let you in without a user name or password. How do I secure the database so that if a person does not use the link i created it will not let them in?
That means that the database has not been properly secured. Follow the steps in the security faq and it will not be possible to do that.

Jeremy =============
Jeremy Wallace
Designing, Developing, and Deploying Access Databases Since 1995

Take a look at the Developer's section of the site for some helpful fundamentals.
Jeremy, I simply have to send you a star! I just followed the instructions on your website about using a batch file and I love it. It works wonderfully and will be a tremendous time saver for me from now on. Thanks for sharing with us. Ann
Jeremy, I forgot to ask something. When my db opens (with the logon screen) it only occupies the bottom half of my screen. The batch file is in the top half. Did I miss something in your instructions? Ann

Glad it's working out for you. I will actually be updating that page in the next week to show some more stuff I've learned. Bug me in a week if it hasn't changed.

I've never seen the screen-splitting behaviour you describe. I do know that you can right click on the task bar icon when the batch file is open and tweak the settings to make it get displayed where you want. I just changed my window position numbers to get it to hide behind the task bar, so users won't see it (though the task bar icon is still there until the datbase closes--I can change that in win 95, but not win 2K pro). Maybe tweaking those settings will help?

Jeremy =============
Jeremy Wallace
AlphaBet City Dataworks

Take a look at the Developers' section of the site for some helpful fundamentals.
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