I'm trying to configure a SIP line in my SOE, but I can not work properly. I tried many configurations but does not work. I come out or call me.
I changed my route IP configurations, ARS, LAN 1. What we do know is that the line is ok configured sip.
I'M from Spain. The sip provider is AWAVOZ. Is certifiqued provided for avaya.
********** SysMonitor v7.0 (8) **********
********** contact made with at 13:35:50 11/12/2009 **********
********** System ( has been up and running for 56secs(56734mS) **********
********** Warning: TEXT File Logging selected **********
********** Warning: TEXT Logging to File STOPPED on 11/12/2009 13:35:50 **********
56734mS PRN: Monitor Started IP= IP 401 NG 4.2(23) 00E00701E73D
(IP Office: Supports Unicode, System Locale is esp)
56735mS PRN: LAW=A PRI=0, BRI=4, ALOG=4, ADSL=0 VCOMP=16, MDM=0, WAN=0, MODU=0 LANM=0 CkSRC=5 VMAIL=1(VER=3 TYP=1) CALLS=0(TOT=0)
57093mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:19:44 FreeMem=2627592(2) CMMsg=2 (3) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=537
57093mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=46, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
60156mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKb14604af32f703a6ff9accd28ad74ad0
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=1a297a385648b4f7
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576169 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
61599mS ISDNL1Evt: v=5 peb=5,F3 F7
61599mS PRN: T4 Started
61604mS ISDNL1Evt: v=5 peb=5,UnLocked
61604mS PRN: Lock To Internal Clock,BEFORE CLK_CTL = 0x00
61605mS PRN: Lock To Internal Clock,BEFORE CLK_CTL = 0x00
61605mS PRN: Lock To Internal Clock,AFTER CLK_CTL = 0x08
61606mS PRN: Lock To Internal Clock, AFTER CLK_CTL = 0x08
62349mS ISDNL1Evt: v=5 peb=5,PHDI
62350mS ISDNL3Evt: v=5 p1=5,p2=1001,p3=5,p4=127,s1=
62350mS PRN: T4 Timeout
64593mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:19:52 FreeMem=2618592(2) CMMsg=2 (3) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=534
64593mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=43, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
75702mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffc99844 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=0
75703mS CMCallEvt: CREATE CALL:1 (ffc993d4)
75703mS CMCallEvt: 0.1005.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffc983c4 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=0
75712mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->1004 )
75712mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect Calling[299] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
75713mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 1 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSIdle->CMCSDialInitiated
75713mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Connected old=Idle,0,0,Inalambrico
75715mS CMTARGET: 0.1004.0 1 Inalambrico.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party= sub= calling=299 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
75715mS CMTARGET: 0.1004.0 1 Inalambrico.0: ADD TARGET (N): number= type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
75717mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 1 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialling
75718mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Dialling old=Connected,0,0,Inalambrico
75718mS CMExtnTx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
BChan: slot=0 chan=9
UUI type=Local [......2Pd.] [0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x32 0x50 0x64 0x00 ]
Timed: 11/12/09 14:20
75721mS CD: CALL: 0.1004.0 BState=Idle Cut=1 Music=3.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum= () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=16 AState=DialInitiated
75724mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 D1
76093mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:03 FreeMem=2586260(2) CMMsg=2 (3) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=130
76094mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=44, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
76158mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKb14604af32f703a6ff9accd28ad74ad0
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=1a297a385648b4f7
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576169 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
78158mS Sip: Timer 6 callback
78159mS Sip: 0.1002.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) Completed ... removing Dialog of CallId: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@ and State: SIPDialog::INITIAL(0)
78160mS Sip: 0.1002.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) Registration Expiry For Primary Trunk
78160mS Sip: Registration of trunk 0 has failed, Setting retry timer to 30 secs
78161mS Sip: 0.1002.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) SIPDialog destructor ... ffd1896c
78162mS CMCallEvt: 0.1002.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=X CMCSIdle->CMCSDelete
78162mS Sip: ~SipTrunkEndpoint 0.1002.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
78163mS CMCallEvt: 0.1002.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffd196e8 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
78164mS Sip: Dialog has been deleted
79061mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[6] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
79064mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 D0
79825mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
80115mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
80504mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[0] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
80927mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[3] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
81309mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
81647mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[4] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
82178mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[4] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
84020mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
84021mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 1 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialling->CMCSCompleted
84022mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Dialling,0,0,Inalambrico
84026mS CMLOGGING: CALL:2009/12/1114:20,00:00:00,000,299,O,62203244,62203244,Inalambrico,,,1,,""n/a,0
84027mS CD: CALL: 0.1004.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum=62203244 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=8323 AState=Idle
84028mS CD: CALL: 0.1004.0 Deleted
84029mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: CALL LOST (CMCauseNormal)
84029mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: Extn(299) Calling Party Number(299) Type(CMNTypeInternal)
84029mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 1004->0 )
84030mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 -1 Inalambrico.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
84031mS CMCallEvt: 0.1005.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffc983c4 TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
84031mS CMCallEvt: END CALL:1 (ffc993d4)
84034mS CMTARGET: 0.1004.0 -1 BaseEP: ~CMTargetHandler
84035mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffc99844 TOTAL NOW=0 CALL_LIST=0
84094mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:11 FreeMem=2625984(2) CMMsg=2 (3) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=166
84094mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=42, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=1, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
86030mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: Recover Timer reason=CMTRWrapUp
86030mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Idle old=PortRecoverDelay,0,0,Inalambrico
87344mS CMCallEvt: 0.1006.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffc99844 TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
87345mS CMCallEvt: CREATE CALL:2 (ffc993d4)
87346mS CMCallEvt: 0.1007.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffc983c4 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=0
87353mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->1006 )
87353mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect Calling[299] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
87354mS CMCallEvt: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSIdle->CMCSDialInitiated
87354mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Connected old=Idle,0,0,Inalambrico
87355mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party= sub= calling=299 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
87356mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: ADD TARGET (N): number= type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
87357mS CMCallEvt: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialling
87358mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Dialling old=Connected,0,0,Inalambrico
87359mS CMExtnTx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
BChan: slot=0 chan=9
UUI type=Local [......2Pd.] [0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x32 0x50 0x64 0x00 ]
Timed: 11/12/09 14:20
87361mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Idle Cut=1 Music=3.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum= () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=15 AState=DialInitiated
87365mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 D1
90250mS PRN: WAV Hold Music HoldMusic.wav failed to load
90253mS PRN: Deleted WAV file MOH Source 1
90366mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[6] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
90369mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 D0
90561mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
90594mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:18 FreeMem=2847152(3) CMMsg=2 (3) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=167
90595mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=43, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
90750mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
90938mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[0] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
91370mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[3] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
91811mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
92180mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[4] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
92483mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[1] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
92843mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[4] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
97844mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: TimerExpired cause=CMTCDelayedProcessing
97845mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=622032414 sub= calling=299 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
97846mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: ADD TARGET (N): number=622032414 type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
97847mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: USER SC: 622032414 2 22032414 sc=type=Dial code=6N, num=.
