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Search for best quality/price anti-virus software

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Sep 25, 2002

I'm doing some research on anti-virus software. Now we use the Norton anti-virus software, but the software needs an awful lot of system resources and group licencing is pretty expensive too. That's why I need some opinions from you. I'm looking for a new software that:

- Needs less resources
- protects very good
- has an attractive price for group licencing (15 computers)

Any comments are welcome.


Another question relating to this. What is everyone using for an Antivirus solution? Our license for Symantec is up in 2 months are we are starting to look for other options also. Are GFI and Trend Micro's solutions worth looking at? Are there others that are better?


We use kaspersky and so far it has been very good at detecting and cleaning viruses. Even finds trojans on web pages recent one was trojan.downloader. We have 30 users and have had no problems so far.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?
Coconuts migrate??? What do you mean with that?
quote from the holy grail

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?
Well swallows do. Of course they couldn't carry a coconut...but two african swallows could....

My favorite...

She turned me into a newt!

Be sure to visit forum760, there have been a couple of discussions about different comanies' antivirus price/performance/features.
biglebowski, coconuts really do migrate. They just do it via the ocean, which is why you find them on tropical islands.
Do be wairy of what stories you swallow, especially if a python is involved.

[yinyang] Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK) [yinyang]
I'm sorry but you're wrong the only way for coconuts to migrate is if they are carried by 2 european swallows.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?
I am only a single user so group licencing will not apply,but I have used several different progs,Norton Mcafee, Trend. Kaspersky,and for the last 11 months I have been using Anti Vir. The price is right ,FREE, and I find it catches virus's better than most of the others. It's idiot proof to set up and as a comparison my sons machine with Norton hase updated once in 6 days while Anti Vir has updated 5 times in the same time frame. Give it a try.Kelly
Probably not allowed for business though.

Is is free for business too?

or just home use?

Try F-Prot which has very good commercial group pricing currently starting at $5 per computer per year. Over 100 computers is only $2 each thereafter.

just my 2cents: i really prefer trend micro's product. it has very low system impact, runs unobtrusively, and updates very often. i havent had a single issue since i installed it. take that for what its worth. you would def. have to license it though.

"ya, but is it a laden swallow, or an un-laden swallow?
What do you guys think about BitDefender? I discovered this piece of software and it seems more than ok for me at a very interesting price.

Thanks for the replies so far!
If you want some serious advice on anti-virus products then do not mess around, norton is quite possibly rubbish. Go for a market leader like Sophos or E-Trust, i have tried and tested many products and they do not match these two. Quite simply when we install networks we almost twist the customers hand to use these products, we will not implement any other product.
To say Norton is rubbish is being, ummm rubbish :eek:)

I've used Symantec Norton anti-virus at home for over 3 years now and never been hit by a virus in that time, but it has blocked dozens of possible infections. Similarly at work we have used Symantec Corporate edition for 2 years, with again, not one single infection, but with infected emails blocked on entry. As a product its done what it claims without any problems or issues to speak of.
I vote with munkee35,

Symantec Corporate antivirus is my personal choice. The Norton Antivirus for consumer class workstations is a slightly memory intensive product, but without question a very good AV program.

And there are a lot of excellent alternatives. Whatever you choose, at least have an active AV scanner and a firewall on your system. I do not want to share the internet with you otherwise.

...I can see it now, Bill is going to begin the "Do you know what's been in your port?" Campaign for internet security!

Well, I'm with Munkee and Bill, I've used Symantec for over three years in a professional environment and in that time it's proved easy, scalable, and effecient.

If you're looking for alternatives, Mcafee is probably the one I would recommend next (which I wouldn't have done a year ago) but they've made a few changes that I truly like and hope Norton will follow (one of them being the ability to auto correct registry entries changed by a virus).

AVG by Grisoft does offer a corporte licensing solution, I briefly used them at home with no real complaints or issues but I don't know how it would perform in a professional environment with more systems to maintain.
Not a rant... but,

I think all have a responsibility to be a good citizen as part of the internet.

. you have an active antivirus product, including scanning emails
. you have a firewall

I really worry about all the new Christmas present computers being set up without either of these protections in place.

I have heard various estimates, but about six minutes in my experience seems right before the new Christmas present computer becomes a Blaster or Sasser infected system.

It is a very ugly war out there on the internet at the moment, and the Holiday season means kids out of school and havoc.

So, take steps to be a responsible net citizen.

Done rant.

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