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Restoring Exchange 5.5 on new server. 5

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Sep 25, 2002
We are going to replace our current exchange 5.5 server running on nt 4 with a new server running windows 2000. We will use the same server name. Is this possible and what are the steps that we should take? I planned on reinstalling exchange 5.5 and the service pack that we are on then trying to restore. Will this work? Will there be any problems for outlook clients? Thanks, Joe
Cool.. Good luck..

Can't wait to hear the results. Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
Hello all,
I just want to thank you people for the great postings it has helped me alot in the past.

I have tried the same scenerio about for months ago and it works fine. Today I need to change the machine once again due to errors and DrWatson that ocurr over night. The reason for deciding to change hardware again is due to
-1018 errors I'm seeing in the event viewer.
here is a sample
MSExchangeIS (225) Synchronous read page checksum error -1018 ((1:113482 1:113482) (0-14020387) (0-21574327)) occurred. Please restore the databases from a previous backup.
I've done quite a bit of research and everything points to hardware failure.

My question is, if I copy the appropiate folders MDBDATA and DSDATA or exchsrv folder what is suggested tools i run and in which order to make sure that the databases are intac.

Any help would be appriciated!!
I recently moved the exchange server from 1 box to another of different name and everything went smoothly. The only problem i have is now that i want to delete the old server reference in the admin it tells me i have 5 mailboxes and gateways. It asks if i really want to delete the server.

I did move all mailboxes and the server does not do any IMS or did it have connectors.

Can someone tell me why i might be getting this message?

ItRage -- if all you are doing is switching harddrives -- then .. First do a FULL BACKUP!

Then stop all services so that all the transaction logs are commited to the Databases.

Copy all the exchsrv folder (Noting which drive-locations they belong to), to another machine -- replace your drive .. and copy your exchsrv folders back to their proper positions -- and I think you'll be ok -- so long as you're not reinstalling the OS -- i think it'll be that simple.

Proudusa: I'm assuming your ran ISINTEG and all that ... to make the databases consistant and such? Are all your services starting?? and could you provide us with the actual errors .. by default, the IMS isn't installed.. you actually have to configure it after Exchange has been installed ... Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
Thanks for the quick response.

All services are starting but am noticing MSEXCHANGEMTA source error with event ID 9318.

I did fail to run the ISINTEG utility.
Ok.. so .. if you moved your installation from one machine to another.. you GUID’s will be different .. and ISInteg -patch is a must run to get your GUID’s up to date.

but .. hmmm... if you open the Exchange Admin -- into the configuration properties -- then into the Connection container.. do you have the IMS there? Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
Alshrim, Thank you
I am installing exchange 5.5 on a new machine( same site and Org name, different netbios name) with NT 4 sp6
and copying the exchsrv folder over.
Would it work, or am i better off with a restore from a backup, I'm also having issues with my Arcserve Exchange Backup Agent. Thats why I would like to use the exchsrv folder copy scenario.
I found a document by Marco Mels Exchange Disaster Recovery

Sorry forgot to mention, when i moved the Exchange Server i also upgraded OSs: from NT to W2K.

I never did install IMS and it is not listed in the connection container. ccmail and msmail connectors are listed for the old server name.

ItRage: tho' it is possible to recover an exchange server with a different Netbios name .. I would say it's almost better to recover an exchange server with a netbios name that is the same as the one that was in production .. read the FAQ that I wrote (if you haven't already) on how to do that .. there are a lot of thing involved here.....

ProudUsa: Moving the exchange server from NT to Win2k is possible.. but for the IMS to be installed properly.. you will have to properly configure the domain name in your dns settings in win2k... which is to say .. if your email addresses are: username@domain.com ... you have to configure 'domain.com' as your server's dns doman.

In NT4.. it's easy... you'd have to go into the TCP/IP properties.. click on the dsn tab and set it..

In win2k .. it's not so visible. ...

In 2000.. you must right-click your My Computer ICon ... go to its properties... click on Computer Name Tab .. and then click on the 'Change" button... within there, there is a "More" button... click on that...

There.. there is a Primary DNS suffix of this computer: box... it is there that you would specify your Domain name.

If you do not .. your IMS will not properly install..

Now I am only speculating that this is what needs to be done, based on what you've posted here... bu tin order for your IMS to be configured.. in win2k .. this is the least that should be done..... Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet

Alshrim... This is a bad news for me.. I have run out or Test Server.. I did not even have my hand dirty..