97848mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=51 - Found
97848mS CMARS: MakeCallTarget - Called Number: 622032414
97849mS CMCallEvt: 0.1008.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffcdcbb8 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
97850mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: CancelTimer CMTCDialToneTimeout
97850mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: INITIAL TARGETING SUCCEEDED
97851mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: GetNoAnswerTimer:99
97852mS CMCallEvt: 0.1007.0 2 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
97853mS CMCallEvt: 0.1008.0 2 ARS for awavoz: StateChange: END=T CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
97854mS CMCallEvt: 0.1007.0 2 TargetingEP: RequestEnd 0.1008.0 2 ARS for awavoz
97855mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: CancelTimer CMTCNoAnswerTimeout
97856mS CMCallEvt: 0.1008.0 2 ARS for awavoz: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSOverlapRecv
97856mS CMARS: FORM: awavoz - Received Number: 622032414
97857mS CMARS: CMARSTargetingPending
97857mS CMCallEvt: 0.1007.0 -1 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=X CMCSOffering->CMCSDelete
97858mS CMCallEvt: 0.1007.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffc983c4 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
97859mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Idle Cut=2 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum=622032414 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=10513 AState=Dialling
98093mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:25 FreeMem=2841296(3) CMMsg=4 (5) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=163
98094mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=42, Poll=0, Ready=1, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
102849mS CMARS: Case 1 - dial_delay_time: 5000 has expired - Resolve what we might have - Called Number: 622032414 Addr: ffcdcbb8
102850mS CMARS: FORM: awavoz - Received Number: 622032414
102851mS CMARS: FOUND A SHORT CODE - short_code: 6N; - Tel: 6N"@register.awavoz.com" - Called_Party: 622032414@register.awavoz.com - Line Group Id: 99
102852mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=99 - Not Found
102852mS CMLRQ: FindActiveLRQByGroupID GroupID=99 - Not Found
102853mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 5
102853mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 6
102854mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 7
102854mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 8
102854mS Sip: SIPTrunks: Make Target voip, line group id is 99 and ip
102856mS CMMap: a=3.1 b=0.0 Mapper::AllocateCodec allocated CMRTVocoder resource busy 1, total 16
102856mS Sip: License, Valid 1, Available 1, Consumed 0
102857mS CMCallEvt: 0.1009.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffd196e8 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
102859mS PRN: Created MH ffd18860 parent 0.1009.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
102859mS Stun: Info: media ports will not be mapped with STUN.
102894mS CMARS: FOUND LINE - Line Id: 9 - using line group id: 99 - Called Number: 622032414@register.awavoz.com - Calling Number: 299
102895mS CMARS: SEND Setup TO LINE
102900mS CMCallEvt: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=child CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
102906mS CMLineTx: v=0
Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=9 id=1009 in=0
Called[622032414@register.awavoz.com] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect SndComp Calling[299] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
IE CMIECallingPartyName (110)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Inalambrico
IE CMIERespondingPartyName (228)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Inalambrico
IE CMIERespondingPartyNumber (230)(P:100 S:100 T:101 N:100 R:4) number=299
IE CMIEDeviceDetail (231) LOCALE=esp HW=5 VER=4 class=CMDeviceStdPhone type=3 number=9 channel=0 rx_gain=32 tx_gain=32 ep_callid=1006 ipaddr= apps=0
IE CMIEMohSourceId (247) MOH Source = 255
IE CMIEFastStartInfoData (6)
Locale: esp
102907mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd196e8) received CMSetup
102907mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) CMSetup received, ep ffd1a760, dialog ffd1896c, dialling 622032414@register.awavoz.com
102913mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) INVITE (method) SENT TO 5060 (reg 1 primary 0 secondary 0)
102915mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK7707b247eb29efb4ade415d3c9e1be4e
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=8df8ef9db9e0a450
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 91ab90e83d23c487b2a0add8cfa1975c@
CSeq: 1568225006 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 277
o=UserA 76016068 1941317647 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
102918mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) UpdateSIPCallState SIPDialog::INITIAL(0) -> SIPDialog::INVITE_SENT(1)
102918mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) UpdateSDPState SIPDialog::IDLE(0) -> SIPDialog::OFFER_SENT(1)
102921mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Idle Cut=2 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [Line 9] (0.0) CalledNum=622032414 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=15575 AState=Dialling
103097mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:30 FreeMem=2621816(3) CMMsg=4 (5) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=10872
103097mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=46, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
104917mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK7707b247eb29efb4ade415d3c9e1be4e
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=8df8ef9db9e0a450
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 91ab90e83d23c487b2a0add8cfa1975c@
CSeq: 1568225006 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 277
o=UserA 76016068 1941317647 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
106917mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) PacketTimer expired, break the call
107917mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) EPTerminationTimeout, about to delete endpoint
