Greetings! I have a new XP O/S running with a 100 GB WD 7200rpm, have Windows XP...booted up last week and had the S.M.A.R.T. message to backup up and replace hard drive! I downloaded some diagnostic software related to S.M.A.R.T. and it tells me that the drive is ok. I downloaded diag. soft. from the Western Digital and it says the HD is ok. BUT, I'm still getting a regular popup that says it isn't. Having problems with the restore function (it won't), having problems with burning disks...says data doesn't jive. So overall, something is going on. Just can't pinpoint it. Thought someone might have an idea as I can't find much on the web thus far regarting S.M.A.R.T. technology.
Happy Holidays...
Happy Holidays...