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Problem with OneCommunications T1

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Dec 18, 2007
Our IP Office connects to dynamic bandwidth OneCommunications T1 (23 channels). About every two weeks the connectivity to the T1 is lost and the only solution is rebooting the IP Office. The T1 from OneCommunications terminates on a Cisco IAD that breaks out internet and a T1 interface to the phone system. When we reboot the IPO after this problem, the phones go into discover mode but do not reload the 4600xxx.txt file.

OneCommunications reports that there is no problem on their end of the T1 or the cisco hardware.

Our IP Office is running 4.0(14) with all IP phones. Single T1 connected, nothing fancy.

Our BP reports that there is a private build from a couple of releases ago the "fixes" the problem. They also tried the old "T1 are really advanced interfaces and are very touchy" BS.

Has anyone heard of a similar problem and can offer any solutions. I really hate to go to an old release and it seems that if Avaya is aware of the problem they should fix it.
I have a lot of sites with One comm and those dynamic PRI's. i have never had the issue you are having. turn on the ISDN traces in Monitor and let it run untill it happens again. maybe then you will see what it is. at least you can see what shows.

Kevin Wing
ACA- Implement IP Office
Carousel Industries
I use OneComm for a lot of my accounts and I know a lot of the technicians and engineers that work on them. The Dynamic PRI/T1 i believe was a CTC service prior to One Comm. One of the Transmission guys had told me that he had some problems with it adjusting between data and voice. I dont remember the particulars, but I can double check to see what he thinks.

If you check the T1 in SSA is it in full LOS alarm or do you see the channels show as Out of Service or busy?

I have also seen the IADs go bad on sites. One Communications will tell you everything is running fine b/c their systems are showing everything as clean. However the IAD may be sending funk to your T1 interface that they do not see remotely.

How often does it give you a problem? Also it may be worth having a vendor meet on-site. Get your BP and a One Comm tech on-site to see the problem live and hash it out. This may help stop the finger pointing.

ACA- Implement IP Office
Just to clarify I'm not saying its a troubled product. I just remember him telling me something about it. Those IADs do go bad though and IMO its best to get both parties on site to hash out the problem. It's easy to blame the other person over the phone and say its their problem, but in person you tend to find more resolutions then excuses.

ACA- Implement IP Office
My guess is you are using NI2 signalling. I had severe issues with clock slips (about 70-80 per 15min) shown in System Status and users complaining of dropped calls with a One Comm PRI. One Com was repeatedly called out and stated the loop was clean. SOE was replaced in the process but slips persisted.

One Com uses MetaSwitch softswitches in their central offices and IMHO they are not meeting the NI2 standard in their circuits.

Work with One Com to change your signalling from NI2 to 5ESS. Change the IPO to match this on the line settings for the PRI. This cleared up my clock slips and my site has been running clean for three weeks now.

Vance Bagwell

ACS Implement
Also there are a lot of ECHo issues with the IPO and One Comm. we have a least 10 sites that have constant echo and digital phones. we did end up getting someone from one comm to admit there were issues on the backbone with echo. I am pretty sure it has been fixed since but i am not 100% sure.

Kevin Wing
ACA- Implement IP Office
Carousel Industries
@CCDPALADIN - I always run my switches 5ESS b/c i used to have problems with NI2 back in the legend/magix days. I have very few problems when i run as 5E. Whenever they provision they look run National for some reason, but most/all of the time they are running off of 5ESS switches in the CO anyway. Never understood that.

@KWing - I have also had alot of echo problems and actually one of my sites still has an issue.

ACA- Implement IP Office
Magix do not work with NI2.
custom AT&T only
The only draw back with 5Ess is you can not get name over the caller id.

Kevin Wing
ACA- Implement IP Office
Carousel Industries
FYI, One Communication has an issue with their switchs. I have 2 customers that experience echo on a daily basis but not on every call. O.C. has openly admitted after vigorous trouble shooting and vender meets the issue is their problem and its a manufacturing issue with their hardware. Their manufacturer attempted to fix the problem recently with a patch of some sort but did not correct the issue. There are thousands of unhappy O.C. customers currently with no alternative t-1 providors in their area.
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