107918mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) SIPDialog destructor ... ffd1896c
107919mS CMARS: LINE ep Received: CMReleaseComp - child->state = CMCSOffering - ARS Call State = CMCSOverlapRecv
107922mS CMCallEvt: 9.1009.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=X CMCSOffering->CMCSCompleted
107923mS CMCallEvt: 9.1009.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
107923mS CMARS: Target: Short_Code: 6N; - Line_Group_ID: 99 has been set to: CMARS_OUTOFSERVICE
107924mS CMCallEvt: 0.1008.0 2 ARS for awavoz: StateChange: END=B CMCSOverlapRecv->CMCSAccept
107925mS CMCallEvt: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialling->CMCSRingBack
107926mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Alerting old=Dialling,0,0,Inalambrico
107927mS CMExtnTx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
BChan: slot=0 chan=9
IE CMIEProgressIndicator (30) cs=CMCSITUT (0), loc=CMLUser (0), pd=CMPDInbandPattern (8)
Timed: 11/12/09 14:20
107927mS Sip: ~SipTrunkEndpoint 9.1009.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
107930mS CMCallEvt: 9.1009.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffd196e8 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
107931mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Ringing Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum=622032414 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=20586 AState=Ringing
107934mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::AllocateRAS allocated CMRTTonegen resource busy 6, total 8
107935mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=1.255 T
107935mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c type CGTypeDTMF
107936mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M2
107936mS CMMap: DTMF:layTones g T[12] ,EEEEE
107937mS CMMap: Started playing tones, cp[62]b1r0 (from g null)
107937mS CMMap: cp[62]b1r0 SetOperGroup from g null to g null not executed, playing tones in progress ,EEEEE
108096mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:35 FreeMem=2644348(3) CMMsg=4 (5) Buff=100 488 499 608 5 Links=10923
108097mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=44, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
108162mS Sip: Register Trunks CheckLicense is 1
108163mS Sip: Registering of 0 type is 0 expires is 60
108163mS CMCallEvt: 0.1010.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffd196e8 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
108165mS PRN: Created MH ffd18860 parent 0.1010.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
108165mS Stun: Info: media ports will not be mapped with STUN.
108166mS Sip: 0.1010.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) REGISTER (Method) SENT TO 5060
108170mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKbbc540ee702c1afb81deae91c9cee531
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=d3481813512a3f97
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576170 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
108171mS Sip: 0.1010.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) Send Message Succeded
108918mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK7707b247eb29efb4ade415d3c9e1be4e
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=8df8ef9db9e0a450
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 91ab90e83d23c487b2a0add8cfa1975c@
CSeq: 1568225006 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 277
o=UserA 76016068 1941317647 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
108925mS CMARS: Retarget existing BUSY targets - Num of Busy Targets: 1 - Current Form: awavoz
109564mS LIC: Rainbow token file not received/invalid from
109764mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c
109764mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M0
109765mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 T0
109765mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::~DTMF freed CMRTTonegen resource busy 5, total 8
109766mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::AllocateRAS allocated CMRTTonegen resource busy 6, total 8
109767mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=1.255 T
109767mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c type CGTypeDTMF
109767mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M2
109768mS CMMap: DTMF:layTones g T[13] ,EEEEE
109768mS CMMap: Started playing tones, cp[62]b1r0 (from g null)
109769mS CMMap: cp[62]b1r0 SetOperGroup from g null to g null not executed, playing tones in progress ,EEEEE
110172mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKbbc540ee702c1afb81deae91c9cee531
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=d3481813512a3f97
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576170 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
111593mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c
111593mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M0
111594mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 T0
111594mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::~DTMF freed CMRTTonegen resource busy 5, total 8
114174mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKbbc540ee702c1afb81deae91c9cee531
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=d3481813512a3f97
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576170 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
114925mS CMARS: Retarget existing BUSY targets - Num of Busy Targets: 1 - Current Form: awavoz
114926mS CMARS: Target: Short_Code: 6N; - Line_Group_ID: 99 - Telephone_Number: 6N"@register.awavoz.com" - Line_Status: CMARS_OUTOFSERVICE
114927mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 5
114927mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 6
114927mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 7
114928mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 8
114928mS Sip: SIPTrunks: Make Target voip, line group id is 99 and ip
114929mS Sip: License, Valid 1, Available 1, Consumed 0
114930mS CMCallEvt: 0.1011.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffcfaf9c TOTAL NOW=4 CALL_LIST=1
114931mS PRN: Created MH ffcfa114 parent 0.1011.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
114932mS Stun: Info: media ports will not be mapped with STUN.
