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problems with building a new PC

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Technical User
Aug 3, 2000
Hardware used: FIC AZ11 motherboard; AMD DURON650; Velocity 4400 PCI video card; 250w Power supply. 64MB PC100 RAM. Currently that is all that is connected. The problem is no POST and no video. The monitor comes on, but immediately goes into sleep mode. There is no other action present, well accept the Power Supply fan, the CPU fan and the HDD LED are all on. Any suggestions?
The Power Supply is rather weak for such a power demanding processor. Do you have a 300 W Power Supply you can test with?<br>Is all cabling done correctly? <br>Does it sound something at startup?<br><br> <p>Nostradamus<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Gut instinct is memory. No memory, no POST, no nuthin.<br> <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: efair@atlnet.com> efair@atlnet.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply. <br>
Help increase my knowledge by providing some feedback, good or bad, on any advice I have given.<br>
Thanks for the feedback. And in answer, that's the only power supply I have available. No there are no sounds or beeps when I turn it on. I tried different memory,,,,still nothing. I even tried another processor....but it was no help either. I have two identical everything, because I am going to build two PCs. I have the same problem on both. I'm really scratching my head on this one.
Pull all connectors off the board except power. Don't know the M/B. ATX or AT? ATX requires power on connection to initiate. And how about jumper settings for clock, multiplier, and power?&nbsp;&nbsp;If AT then M/B , power, memory, & video should paint something. <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: efair@atlnet.com> efair@atlnet.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply. <br>
Help increase my knowledge by providing some feedback, good or bad, on any advice I have given.<br>
Your most important tool here will be the speaker. As edfair stated pull all cables and connectors off the board except the power and front panel connectors (power on and speaker). Pull out all cards except the video. If you get no beeps remove the video card. If you get no beeps, remove the memory. If you still get no beeps it is the processor or board (probably board). <br>Does the board auto configure for the CPU? If not double check any jumper/dip settings.<br><br>PS- The power supply should be fine for what you have. <p>Al<br><a href=mailto: atc-computing@home.com> atc-computing@home.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Recently had a similar-sounding problem. The CPU was not plugged in properly!
It's the power supply.&nbsp;&nbsp;We get this alot with AMD.&nbsp;&nbsp;Try a 300 Watt or go to the AMD web site to see which 250W they suggest.
I myself would recomend one of those Sparkle 300Watt power supplies from monarchcomputer, they say the sparkle brand is one of the top AMD recomended power supplies. <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)<br>
Well, after everything else you've tried, it seems like the only possibilities left are that you have a bad motherboard (happened to me before, I build plenty of systems a month) or perhaps the agp card isn't pushed down all the way. They are notorious for that. Push down again.<br><br>I don't think the power supply is the problem. Power supply problems manifest themselves with lockups and such, but in my experience they always at least power on and POST.<br><br>- Adam
AMD Athlon and Duron processors are <i>very</i> picky about their power supplies.&nbsp;&nbsp;Definately check the AMD website for a recommended power supply.&nbsp;&nbsp;Sparkle is one such power supply.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>You should listen to the speaker, but it doesn't do any good if the processor isn't getting the right power.&nbsp;&nbsp;Also, make sure you have a good heatsink too.&nbsp;&nbsp;The new Socket-A processors.<br><br>Also, disconnect all drives, if they are connected.&nbsp;&nbsp;They can cause a system to lock.<br><br>Let me know more details, like, what other boards you have in the system and I may be able to help further.<br><br>Jeremy Hannon<br>Brainbench &quot;Most Valuable Professional&quot; for Computer Technicans<br><A HREF=" TARGET="_new">
Check all your jumpers.... There are millions of them on FIC boards. Next time buy ABIT.... If your AGP card is loose you will hear a bunch of beeps at startup instead of the familiar &quot;one&quot; beep........ Much easier to stick with Intel processors! More and better boards to choose from!<br><br>J. Rotten
Definitely a problem with your powersupply.&nbsp;&nbsp;I've been in this business since the 8080's were around.&nbsp;&nbsp;Only recently have these hardware companies been stupid enough to make more power hungry computers.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you look in the manual for your motherboard or your CPU manual, it should say what power supply rating you need.&nbsp;&nbsp;Most are 300 watts.&nbsp;&nbsp;Mine is 250 but that's Gateway2k for ya. =)&nbsp;&nbsp;I've seen the problem before.&nbsp;&nbsp;That's why I have Gateway sytems. Their power ratings are usually lower than most.&nbsp;&nbsp;Their older systems used 135watt supplies when the rest used 230watts!&nbsp;&nbsp;There is the possibility that it's a loose card or CPU or something like that.&nbsp;&nbsp;Maybe an LED is plugged into the reset button.&nbsp;&nbsp;I've done that before.&nbsp;&nbsp;Causes constant reset of the system and a blank screen and no beeps.&nbsp;&nbsp;Most likely it's the power supply.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>Steve Kiehl<br>Webmaster, <b><i>Nanovox</i>.com</b>
Step by step troubleshooting:<br>1.Check your power input sellector, 115 or 230 volts?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Switch it to the correct voltage setting.<br>2.Check your Motherboard setting dip switches. Are they in proper setting?<br>3. Replaced your Memory chips. Is the PC ok?<br>4. Replaced the motherboard. Is it now OK?<br>5. Replaced the processor. Is it now ok?<br>6. Send it to the specialist.<br><br>Remember, your PC will beep once if there is no more problem. Good luck.
Could be something as simple as a stuck reset button on&nbsp;&nbsp;the front of case.
check the mounting posts under the motherboard incase solder has flattened under mounting post and is shorting out motherboard. I got caught with this fault on a motherboard .
GOD, is there a technical forum? Read this:try to see if you have selected 115-230V.HAHAHA.If you've had 115V on 230V you should see it verry clear(booom).
I have sold some Duron, and guess what: The FIC mb. does not work with Duron.Try an up-grade of BIOS, or try an GIGABYTE motherb.(see if it's supporting duron)
Happy birthd.
In short, just what George21 said but didn't say, STICK WITH INTEL! Slot1 or socket 370 or slot1 w/slocket. You will never go wrong.
I have sold some Duron, and guess what: The FIC mb. does not work with Duron.Try an up-grade of BIOS, or try an GIGABYTE motherb.(see if it's supporting duron)
Guess what! That limits you to one brand of motherboard!

J Rotten MCSE
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