It would appear that despite the plethora of errors CCR has updated to except for the printer discovery service which is always a pain in my backside.
Printers installed, IPV6 enabled, all the prerequisites installed. doesn't matter we never print anything and its never worked right anyway. Odd thing is the printer service didnt upgrade with the rest.
SQL is not even ready yet for me.
It seems to be more heavy then it already was.
My won virtual server is not that powerfull but it is already installing for about two hours now and still not ready.
Has anyone noticed in R8 that when you restart the IPO the VMPro server fails to re-sync with the IPO? In the debug you see VMPro remove the connection once the system goes down, but never reconnects when it comes back up. We're in distributed mode, so that could have something to do with it. Does it on all 7 IPO systems we have...
It should run but i do not have one.
I think it will be passed over to 8.1 because the 96X1 range is on hold for the IPO at the moment.
They are rewriting the software for those phones.
They announce all kind of stuff and then at the end disapoint you by telling (again) that it is delayed.
How long are they already doing about the IPO on linux?
It is there but somehow it is still not released.
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