114937mS CMARS: FOUND LINE - Line Id: 9 - using line group id: 99 - Short Code: 6N; - Called Number: 622032414@register.awavoz.com - Calling Number: 299
114937mS CMARS: Retarget result=SEND Setup TO LINE
114939mS CMCallEvt: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=child CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
114944mS CMLineTx: v=0
Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=9 id=1011 in=0
Called[622032414@register.awavoz.com] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect SndComp Calling[299] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
IE CMIECallingPartyName (110)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Inalambrico
IE CMIERespondingPartyName (228)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Inalambrico
IE CMIERespondingPartyNumber (230)(P:100 S:100 T:101 N:100 R:4) number=299
IE CMIEDeviceDetail (231) LOCALE=esp HW=5 VER=4 class=CMDeviceStdPhone type=3 number=9 channel=0 rx_gain=32 tx_gain=32 ep_callid=1006 ipaddr= apps=0
IE CMIEMohSourceId (247) MOH Source = 255
IE CMIEFastStartInfoData (6)
Locale: esp
114945mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfaf9c) received CMSetup
114946mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) CMSetup received, ep ffcfc014, dialog ffcfa220, dialling 622032414@register.awavoz.com
114952mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) INVITE (method) SENT TO 5060 (reg 1 primary 0 secondary 0)
114954mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK32faa74597aaed608d8a5a9e18a65ed2
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=094e9624d78ece8f
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 8679f58ecda36cbebea7ee857b7bfa9e@
CSeq: 1709658115 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 279
o=UserA 4211871541 1918116350 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
114956mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) UpdateSIPCallState SIPDialog::INITIAL(0) -> SIPDialog::INVITE_SENT(1)
114957mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) UpdateSDPState SIPDialog::IDLE(0) -> SIPDialog::OFFER_SENT(1)
114959mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Ringing Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [Line 9] (0.0) CalledNum=622032414 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=27613 AState=Ringing
114963mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::AllocateRAS allocated CMRTTonegen resource busy 6, total 8
114963mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=1.255 T
114964mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c type CGTypeDTMF
114964mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M2
114965mS CMMap: DTMF:layTones g T[14] ,EEEEE
114965mS CMMap: Started playing tones, cp[62]b1r0 (from g null)
114966mS CMMap: cp[62]b1r0 SetOperGroup from g null to g null not executed, playing tones in progress ,EEEEE
115097mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:42 FreeMem=2596976(2) CMMsg=4 (5) Buff=100 488 499 608 5 Links=10838
115098mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=46, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
116666mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[3] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
116668mS CMARS: Send CMInformation to Child ep: ffcfaf9c
116793mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c
116793mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M0
116794mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 T0
116795mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::~DTMF freed CMRTTonegen resource busy 5, total 8
116920mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK7707b247eb29efb4ade415d3c9e1be4e
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=8df8ef9db9e0a450
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 91ab90e83d23c487b2a0add8cfa1975c@
CSeq: 1568225006 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 277
o=UserA 76016068 1941317647 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
116956mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK32faa74597aaed608d8a5a9e18a65ed2
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=094e9624d78ece8f
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 8679f58ecda36cbebea7ee857b7bfa9e@
CSeq: 1709658115 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 279
o=UserA 4211871541 1918116350 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
118956mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) PacketTimer expired, break the call
119958mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) EPTerminationTimeout, about to delete endpoint
119958mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) SIPDialog destructor ... ffcfa220
119960mS CMARS: LINE ep Received: CMReleaseComp - child->state = CMCSOffering - ARS Call State = CMCSAccept
119962mS CMCallEvt: 9.1011.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=X CMCSOffering->CMCSCompleted
119963mS CMCallEvt: 9.1011.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
119964mS CMARS: Target: Short_Code: 6N; - Line_Group_ID: 99 has been set to: CMARS_OUTOFSERVICE
119964mS Sip: ~SipTrunkEndpoint 9.1011.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
119967mS CMCallEvt: 9.1011.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffcfaf9c TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
119968mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Ringing Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum=6220324143 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=32623 AState=Ringing
120099mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:47 FreeMem=2623220(2) CMMsg=4 (5) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=10898
120100mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=44, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
120959mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK32faa74597aaed608d8a5a9e18a65ed2
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=094e9624d78ece8f
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 8679f58ecda36cbebea7ee857b7bfa9e@
CSeq: 1709658115 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 279
o=UserA 4211871541 1918116350 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
120965mS CMARS: Retarget existing BUSY targets - Num of Busy Targets: 1 - Current Form: awavoz
120967mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::AllocateRAS allocated CMRTTonegen resource busy 6, total 8
120967mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=1.255 T
120968mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c type CGTypeDTMF
120968mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M2
120969mS CMMap: DTMF:layTones g T[15] ,EEEEE
120969mS CMMap: Started playing tones, cp[62]b1r0 (from g null)
120970mS CMMap: cp[62]b1r0 SetOperGroup from g null to g null not executed, playing tones in progress ,EEEEE
122175mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKbbc540ee702c1afb81deae91c9cee531
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=d3481813512a3f97
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576170 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
I'm trying to configure a SIP line in my SOE, but I can not work properly. I tried many configurations but does not work. I come out or call me.
I changed my route IP configurations, ARS, LAN 1. What we do know is that the line is ok configured sip.
I'M from Spain. The sip provider is AWAVOZ. Is certifiqued provided for avaya.
