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Restoring Exchange 5.5 on new server. 5

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Sep 25, 2002
We are going to replace our current exchange 5.5 server running on nt 4 with a new server running windows 2000. We will use the same server name. Is this possible and what are the steps that we should take? I planned on reinstalling exchange 5.5 and the service pack that we are on then trying to restore. Will this work? Will there be any problems for outlook clients? Thanks, Joe
When you do your OFFLINE backups .. are you stopping all of your services first before you do the backups? Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
Ok.. try this ... and see if it'll work.

Before restoring everything in the MDBData folder.. delete everything first ... or move it. Then do the restore.

DON'T do a ISINTEG -patch ... and just try to start the IS then.

If you run into a version error... let me know. Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
Ooopps .. Alshrim, got back from a 3 day leaves ...
I have read you solution ... and apply it but same error.. I got ..

You know what I did .. I copy all the files on Folder Bin of the OLD server and Overwirte the Bin of the New Server.. and its works .. and no error was encounterede ..

Any explanation?Kind of awkward isn't? but it works....

In the Old server Exchange 5.5 SP3.
I have backup it up online using Exchange Agent...

I have installed NT SP6 and Exchange SP3 and Veritas on the Test Server. All folder and drive are same config as the old server.

Before restoring I have deleted all the files in the MDBDATA and DSADATA except for the edb's.

Then I restore using Veritas .. :) All exchange services are down except the Attendant.

Remember when we run the eseutil.. it will recreate the log files.

Hope this info help..

hi ppl,

i am wondering if anyone can help. i have an existing exchange 5.5 installation but i want to move the mailboxes and mails to a new server. is there any way to do that painlessly?

Funcrecall12: Yes .. there is a simple explaination.. If you originally did an online backup -- then all of the data was not committed to the databases at the point when you copied the edb files.

But when you took the entire bin directory and replaced it.. you included the log files with it .. and by doing that .. when you restarted the services .. it played back the transaction logs and made the databases consistant and up to date.

Yauii: You might want to look into EXMERGE.exe Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet

Is that Ok as in OK in restoring a exchange.. will it not encounter any prob in the future...

One thing more .. One of the tips that I got is to retype the password and username of the services... I'll try this today... I don't what effect by retyping the password and username. :)


Thanks for replying! =)

If I want to migrate the existing site to another new server as there are some issues with the old server. Can I just setup a new exchange server (5.5 on win2k) and just migrate the accounts over?

when it comes to Win2k things .. i usually defer to Bronto - here at Tek Tips ..

In my opinion .. yes you can do a full back up on an exchange server 5.5 and restore it on Win2k no problem.

Personally.. that is better than migration. It allows you to keep your production server in place while you bring the other one up ...

I would suggest that as your course of action. Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
my company is a small setup, somehow the servers are configured rather weirdly... i tried to add another exchange server to the existing site, however it can't seem to connect... thanks for the info so far, maybe i will just backup the current one and restore the new one... will try it out first... thanks =)

Alshrim is right, of course, that's why i normally butt out of his conversations. But since my name came up...:), i would like to offer one suggestion: I would seriously consider looking into your "weird setup" , and why you can't connect another server to your existing site. Try to fix that problem...or it may come back to bite you in the posterior at some later date.
yeah... i am trying to repair the weirdness before it comes to haunt me at a later date again. =( first thing to do is to come up with a new exchange server.
FYI -- something wierd happened and the FAQ number changed to:

faq10-2775 Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
Is it possible to put exchange 5.5 on a different box with a different physical drive setup? Right now our exchange box is running on a 2000 server that has c,d,e, and f drives. What I want to do is move it to a box that will have a c and d drive only. I haven't found that in a FAQ or MS white paper. If it's out there, please point me to it or if anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
If you do an offline backup up - it is possible.
If you are doing online backups - the restores depend on abslolute pathes of the database files and transactions logs.

IN offline - that is not all that important - so long as the database files are fully committed. Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
We currently do on-line backups but I can do an off-line backup if it means being able to get exchange up and running on a different box. Is detailed info on this procedure part of your FAQ? I've printed your FAQ, by the way, and started reading it. I know that I've tried to do this type of restore in the past and couldn't even get the directory service to start to perform the isinteg -patch command. I don't remember what the error was right off the top of my head but I can get it if needed. I installed exchange on a test box to see if a restore like that could be done. Anyway, your tips are greatly appreciated.
Before restoring the DS - delete the files in the DSData folder first. I'll have to revisit the faq - to see if that's in there - ... and add it if it's not.

I'll bet it a JETError_BadLogSignature error.
Also.. remember to delete all your checkpoint files before starting any services.

I didn't write a faq about Offline Restores. Maybe I should - i am getting a lot of emails about it ..

When I get time - i will. Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
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