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May 15, 2001

A few weeks back the Rockwell HCF 56K Fax/Data PCI Modem & windows would freeze when i attempted to dial or select 'More Info' in Control Panel/Modems.

I removed the modem and reinstalled it and repeated the same process for a while until some time later when everything came right and i didnt know why!

A few days ago the same 'freeze' occurred - only this time my procedure of removing/installing hasn't worked. Whereas it was 'freezing' when I attempted to communicate to the modem - having removed it from the PCI slot and re-inserted it (having tried it in another slot) windows no longer detects this new hardware on restarting.

There are no conflicts that I can see immediately.

I've tried the following tips i've picked up from Jim in your excellent forum here - but to no avail. I have no COM2 in my BIOS to disable. Windows will detect these 2 ports on restarting, but will not set up the com3 port for the internal modem.

I do notice an 'unknown device' when windows is detecting new hardware

Forcing an install of the modem to one of the other com ports with the new driver just gives me the usual 'Modem is not turned on/working properly' message & 'cannot read port registry' message in 'modems'/'more info'.

I've carefully cleaned the gold connector on the modem ... in short there are no jumpers to move ... anybody ... is this modem dead? PLEASE HELP ANYONE :eek:)!!



These are the steps I've attempted so far:

Boot to safe mode.
Remove the modem(s) and all COM ports in device manager.
Restart, go into BIOS setup.
Disable com2.
Restart, reinstall

Remove the stuff in device manager in safe mode again.
Restart, go into BIOS setup.
Set "PnP OS Installed" to NO.
Set "Reset configuration data" to YES (enable).
DISable com 2.
Restart, and hopefully reinstall.
If it still doesn't work, go to Device manager, System devices, PCI bus, properties, IRQ steering, and DISable it.
Restart, and see what happens

i wasn't able to restore a successful registry backup from 2 days before the problem hit me 'restore failed'.
I have downloaded driver and have used this when I detect the modem myself for installation

When the "Other Device" installs on windows boot up, direct it to the folder where you have the drivers ( unzipped).
If that fails (tells you "does not contain information about your hardware"), just click OK.
Go into device mangler, and find the "Other Device", select properties, driver tab, update driver, then browse to the drivers folder. Cheers,
Thanks Jim - but still no luck.

I never actually saw the unknown device listed in device manager though it did come up a couple of times when reinstalling the ports.

The modem installed once I forced it by selecting it from the list selection, to port 2 (no conflicts with IRQ) and pointing to the new drivers. Indeed once it did that it went on to install a wav device in addition (seemed to relate it to soundblaster though and not the modem). And though it says 'device is working properly' in the device manager I get those old 'cant read port/port registry' errors again.

Aside from a reinstall of windows from scratch or buying a new modem is there anything else i can try?

Thanks for your time Jim - much appreciated!

Well, it seems there are a bunch of invalid reg keys.
This happens with multiple installs, and can be fixed.
BTW, the wave device is part of the modem install, normal.

Start by booting to safe mode, remove the ports and modems from device manager.
Shutdown, pull the modem.
Restart, safe mode again, go into Networking in device manager, remove all components.
Go to add/remove programs in CP, remove DUN from there.
Restart, shutdown, double check BIOS com 2 disbled, etc...
Shutdown, put the modem in.
Restart, install driver(s).
Thanks for the time Jim - still no luck tho :eek:( as I get the usual port errors and 'no response from modem'.

I don't have a COM2 in my BIOS setup to Disable.

I don't have DUN in add/remove programs (though it is on my PC), similarly I don't have 'Networking' in my Device Manager' (just Network Adapter).

Bizarrely I have a PCI Serial Controller uninstalled device in my Device Manager (mouse connection is fine btw!) as I had no idea whihc drivers to pick for that.

Wave Device for voice Modem has installed ok in Sound, video and game controllers' using the Rockwell drivers.

How gloomy is my situation now?

Thanks for your efforts - it's great to know you're there anyway!

The PCI serial controller is your modem.
Install it correctly> device manager, modems, properties, driver tab, update driver. Use the original disk, or Once that's installed right the modem will install. Cheers,
We're nearly there Jim!

I'm getting the modem installed correctly now - to com3 no less - only when i now try to communicate to it ... the screen goes blue with a fatal exception error. There are no conflicts that I see.

Any ideas? I'm so close it's driving (no pun intended!) me mad - thanks again Jim - you've showed me thta it's not the modem at fault!

Look forward to hearing from you!

The IRQ it's using is being used by something else.
Boot to safe mode, device manager, modem (and possibly the Serial device controller, but not necessarily), and change the IRQ to any unused one (probably 9 or 11).
Restart. Cheers,
Thanks Jim - changing this IRQ is turning out to be tricky - all the numbers have been allocated (if I check 'system information) - and I can't seem to be able to change the IRQ in the resources tab as it won't let me - any suggestions? Currently it's on IRQ 9 and it's sharing it with 2 entries of 'IRQ Holder for PCI Steering' (there was a WINTV card at this setting too but I've now disabled it)

Thanks very much!