********** SysMonitor v7.0 (8) **********
********** contact made with at 13:35:50 11/12/2009 **********
********** System ( has been up and running for 56secs(56734mS) **********
********** Warning: TEXT File Logging selected **********
********** Warning: TEXT Logging to File STOPPED on 11/12/2009 13:35:50 **********
56734mS PRN: Monitor Started IP= IP 401 NG 4.2(23) 00E00701E73D
(IP Office: Supports Unicode, System Locale is esp)
56735mS PRN: LAW=A PRI=0, BRI=4, ALOG=4, ADSL=0 VCOMP=16, MDM=0, WAN=0, MODU=0 LANM=0 CkSRC=5 VMAIL=1(VER=3 TYP=1) CALLS=0(TOT=0)
57093mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:19:44 FreeMem=2627592(2) CMMsg=2 (3) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=537
57093mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=46, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
60156mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKb14604af32f703a6ff9accd28ad74ad0
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=1a297a385648b4f7
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576169 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
61599mS ISDNL1Evt: v=5 peb=5,F3 F7
61599mS PRN: T4 Started
61604mS ISDNL1Evt: v=5 peb=5,UnLocked
61604mS PRN: Lock To Internal Clock,BEFORE CLK_CTL = 0x00
61605mS PRN: Lock To Internal Clock,BEFORE CLK_CTL = 0x00
61605mS PRN: Lock To Internal Clock,AFTER CLK_CTL = 0x08
61606mS PRN: Lock To Internal Clock, AFTER CLK_CTL = 0x08
62349mS ISDNL1Evt: v=5 peb=5,PHDI
62350mS ISDNL3Evt: v=5 p1=5,p2=1001,p3=5,p4=127,s1=
62350mS PRN: T4 Timeout
64593mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:19:52 FreeMem=2618592(2) CMMsg=2 (3) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=534
64593mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=43, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
75702mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffc99844 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=0
75703mS CMCallEvt: CREATE CALL:1 (ffc993d4)
75703mS CMCallEvt: 0.1005.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffc983c4 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=0
75712mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->1004 )
75712mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect Calling[299] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
75713mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 1 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSIdle->CMCSDialInitiated
75713mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Connected old=Idle,0,0,Inalambrico
75715mS CMTARGET: 0.1004.0 1 Inalambrico.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party= sub= calling=299 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
75715mS CMTARGET: 0.1004.0 1 Inalambrico.0: ADD TARGET (N): number= type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
75717mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 1 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialling
75718mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Dialling old=Connected,0,0,Inalambrico
75718mS CMExtnTx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
BChan: slot=0 chan=9
UUI type=Local [......2Pd.] [0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x32 0x50 0x64 0x00 ]
Timed: 11/12/09 14:20
75721mS CD: CALL: 0.1004.0 BState=Idle Cut=1 Music=3.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum= () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=16 AState=DialInitiated
75724mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 D1
76093mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:03 FreeMem=2586260(2) CMMsg=2 (3) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=130
76094mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=44, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
76158mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKb14604af32f703a6ff9accd28ad74ad0
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=1a297a385648b4f7
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576169 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
78158mS Sip: Timer 6 callback
78159mS Sip: 0.1002.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) Completed ... removing Dialog of CallId: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@ and State: SIPDialog::INITIAL(0)
78160mS Sip: 0.1002.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) Registration Expiry For Primary Trunk
78160mS Sip: Registration of trunk 0 has failed, Setting retry timer to 30 secs
78161mS Sip: 0.1002.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) SIPDialog destructor ... ffd1896c
78162mS CMCallEvt: 0.1002.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=X CMCSIdle->CMCSDelete
78162mS Sip: ~SipTrunkEndpoint 0.1002.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
78163mS CMCallEvt: 0.1002.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffd196e8 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
78164mS Sip: Dialog has been deleted
79061mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[6] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
79064mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 D0
79825mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
80115mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
80504mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[0] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
80927mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[3] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
81309mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
81647mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[4] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
82178mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[4] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
84020mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
84021mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 1 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialling->CMCSCompleted
84022mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=PortRecoverDelay old=Dialling,0,0,Inalambrico
84026mS CMLOGGING: CALL:2009/12/1114:20,00:00:00,000,299,O,62203244,62203244,Inalambrico,,,1,,""n/a,0
84027mS CD: CALL: 0.1004.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum=62203244 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=8323 AState=Idle
84028mS CD: CALL: 0.1004.0 Deleted
84029mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: CALL LOST (CMCauseNormal)
84029mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: Extn(299) Calling Party Number(299) Type(CMNTypeInternal)
84029mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 1004->0 )
84030mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 -1 Inalambrico.-1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
84031mS CMCallEvt: 0.1005.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffc983c4 TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
84031mS CMCallEvt: END CALL:1 (ffc993d4)
84034mS CMTARGET: 0.1004.0 -1 BaseEP: ~CMTargetHandler
84035mS CMCallEvt: 0.1004.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffc99844 TOTAL NOW=0 CALL_LIST=0
84094mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:11 FreeMem=2625984(2) CMMsg=2 (3) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=166
84094mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=42, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=1, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
86030mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: Recover Timer reason=CMTRWrapUp
86030mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Idle old=PortRecoverDelay,0,0,Inalambrico
87344mS CMCallEvt: 0.1006.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffc99844 TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
87345mS CMCallEvt: CREATE CALL:2 (ffc993d4)
87346mS CMCallEvt: 0.1007.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffc983c4 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=0
87353mS CMExtnEvt: Inalambrico: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->1006 )
87353mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect Calling[299] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
87354mS CMCallEvt: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSIdle->CMCSDialInitiated
87354mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Connected old=Idle,0,0,Inalambrico
87355mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party= sub= calling=299 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
87356mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: ADD TARGET (N): number= type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
87357mS CMCallEvt: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialling
87358mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Dialling old=Connected,0,0,Inalambrico
87359mS CMExtnTx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
BChan: slot=0 chan=9
UUI type=Local [......2Pd.] [0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x32 0x50 0x64 0x00 ]
Timed: 11/12/09 14:20
87361mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Idle Cut=1 Music=3.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum= () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=15 AState=DialInitiated
87365mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 D1
90250mS PRN: WAV Hold Music HoldMusic.wav failed to load
90253mS PRN: Deleted WAV file MOH Source 1
90366mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[6] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
90369mS CMMap: a=0.9 b=0.0 D0
90561mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
90594mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:18 FreeMem=2847152(3) CMMsg=2 (3) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=167
90595mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=43, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
90750mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
90938mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[0] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
91370mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[3] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
91811mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[2] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
92180mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[4] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
92483mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[1] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
92843mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[4] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
97844mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: TimerExpired cause=CMTCDelayedProcessing
97845mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=622032414 sub= calling=299 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
97846mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: ADD TARGET (N): number=622032414 type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
97847mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: USER SC: 622032414 2 22032414 sc=type=Dial code=6N, num=.
