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Problem connecting to Internet via router or cable

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Apr 18, 2001
I have a new Linksys router WRT54gs and a Dell PC.
The router is getting a strong signal but I am unable to get on the internet with WEP security. I tried using the cable and it does the same thing, shows connected but no Internet connection...This was working fine until AT&T came out to fix the phone lines and now I can't get the computer in my office connected...The front computer is connected to AT&T's modem...I connected the back system using the router which worked prior to them comimg out....Pls help..

Question to ask:
If the front computer is hooked up to the modem what is the back system/router connected to?

The router should be hooked up to the modem and then both computers connected to that (wired or wireless). Make sure to reset (power off) the modem before you hook up the router. This will flush the computers MAC address so you can hook up the router. Most modems (standalone, not the ones with built-in routers) will only hold one MAC so when you switch computers (and the router is a computer) it will accept the new address.

If this isn't the case, we need more information about the setup and broadband connection (who is it from, cable or DSL, etc).


"cckens is a nick... why the H-E- double-hockey-sticks am I using a nick for a name? Am I afraid of who I am?"
"...don't know why, but I think of chickens when I see that nick...maybe even choking chickens???"
-Tony (wahnula)
Thanks for the quick response..the front computer is hooked to the modem from AT&T...They unhooked my router when they came out to fix the phone lines and only re-hooked the front computer because the router was not theirs..I then hooked the linksys router to port on the modem and still was unable to connect even though connections on both LAN and wireless is showing strong and connected.

Well, that would fit the bill. Connection to the router just means that a network is detected and the router is at least functional from a switch standpoint.

Unplug the modem (no harm to the interwebz, no worries there), then plug the router in to the modem and re-power the modem. This should get you back to your beloved internet. When the ATT guys re-connected the modem, they probably re-set it, so it took the computer address. Re-Powering it with the router hooked in should get you back...

Best o'Luck!


"cckens is a nick... why the H-E- double-hockey-sticks am I using a nick for a name? Am I afraid of who I am?"
"...don't know why, but I think of chickens when I see that nick...maybe even choking chickens???"
-Tony (wahnula)
A lot of possibilities here...

The router may have had the DSL settings (username, password, PPPOE) saved. However, when AT&T worked on the modem they might have took it out of bridge mode. What that means is that the modem is now handling the connection instead of the router. If you go into the router's settings, you can check to see if your account is in there.

If it is, then you need to call their tech support for assistance on getting the modem back into bridge mode (it's basic and easy to do, but would be tedious to cover all the steps here).

If your router is just acting like a basic switch (no account settings), then powering everything off and back on like Ken suggested should work.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Einstein
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Thanks, cdogg, forgot about the bridge mode settings. Been too long since I dealt with a DSL connection.


"cckens is a nick... why the H-E- double-hockey-sticks am I using a nick for a name? Am I afraid of who I am?"
"...don't know why, but I think of chickens when I see that nick...maybe even choking chickens???"
-Tony (wahnula)

Let us know your current situation with this when able. I'm sure we'd all like to know if it's resolved, and what specifically resolved your issue.

I'm really thinking that cdogg's suggestion is the likely culprit for you as well. I've dealt with a couple of AT&T setups, and that's a pretty big factor in usual issues.


"If to err is human, then I must be some kind of human!" -Me
Thanks, as soon as I try this, I will let you all know..

I think this computer may have a bad nic card..it is a Via Fast Ethernet II which leds are showing solid amber and a blinking green...What do you all think?

Nope, nothing out of the ordinary there.

If you really think it's the PC, then try the other computer in your office on the router. I'm willing to bet that it's going to have issues too.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Einstein
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I was able to hook up my laptop using the same ethernet cable from this computer on the modem, however, when I tried to use the cable on this computer, I was still not able to connect to the second pc using ethernet.

Deinstall the NIC drivers through Device Management, and reboot, letting it reinstall them...

if that does not work, try an updated driver (if you already are using the latest driver, then downgrade to one below the last version)...

and if that does not work, throw out the NIC altogether and use a cheap replacement PCI card...


