I'm in the process of migrating a few hundred reports from one BOE XI (Crystal Reports Server to be exact) to another. Along the way I am also changing the DB details for each report and fixing up any cosmetic errors. Needless to say this is a fairly long and tedious process.
So I've mostly finished bringing these reports across now. I've tested every report within Crystal Reports designer and running them through Info View, all run fine. However there are a few (about 30 or 40) reports that just come back with the rather cryptic error -
Error in File C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11\Data\procSched\MADBOE01v.reportjobserver\~tmp17d46926022dc11c.rpt: Failed to retrieve data from the database. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 4413 ]
I can't seem to fix this error no matter what I do, like I said, these reports run fine when you run them interactively within Info View or Crystal Reports designer, I can verify the login details are correct as it returns a different error when I deliberately make them incorrect.
Is there any way for me to find out what is going on here? Are there any kind of logs I can look at? Can I turn on some kind of debugging to get some actual details on what the problem is here?
I'm in the process of migrating a few hundred reports from one BOE XI (Crystal Reports Server to be exact) to another. Along the way I am also changing the DB details for each report and fixing up any cosmetic errors. Needless to say this is a fairly long and tedious process.
So I've mostly finished bringing these reports across now. I've tested every report within Crystal Reports designer and running them through Info View, all run fine. However there are a few (about 30 or 40) reports that just come back with the rather cryptic error -
Error in File C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11\Data\procSched\MADBOE01v.reportjobserver\~tmp17d46926022dc11c.rpt: Failed to retrieve data from the database. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 4413 ]
I can't seem to fix this error no matter what I do, like I said, these reports run fine when you run them interactively within Info View or Crystal Reports designer, I can verify the login details are correct as it returns a different error when I deliberately make them incorrect.
Is there any way for me to find out what is going on here? Are there any kind of logs I can look at? Can I turn on some kind of debugging to get some actual details on what the problem is here?