97848mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=51 - Found
97848mS CMARS: MakeCallTarget - Called Number: 622032414
97849mS CMCallEvt: 0.1008.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffcdcbb8 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
97850mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: CancelTimer CMTCDialToneTimeout
97850mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: INITIAL TARGETING SUCCEEDED
97851mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: GetNoAnswerTimer:99
97852mS CMCallEvt: 0.1007.0 2 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
97853mS CMCallEvt: 0.1008.0 2 ARS for awavoz: StateChange: END=T CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
97854mS CMCallEvt: 0.1007.0 2 TargetingEP: RequestEnd 0.1008.0 2 ARS for awavoz
97855mS CMTARGET: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: CancelTimer CMTCNoAnswerTimeout
97856mS CMCallEvt: 0.1008.0 2 ARS for awavoz: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSOverlapRecv
97856mS CMARS: FORM: awavoz - Received Number: 622032414
97857mS CMARS: CMARSTargetingPending
97857mS CMCallEvt: 0.1007.0 -1 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=X CMCSOffering->CMCSDelete
97858mS CMCallEvt: 0.1007.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffc983c4 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
97859mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Idle Cut=2 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum=622032414 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=10513 AState=Dialling
98093mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:25 FreeMem=2841296(3) CMMsg=4 (5) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=163
98094mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=42, Poll=0, Ready=1, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
102849mS CMARS: Case 1 - dial_delay_time: 5000 has expired - Resolve what we might have - Called Number: 622032414 Addr: ffcdcbb8
102850mS CMARS: FORM: awavoz - Received Number: 622032414
102851mS CMARS: FOUND A SHORT CODE - short_code: 6N; - Tel: 6N"@register.awavoz.com" - Called_Party: 622032414@register.awavoz.com - Line Group Id: 99
102852mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=99 - Not Found
102852mS CMLRQ: FindActiveLRQByGroupID GroupID=99 - Not Found
102853mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 5
102853mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 6
102854mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 7
102854mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 8
102854mS Sip: SIPTrunks: Make Target voip, line group id is 99 and ip
102856mS CMMap: a=3.1 b=0.0 Mapper::AllocateCodec allocated CMRTVocoder resource busy 1, total 16
102856mS Sip: License, Valid 1, Available 1, Consumed 0
102857mS CMCallEvt: 0.1009.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffd196e8 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
102859mS PRN: Created MH ffd18860 parent 0.1009.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
102859mS Stun: Info: media ports will not be mapped with STUN.
102894mS CMARS: FOUND LINE - Line Id: 9 - using line group id: 99 - Called Number: 622032414@register.awavoz.com - Calling Number: 299
102895mS CMARS: SEND Setup TO LINE
102900mS CMCallEvt: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=child CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
102906mS CMLineTx: v=0
Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=9 id=1009 in=0
Called[622032414@register.awavoz.com] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect SndComp Calling[299] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
IE CMIECallingPartyName (110)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Inalambrico
IE CMIERespondingPartyName (228)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Inalambrico
IE CMIERespondingPartyNumber (230)(P:100 S:100 T:101 N:100 R:4) number=299
IE CMIEDeviceDetail (231) LOCALE=esp HW=5 VER=4 class=CMDeviceStdPhone type=3 number=9 channel=0 rx_gain=32 tx_gain=32 ep_callid=1006 ipaddr= apps=0
IE CMIEMohSourceId (247) MOH Source = 255
IE CMIEFastStartInfoData (6)
Locale: esp
102907mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd196e8) received CMSetup
102907mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) CMSetup received, ep ffd1a760, dialog ffd1896c, dialling 622032414@register.awavoz.com
102913mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) INVITE (method) SENT TO 5060 (reg 1 primary 0 secondary 0)
102915mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK7707b247eb29efb4ade415d3c9e1be4e
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=8df8ef9db9e0a450
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 91ab90e83d23c487b2a0add8cfa1975c@
CSeq: 1568225006 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 277
o=UserA 76016068 1941317647 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
102918mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) UpdateSIPCallState SIPDialog::INITIAL(0) -> SIPDialog::INVITE_SENT(1)
102918mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) UpdateSDPState SIPDialog::IDLE(0) -> SIPDialog::OFFER_SENT(1)
102921mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Idle Cut=2 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [Line 9] (0.0) CalledNum=622032414 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=15575 AState=Dialling
103097mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:30 FreeMem=2621816(3) CMMsg=4 (5) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=10872
103097mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=46, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
104917mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK7707b247eb29efb4ade415d3c9e1be4e
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=8df8ef9db9e0a450
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 91ab90e83d23c487b2a0add8cfa1975c@
CSeq: 1568225006 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 277
o=UserA 76016068 1941317647 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
106917mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) PacketTimer expired, break the call
107917mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) EPTerminationTimeout, about to delete endpoint