"If it works don't fix it! If it doesn't use a sledgehammer..."

How to ask a question, when posting them to a professional forum.
I still don't believe there's anything wrong with the NIC.

Let's be as specific as possible here. When you connected your laptop as a test, were you going through the router or directly to the modem? When you tested your desktop computer, were you testing it directly through the modem as well?

Keep in mind that when you detach one device and attach another to a modem, sometimes the 2nd device will not be properly detected. That is because the port on the modem is tying itself to the MAC address on the 1st computer's NIC. When you attach the 2nd one, you must power the modem completely off and then back on sometimes to get it to see the other NIC.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Einstein
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Another thing to check is when plugged into the modem what IP address do you get? Is the IP address in the same range as the router hands out?
If fo instance the modem is set to hand out 192.168.0.x and you have a dlink or netgear router they usually give the same range 192.168.0.x
You would then have connection to the router but no access to the net through the modem. If this is IP range related change the LAN settings in the router to something else ( or reboot router and see if it then lets you online.
When I was testing, I hooked my laptop directly to the modem...I didn't try the router because at this time I only wanted to see if maybe the patch cable was bad, because when I tried to connect the second desktop using the ethernet cable it still would not let me get to the internet even thru it showed a strong connection, this is why I thought that it maybe a bad nic card on the second pc.

So, the second pc was connected through the modem or the router?

Please be specific, as requested above.


"If to err is human, then I must be some kind of human!" -Me
It was connected wireless,so after the work was done by AT&T, it would no longer connect so I then tried connecting through the modem...It was connecting thru the modem before we decided to go wireless..therefore, I couldn't understand why it will not connect using the cable now??

Did you reset the modem before each connection of the new device (computer/laptop/router)? This has to be done for each connection to the modem. If the router is connected, then each device can plug into the router without re-setting the modem, but switch devices on the MODEM requires the reset.

As an aside, what model is the modem? The router we have, but another puzzle piece is the modem type. (not that this would make too much of a difference, but it may)


"cckens is a nick... why the H-E- double-hockey-sticks am I using a nick for a name? Am I afraid of who I am?"
"...don't know why, but I think of chickens when I see that nick...maybe even choking chickens???"
-Tony (wahnula)
Tatchina said:
...I didn't try the router...when I tried to connect the second desktop using the ethernet cable it still would not let me get to the internet...

This is exactly what i suspected before. You had your laptop connected over the ethernet cable, then you gave that same cable to the desktop without powering the modem off and on. Often, that will not work. You have to powercycle the modem so that it will recognize the new NIC properly. Just realize that it is unlikely that your NIC on the desktop is bad. There are a lot of other possibilities that need explored first.

Please try to answer these questions individually. It might help us make more sense of what's going on:

1) Was the laptop and desktop connecting through the router before AT&T came out?

2) What device is broadcasting wireless - the modem or the router?

3) What was working after AT&T left, and how was it connecting?

4) Please describe what connections are currently working on the laptop: wireless, ethernet

5) So the desktop has a wireless network card installed which was working before AT&T came out?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Einstein
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1)  Was the laptop and desktop connecting through the router before AT&T came out?
The laptop is my personal system. It was not being used at this site at all, I only used it to test the connections to the modem..Yes, before AT&T came out, we were able to use both wireless connections or ethernet plugged into just modem or router.

2)  What device is broadcasting wireless - the modem or the router?
The Linksys router

3)  What was working after AT&T left, and how was it connecting?
The front pc connected to modem. AT&T unplugged the router.

4)  Please describe what connections are currently working on the laptop:  wireless, ethernet
My laptop works with modem and also can connect wireless,however, cannot get to internet at this site, but shows the connection. I use wireless at home from this laptop with no problem.

5)  So the desktop has a wireless network card installed which was working before AT&T came out?   
Yes,but, I still can't figure out why I can't get to the internet on the 2nd pc hooked thru the modem, I was able to do this prior to getting the router, this is why I am questioning the nic card in this pc.

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