Anyway to Proudusa.
Just a suggestion
Moving Exchange Database to another with the same Name/replica of the old.We use NT backup/restore utility.

First,(Old Exchange)We backup the MDBDATA,DSAData and Bin folder.
Second(New Server). Install Exchange Server with same SP of Old, site name and org. Run Optimizer. Open Exchange admin if it can open. Stop services.
Third. Overwrite the content of the Folder Bin,MDBData and DSAdata. The run utilities(eseutils and isinteg).

That should solve you prob.


Funcrecal12 wrote: Alshrim... This is a bad news for me.. I have run out or Test Server.. I did not even have my hand dirty..

I'm sorry .. I don't understand... Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
Hello Alshrim..

I should give you feedback about the procedure that you gave me, regarding restoration of exchange using veritas to another server. but I dont have server to use, here before we do some procedure we should test it first. But I didnt have it.

Anyway thanks for the procedure.

Thanks for the posts guys.

I do not need to install IMS though in the future am looking at running it so it is useful information!

The errors i was getting is after i moved the server from one server to another in the same org/site and domain. I do not have the old server anymore.

If i run ISINTEG will it fix the problem or should i just say yes to the deletion of the remaining connectors (ccmail and msmail) along with mailboxes that are "lost".

Everything is currently working fine in the domain with the exchange server.

well.. if you don't use those connectors.. then I don't see a problem .. but the idea of loosing mailboxes almost seems tragic...

The procedures I've outlined.. if followed should give you a no loss recovery.. but ... given what we've got to work with.

If you've moved the stuff over -- then .. and isinteg will port the new GUID's into the Directory and Information Stores... an ESEUTIL may be required as well ... just to make the data consistant ... I stress MAYBE.

See.. the issue here for you is that, even tho' the server has the same name .. same org.. same site and the same domain.. it no longer has the same SID! And so... the GUID's needed to start the services is not consistant with data in the databases. the ISINTEG -patch command will update the GUID's... Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet

I have backup the Exchange using veritas and followed you procedure..the directory services was started ..
and when I started the Info Store.. got this error

"The Microsoft Exchange INformation Store Service return service specific error 1105"

and when I check the consistency of Pub and Priv using eseutil they are consistent, I ran the isinteg -patch.. successful -information store was updated.

so I try again to ran the Infofmation Service still same error that I got.

Any Advice?
Did you delete the checkpoint files after the restore?
Are you using NT4.0? or 2k?

This is the error specifically:

-1105 0xFFFFFBAF JET_errWriteConflictPrimaryIndex

Could be a permissions issue. Ensure that your ExchangeService account (or whatever account that is being used to start the service) has the "Log on as Service" right.

I haven't seen this error in any of my testbenches yet -- so this is a new one... When we figure this out -- i will add an annex to my FAQ -- Yay!! More info.. heheh..

So... let's get specifics on what you've done .. so I can wrap my head around it... and we'll go from there.


My AOL IM is: Alshrim Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
First.. I have installed WinNT 4.0 with SP6
Second..I have installed Exchange 5.5 with SP3
Third..I have installed Veritas BackUp Exec 8.6 and its components.
*delete all files from DSAData and MDBData except the edb's*
*We are using DLT4 Tapes*
*Server was same replica of the Old(folders and drive)*

Then Restore Data from tapes with just System Attendant On.
*Take 6 hours Restoration*

After Data was restore .. I have check the consistency of the 3 edb's *all data was consistent..* using eseutil

Then I started the Directory Services.*Successful*

Then run the isinteg -patch *Succesful with message updated*

Then I started the Information Store.*And Error was
"The Microsoft Exchange INformation Store Service return
service specific error 1105 " *

I have check the registry and no "RestoreInProgress" Key

Did I miss something?

What version of SP is on the original server?? SP3 Or SP4? Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
-1105 0xFFFFFBAF JET_errWriteConflictPrimaryIndex update attempted on uncommitted primary index

That's the specific error... I will be looking to see if there is a work around.. but just like everything else in this whole business of TRYING to decypher the errors with an M$ Exchange recovery.. you can never find all the information in one place!

I will definately be adding this part to my FAQ.. Thanks funcrecall12 for bringing it up.... Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
one thought just occured to me!
After you start the DS -- did you first DELETE all current log files before trying to start the IS??

The logfiles would contain an index that is not consistant with your new IS Database !!!!! this could be a cause.. Alshrim
System Administrator
MCSE, MCP+Internet
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