107918mS Sip: 9.1009.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) SIPDialog destructor ... ffd1896c
107919mS CMARS: LINE ep Received: CMReleaseComp - child->state = CMCSOffering - ARS Call State = CMCSOverlapRecv
107922mS CMCallEvt: 9.1009.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=X CMCSOffering->CMCSCompleted
107923mS CMCallEvt: 9.1009.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
107923mS CMARS: Target: Short_Code: 6N; - Line_Group_ID: 99 has been set to: CMARS_OUTOFSERVICE
107924mS CMCallEvt: 0.1008.0 2 ARS for awavoz: StateChange: END=B CMCSOverlapRecv->CMCSAccept
107925mS CMCallEvt: 0.1006.0 2 Inalambrico.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialling->CMCSRingBack
107926mS CMExtnEvt: v=1 State, new=Alerting old=Dialling,0,0,Inalambrico
107927mS CMExtnTx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
BChan: slot=0 chan=9
IE CMIEProgressIndicator (30) cs=CMCSITUT (0), loc=CMLUser (0), pd=CMPDInbandPattern (8)
Timed: 11/12/09 14:20
107927mS Sip: ~SipTrunkEndpoint 9.1009.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
107930mS CMCallEvt: 9.1009.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffd196e8 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
107931mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Ringing Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum=622032414 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=20586 AState=Ringing
107934mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::AllocateRAS allocated CMRTTonegen resource busy 6, total 8
107935mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=1.255 T
107935mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c type CGTypeDTMF
107936mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M2
107936mS CMMap: DTMF:layTones g T[12] ,EEEEE
107937mS CMMap: Started playing tones, cp[62]b1r0 (from g null)
107937mS CMMap: cp[62]b1r0 SetOperGroup from g null to g null not executed, playing tones in progress ,EEEEE
108096mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:35 FreeMem=2644348(3) CMMsg=4 (5) Buff=100 488 499 608 5 Links=10923
108097mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=44, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
108162mS Sip: Register Trunks CheckLicense is 1
108163mS Sip: Registering of 0 type is 0 expires is 60
108163mS CMCallEvt: 0.1010.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffd196e8 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
108165mS PRN: Created MH ffd18860 parent 0.1010.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
108165mS Stun: Info: media ports will not be mapped with STUN.
108166mS Sip: 0.1010.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) REGISTER (Method) SENT TO 5060
108170mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKbbc540ee702c1afb81deae91c9cee531
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=d3481813512a3f97
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576170 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
108171mS Sip: 0.1010.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffd1896c) Send Message Succeded
108918mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK7707b247eb29efb4ade415d3c9e1be4e
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=8df8ef9db9e0a450
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 91ab90e83d23c487b2a0add8cfa1975c@
CSeq: 1568225006 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 277
o=UserA 76016068 1941317647 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
108925mS CMARS: Retarget existing BUSY targets - Num of Busy Targets: 1 - Current Form: awavoz
109564mS LIC: Rainbow token file not received/invalid from
109764mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c
109764mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M0
109765mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 T0
109765mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::~DTMF freed CMRTTonegen resource busy 5, total 8
109766mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::AllocateRAS allocated CMRTTonegen resource busy 6, total 8
109767mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=1.255 T
109767mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c type CGTypeDTMF
109767mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M2
109768mS CMMap: DTMF:layTones g T[13] ,EEEEE
109768mS CMMap: Started playing tones, cp[62]b1r0 (from g null)
109769mS CMMap: cp[62]b1r0 SetOperGroup from g null to g null not executed, playing tones in progress ,EEEEE
110172mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKbbc540ee702c1afb81deae91c9cee531
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=d3481813512a3f97
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576170 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
111593mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c
111593mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M0
111594mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 T0
111594mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::~DTMF freed CMRTTonegen resource busy 5, total 8
114174mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKbbc540ee702c1afb81deae91c9cee531
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=d3481813512a3f97
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576170 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0
114925mS CMARS: Retarget existing BUSY targets - Num of Busy Targets: 1 - Current Form: awavoz
114926mS CMARS: Target: Short_Code: 6N; - Line_Group_ID: 99 - Telephone_Number: 6N"@register.awavoz.com" - Line_Status: CMARS_OUTOFSERVICE
114927mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 5
114927mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 6
114927mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 7
114928mS CMTARGET: Group Id: 99 has NOT been found in Line: 8
114928mS Sip: SIPTrunks: Make Target voip, line group id is 99 and ip
114929mS Sip: License, Valid 1, Available 1, Consumed 0
114930mS CMCallEvt: 0.1011.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint ffcfaf9c TOTAL NOW=4 CALL_LIST=1
114931mS PRN: Created MH ffcfa114 parent 0.1011.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
114932mS Stun: Info: media ports will not be mapped with STUN.