Go into BIOS setup, set "PnP OS Installed" to NO.
Set "Reset configuration data" to YES.
If you can, disable com 1 and 2 in BIOS as well.
In Safe Mode, device manager, remove everything associated with IRQ 9, and com 1 and 2 from Ports.
You should be able to change IRQ's manually now, providing you have a free IRQ to use (com 1 and 2), so the modem should go to IRQ 3.
If that fails, remove the things associated with IRQ9 and the com ports again, then go to System Devices, PCI bus, IRQ steering tab, and DISABLE IRQ steering.
A restart will sort it all out. Cheers,
I'm Trying to find a win98-se driver for a rlvdl56dpf-sp rockwell modem but all I can find are win95 drivers. Can you help, please Jim?
Hey Jim,

Ya Can call me Quad for short,

I had my modem stop working about a week ago and I assumed it was bad since I hadn't had any trouble out of it in the 2 years it's been used. It's a Rockwell MPD38585P-U. Now since I had quite a few other bugs and had been intending on formatting I went ahead and formatted my HD and reinstalled windows 98 set up all my devices except my modem and then installed to 98SE because it has a set of generic PCI drivers for my motherboard. I thought that maybe it wasn't reading my modem because of bad PCI drivers.. but still no luck. I then changed the PCI drivers to the one's I have on disk, Same result. I had no communication with my modem... blah.. blah.. blah. So I took it out completely, registry, drivers erased in dos, and pulled it out of the slot, Totally reinstalled it and got nothing again! I installed the new modem in that slot and it still didn't detect however it set up software that operates it... I wasn't aware that it HAD to have software to operate it because it doesnt' say anywhere that it does. However if I disable the program in startup of course my modem won't work. So I'm not sure what to think about that.

Now I can't see how many installations could have caused problems in the registry seeing as it was fresh and shouldn't have had any problems... yet anyways. I asked friend that is a Tech for Compaqe and he suggested the IRQ but he said com 1 and com 3 share an IRQ and that if I could manually change it to a higher com port it may work. However I do have the ability for 4 in my BIOS I'm only allowed 2 in Windows.

In which the Rockwell was installed on com 3 and still didn't work. If 1 and 3 do share an IRQ I can't see that being a problem because I have a mouse on com 1 and it never created a problem before and I couldn't possibly see why it would start now.

So my steps in Quick format are Format, Install windows, Install video, sound card, Video accelerator card drivers.

I go to control panel and manually install new hardware with the drivers I have on disk and it detects the modem, installs the drivers, and is located on Com 3. Everything appears to be set up right other than when I try to dial out it locks up my computer temporaroly until it fails to find the modem and I get an error message in which it tells me to check the phone line and make sure it is plugged in or that the Modem in plugged into the computer.

I've tried changing com ports to #2 and I've tried it on all 3 PCI slots, I've tried generic drivers and the proper drivers. I think I've tried everything short of setting it on fire and taking a sledge hammer to it.

Any suggestions.. besides setting it on fire LOL
Hi Quad.
If you've followed this saga at all, you can probably guess what I'm going to type next.
Pull the modem(s).
Boot to safe mode.
Remove all modems and com ports in device manager.
Restart, go into BIOS setup.
DISable com 2.
Set "PnP OS Installed" to NO.
Set "Reset configuration data" to YES.
Restart, shutdown.
Put the modem in, restart, reinstall.
Of course, none of this will work if you have a combo card, a Compaq, PB, or HP computer, because they don't have any of those options in BIOS.
Once it's installed, you may have to make a new connection (your old one is still using the old com and IRQ settings). Cheers,
Yeah, I kinda figured that hehe :) Well I'll try it when I get some more time on my hands. Maybe in a couple of days. I was however reading up on my 3com modem I have installed now and it is said to be partial to IRQ 5. Would that be so for the Rockwell as well. I will have to remove my sound card because it is using that IRQ.

I always keep that PnP off... seems to be more trouble than it's worth most of the time. And by the way, I know what you mean by the PB's and HP's. My mom had one of those(PB) and I tried to install a modem on that computer and it was a total nightmare x 3!! Needless to say it still has a 14.4 hehe. Is there anyway to get rid of that combo card system on that so I can install a regular modem. I even took it to someone that works on computers that was doing me a favor for fixing their truck and he didn't get anything. We gave up!!
You can pull the combo card, but you'll need a hard modem (one with jumpers, probably ISA) and a sound card to replace it with. (Diamond has the Supra Express on sale for $19 right now, arguably the best modem ever built!)
You must manually remove all traces of the old modem and sound card in the registry, device manager, and browser settings, as well as dial-up-networking, then at least two restarts, backup the registry, then install the modem, get it working, then install the sound card. Cheers,
I'll surely do that.. won't have to worry about traces of anything... I've got to format that sucker! It got a virus in the memory and well I haven't gotten that out yet! Everything on that computer is messed up to fare de well! I tried getting my mother to get another PC becauase I hate that thing! If she'll put up with it locking up and crashing all the time for a year I guess I can give up on her buying one eh? Just 200 bucks for a barebone.. and nope!
I've had that Supra Exrepess but I traded it with a friend for a Zip drive. It was a external with the shotgun software.. and that sucker was like 90 bucks when I bought that! The price of them must have went down a bunch! No I'm not crazy either! hehe

Don't that have emails around here. Don't like cluttering up the board with non-problem related post.

I have a PCI Rockwell 56k internal modem will this work in my P133? If it can where can I get a driver because the ones on the CD do not seem to work. Also I cannot seem to be able to get to your modems page, access denied.
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