One for all the NT people.
Changing the following setting will help if you are monitoring you backups.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Legato\Administrator\6.0.1.Build.174\Application, change the two settings for Polling interval and Volume/Index polling interval to however many seconds betewn updates you want.The lowest under the admin GUI is 5 but it can be as low as 1 with this hack. The last one probably isn't all that important but alse be warned it will flood your network connection so don't try it from home over dial-up or if you are doing a lot of network intensive work.
BTW this reg change will also work for early versions I just don't know what the earliest version it will work under. 5.1?? Anyone?
Changing the following setting will help if you are monitoring you backups.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Legato\Administrator\6.0.1.Build.174\Application, change the two settings for Polling interval and Volume/Index polling interval to however many seconds betewn updates you want.The lowest under the admin GUI is 5 but it can be as low as 1 with this hack. The last one probably isn't all that important but alse be warned it will flood your network connection so don't try it from home over dial-up or if you are doing a lot of network intensive work.
BTW this reg change will also work for early versions I just don't know what the earliest version it will work under. 5.1?? Anyone?