114937mS CMARS: FOUND LINE - Line Id: 9 - using line group id: 99 - Short Code: 6N; - Called Number: 622032414@register.awavoz.com - Calling Number: 299
114937mS CMARS: Retarget result=SEND Setup TO LINE
114939mS CMCallEvt: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=child CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
114944mS CMLineTx: v=0
Line: type=IPLine 9 Call: lid=9 id=1011 in=0
Called[622032414@register.awavoz.com] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect SndComp Calling[299] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ALaw
IE CMIECallingPartyName (110)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Inalambrico
IE CMIERespondingPartyName (228)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Inalambrico
IE CMIERespondingPartyNumber (230)(P:100 S:100 T:101 N:100 R:4) number=299
IE CMIEDeviceDetail (231) LOCALE=esp HW=5 VER=4 class=CMDeviceStdPhone type=3 number=9 channel=0 rx_gain=32 tx_gain=32 ep_callid=1006 ipaddr= apps=0
IE CMIEMohSourceId (247) MOH Source = 255
IE CMIEFastStartInfoData (6)
Locale: esp
114945mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfaf9c) received CMSetup
114946mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) CMSetup received, ep ffcfc014, dialog ffcfa220, dialling 622032414@register.awavoz.com
114952mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) INVITE (method) SENT TO 5060 (reg 1 primary 0 secondary 0)
114954mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK32faa74597aaed608d8a5a9e18a65ed2
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=094e9624d78ece8f
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 8679f58ecda36cbebea7ee857b7bfa9e@
CSeq: 1709658115 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 279
o=UserA 4211871541 1918116350 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
114956mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) UpdateSIPCallState SIPDialog::INITIAL(0) -> SIPDialog::INVITE_SENT(1)
114957mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) UpdateSDPState SIPDialog::IDLE(0) -> SIPDialog::OFFER_SENT(1)
114959mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Ringing Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [Line 9] (0.0) CalledNum=622032414 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=27613 AState=Ringing
114963mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::AllocateRAS allocated CMRTTonegen resource busy 6, total 8
114963mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=1.255 T
114964mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c type CGTypeDTMF
114964mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M2
114965mS CMMap: DTMF:layTones g T[14] ,EEEEE
114965mS CMMap: Started playing tones, cp[62]b1r0 (from g null)
114966mS CMMap: cp[62]b1r0 SetOperGroup from g null to g null not executed, playing tones in progress ,EEEEE
115097mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:42 FreeMem=2596976(2) CMMsg=4 (5) Buff=100 488 499 608 5 Links=10838
115098mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=46, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
116666mS CMExtnRx: v=299, p1=0
Line: type=AnalogueExtn 2 Call: lid=0 id=1 in=0
Called[3] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
116668mS CMARS: Send CMInformation to Child ep: ffcfaf9c
116793mS CMMap: PCG::UnmapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c
116793mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M0
116794mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 T0
116795mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::~DTMF freed CMRTTonegen resource busy 5, total 8
116920mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK7707b247eb29efb4ade415d3c9e1be4e
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=8df8ef9db9e0a450
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 91ab90e83d23c487b2a0add8cfa1975c@
CSeq: 1568225006 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 277
o=UserA 76016068 1941317647 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
116956mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK32faa74597aaed608d8a5a9e18a65ed2
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=094e9624d78ece8f
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 8679f58ecda36cbebea7ee857b7bfa9e@
CSeq: 1709658115 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 279
o=UserA 4211871541 1918116350 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
118956mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) PacketTimer expired, break the call
119958mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) EPTerminationTimeout, about to delete endpoint
119958mS Sip: 9.1011.0 2 SIPTrunk Endpoint(ffcfa220) SIPDialog destructor ... ffcfa220
119960mS CMARS: LINE ep Received: CMReleaseComp - child->state = CMCSOffering - ARS Call State = CMCSAccept
119962mS CMCallEvt: 9.1011.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=X CMCSOffering->CMCSCompleted
119963mS CMCallEvt: 9.1011.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
119964mS CMARS: Target: Short_Code: 6N; - Line_Group_ID: 99 has been set to: CMARS_OUTOFSERVICE
119964mS Sip: ~SipTrunkEndpoint 9.1011.0 -1 SIPTrunk Endpoint
119967mS CMCallEvt: 9.1011.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint ffcfaf9c TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
119968mS CD: CALL: 0.1006.0 BState=Ringing Cut=3 Music=0.0 Aend="Inalambrico(299)" (0.9) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum=6220324143 () CallingNum=299 (Inalambrico) Internal=1 Time=32623 AState=Ringing
120099mS RES: Fri 11/12/2009 14:20:47 FreeMem=2623220(2) CMMsg=4 (5) Buff=100 489 499 608 5 Links=10898
120100mS RES2: RTEngine=0, CMRTEngine=0, Timer=44, Poll=0, Ready=0, CMReady=0, CMQueue=0, VPNNQueue=0
120959mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
INVITE sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK32faa74597aaed608d8a5a9e18a65ed2
From: "3300138" <sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com>;tag=094e9624d78ece8f
To: <sip:622032414@register.awavoz.com>
Call-ID: 8679f58ecda36cbebea7ee857b7bfa9e@
CSeq: 1709658115 INVITE
Contact: "3300138" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Max-Forwards: 70
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 279
o=UserA 4211871541 1918116350 IN IP4
s=Session SDP
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 18 8 0 101
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb = no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
120965mS CMARS: Retarget existing BUSY targets - Num of Busy Targets: 1 - Current Form: awavoz
120967mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.0 DTMF::AllocateRAS allocated CMRTTonegen resource busy 6, total 8
120967mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=1.255 T
120968mS CMMap: PCG::MapBChan pcp[62]b1r0 cp_b ffd50c10 other_cp_b ffd8c43c type CGTypeDTMF
120968mS CMMap: a=6.6 b=0.9 M2
120969mS CMMap: DTMF:layTones g T[15] ,EEEEE
120969mS CMMap: Started playing tones, cp[62]b1r0 (from g null)
120970mS CMMap: cp[62]b1r0 SetOperGroup from g null to g null not executed, playing tones in progress ,EEEEE
122175mS SIP Tx: UDP ->
REGISTER sip:register.awavoz.com SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKbbc540ee702c1afb81deae91c9cee531
From: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com;tag=d3481813512a3f97
To: sip:3300138@register.awavoz.com
Call-ID: 1194d9c3c0767cf03069fcbacd7d7de7@
CSeq: 1382576170 REGISTER
Contact: "Unknown" <sip:3300138@;transport=udp>
Expires: 60
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Office 4.2 (23)
Content-Length: 0