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Problems opening CMC 2

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Jul 14, 2003
First off, I am using CE 10 with Windows 2003 Server and IIS 6.0. So far, things are progressing nicely. The problem I'm having is when I try to open the CMC from a web console, I get a "page cannot be displayed" message. When I close out and try to go in again, I just get a blank screen. I'm pretty new at setting up and configuring CE (any version) so I don't even know what to look for. A few hints are appreciated!

PS...I'm aware that IIS 6.0 is not supported for CE 10.
Hi, any errors when you installed it?

Are your virtual directories set up ( at least /Crystal and /Viewers ) on the IIS6 default web site?
Is the web site up and running?

I didn't have any errors when installing. I had to manually enter the Web Server Extensions. The virtual directories all created properly. I can get to the Admin Launchpad and the User Launchpad but cannot link to the CMC (or CMS...I'm not sure what it's actually called in CE 10). When I try to open the CrystalMS.exe file, I get a dos screen that doesn't display anything and just closes after a few seconds.
What password are you using to launch the CMC from the Admin launchpad?
( In a new setup, it is blank...)

I don't get a log on screen when trying to open the CMC. If it's trying to use a password (in the background), my guess is that it's using the default user account with no password.
I wan to be sure I understand what is happening?

1: You open the Admin Launchpad:

2: From that page, you click on:

'Launch the Crystal Management Console'

and then get a "page cannot be displayed" message?



PS: Could you explain further what you mean by:
I had to manually enter the Web Server Extensions

You are correct! The exact address I type is "From there I click "Launch the CMC"
A new window opens and I get a "Page cannot be displayed".

What I mean by having to manually enter the Web Server Extensions is (I misspelled it too....it's the Web Service Extensions in IIS manager and I had added the CGI extensions). As I look more into this, I may have done a few steps that didn't need to be done, such as this, but as I stated, I'm rather new with the CE setup. And trying to install CE 10 with a CE 8.5 resourse manual doesn't help!
I question I have is what local path should the 2 virtual directories be using? Currently, mine are set to:

--> C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions\Enterprise 10\Web Content

--> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.5\crystalreportviewers10

Are these correct? And are there any specific settings in IIS that need to be turned on or set for the CMS to work?
Hi, It may be the IIS6's security settings..check the permissions for the default web server's Crystal and
crystalreportviewers10 directories.

Otherwise, I would recommend an Uninstall/Reinstall -
Just accept all the defaults...I did not have to do any manual set up of the IIS server..( When installing, you MUST be an administrator on the CE server box)...


What user should I have in the Crystal and crystalreportviewers10 directories? The same user that is setup in the CCM (open CCM, open properties of CMS and use the user that's set there? Mine is set to localsystem...what is the user name then?)
Sorry, I meant to look under the Secutity tab in the IIS Manager ( Not sure where it is in Win2003, but in W2K and XP is is under Compurer Management..Internet Information Services..Default Web Site..Directory Security.

Be sure Anonymous Access is allowed.


I uninstalled and reinstalled with no success. One thing to mention is that NONE of the admin tools on the Admin Launchpad work. They all display page cannot be found.

Also, if I browse to C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions\Enterprise 10\Web Content\Enterprise10\admin and try to run [default.html, I am redirected to [C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions\Enterprise 10\Web Content\Enterprise10\admin\redirect.csp and the page displays as script, rather than an actual page. Could this have something to do with it? Thanks for all your help!!
This does result in page under construction. Also to note, this particular web server is currenly serving 3 other internal sites, so the IIS services can't be failing.
You do not have your web connector setup properly to redirect crystal pages to the WCS. Is the WCS on the same server as IIS?

IIS does not know what to do with .csp, .cwr file extensions. Are you using the Default website? (I assume not) you'll need to check the application extension mapping in IIS for extensions .csp,.cwr,.cri (and make sure they point to wcsisapi.dll).

YAY! It's working!! My next question is how does CE know where to find the data for the reports? Is that info saved with the report?
Time for some reading, maybe?
( In very broad terms. it is as follows)

When you publish a report the 'shell' is saved to the location specified in your input server's specs..

When run, the system gets the shell, accesses its data source ( specified when the report was designed and saved in the CMS with the rest of the properties of the report) and delivers the report to the browser..

The Docs explain this very well, especially the administrator's guide..

Dear Searbz420

I understand you manage to solve your problem. I am also having the same problem as your except that mine is CE8. How and where did you configure IIS to understand the extension for .csp, .cri, cwr etc... I hope you can shed some light for me on this as I am quite new to IIS. Thanks.

On the server where IIS is installed open Internet Information Services.
Navigate to your website, right click and select Properties then select Home Directory tab. Now click the Configuration button - Here you can add/check mappings for extensions .csp, .cwr, .cri, .rpt and make sure they point to wcsisapi.dll (which is the web connector).

Kingfisher [CECP]
Hi There,

I've installed CE10 on a spare windows 2000 Pro PC with II5 and the free MSDE to play with while we wait to upgrade our AIX CE8.5. It works just fine on Pro but I was having the exact same problem as Seabz420 originally.

This is a reply from back a couple of responses because I have everything enabled, WCS pointed correctly, .csp mime settings, and let all the default settings create the virtual directories upon install.

Seabz420 and Turkbear both gave their CE Launchpad URL's and they didn't notice the suttle difference between them:



My URL was excactly like Seabz420's exactly as it had come out of the box with /crystal/enterprise10/ not capitalized like Turkbear's. I simply changed my portion of the URL to /Crystal/Enterprise10/ and all my applications worked: eportfolio, CMC, scheduler rights table etc...

These were my findings, no coding problems just IIS case problems
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