I am new in VFP. I created a form in wizard and selected a table. I choosed pic button. I want to give command in the save button. But the problem is I do not find it.
Where is the save button and related commands are normally ?
There is no specific SAVE button which automatically does the work for you.
There are too many possibly different things that someone might want to do when the user clicks SAVE.
Instead there are only empty command buttons (or button groups) onto which you can place your own Caption (like QUIT, SAVE, ENTER, CHANGE, UPDATE, PRINT, etc.).
Then within the Click method of the individual buttons you write your own code to do whatever you want it to do.
When you create a form with the wizard, the buttons are based on a class in a visual class library. In this case, the class is called Picbtns, and it is in the Wizbtns.VCX library, which is in the Wizards folder.
Picbtns is in turn based on a class called Txtbuttons (in the same libary). If you open Txtbuttons in the class designer, you will see all the buttons. If you double-click on one of them, you'll see the code in its Click event.
However, I don't think you'll find the code very helpful. It is more complicated than code you or I would write, and not very well commented. But it will at least give you an idea of how the classes work.
Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)
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