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Pls can anyone recommend a web host

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Nov 30, 2002

As there are so many webhosts to choose from I was wondering if anyone has good experience of using any, as I want to avoid going with a host that has bad service etc.

I am just starting out and have developed a basic ecommerce site, so do not expect to have a huge amount of visitors when it goes live, but I still dont want my web pages to take ages to download on a user's browser. Therefore I need adequate transfer rate, and above all good support/service available, 24/7. Part of my site is in PHP and MySQL so if possible the host needs to support this.

Thank you for any help. Much appreciated.

You might want to tell people where you're from (or prefered support language). Some of us in here don't live in an English speaking country ->as you may have guessed already from our "written dialict" §;O)

I use three different Danish webhosts, but they only do support in Danish -don't suppose that'll help you much ...

Cost, details plus "my personal rating" included:

75 MB webspace
15 e-mails POP3/SMTP & WebMail
SSI, PHP, GCI/Perl, MySQL, FrontPage, FTP, WAP
Free Stats, etc.
Comm. Very quick & thorough support both electronic and voice.
Rating : 5/5
Cost 20 €/mo

125 MB webspace
Unlimited e-mails POP3/SMTP & WebMail
Free Stats, etc.
Comm. Extremely cheap. Average online support.
Rating : 4/5
Cost 1.25 €/mo

100 MB webspace
100 e-mails POP3/SMTP & WebMail
Free Stats, etc.
Comm. Quick but poor answers from support.
Rating : 3/5
Cost 12 €/mo

As for speed and reliability -had no problems so far! Also, all hostings with no limits on the traffic.

Good luck

If you are going with ecommerce stay away from Websitesource.com.
I just left them a while back. I was down a lot and never got quality service when I inquired about why. I was always given the "it's up now" feedback and short vague answers. I realize companies have issues but I was down a dozen times in 6 months. Maybe acceptable for some but not me. I go off of referrals only and pay no attention to uptime guarantee stats. They all have those.

Non-ecommerce - I like frogee.com (cheap)
Ecommerce - Cybrhost.com (especially if using Miva)
I created my new site recently and decided to go with a host a friend recommended.

Their Business Pacakge

Cost - $9.95 p/m ($119.40 p/year)
750Mb Webspace
300 Pop3 Email Accounts
30Gb Bandwidth
PHP and MySQL support
Loads of good free scripts (i.e. forum, chatroom, guestbook etc)
Loads more....

I've been with for almost a month and have had no problems. They also have very good support via email. They've not taken longer than 3 hours to respond to any of my questions (day or night)

I haven't used any other hosts so I can't really compare them but for my needs they are perfect.

Hope that helps

Steve Gordon
Your requirements seem quite basic, there must be hundereds of hosts that would suit you. The only advice I would give is to register your domain names seperately (hundreds of domain registrars too, mind you) so you have control over where they point. Hosts do change, and sometimes one that gives you great service initially becomes something of a nightmare - you need to be able to switch to another without too much hassle.

-- Chris Hunt
I am with also and am pretty happy so far.

I also used and recommend
dzones.com or uplinkearth.com

Test out a few different hosts before you make your decision and remember you have (usually) 30 days to change your mind so you can try one out for a couple of weeks and change if you need to.

<!--#sig value=''É'' url='' -->
I have had good luck with HostingMatters.com. They support Perl5, PHP4 and mySQL. rates are reasonable, uptime is great and support is prompt and reliable.

WebSiteCreations.net is another good host. I have 10 sites hosted between the 2 companies.

When in doubt, deny all terms and defnitions.
I use They have great customer service 24x7 either through phone, email, or Instant message. The only problem I have had is that they currently don't support xslt. They do support php and MySql and many other things. I have been very pleased with them. and they are also the cheapest I have seen around.

Nothing better than 1and1.com right now. Great service for your basic needs.

Plus 3 free years of hosting going on right now for a special promotion there running. No strings attached.

There database support is kinda week because you can only connect thru there interface, But nonetheless.

Another fine Web site hosting company, been in the news lately, great service all around, and inexpensive! You choose what kind of plan suits your needs, or create your own. Supports eCommerce, PHP, MySQL, CGI and more. Always up, good server response time - in our view it just doesn't get any better than Fatcow.

Dave -
I have had really good luck with PowWeb ( If there is a problem, it is on their forum with in short order and it is only 7.77 a month. They have lots of space (about a gig) and 65 GB of transfer a month. I have never been given the run-around like my previous host which never clearly explained why they would be down for days at a time.

iSeries Programmer/Lawson Software Administrator
See my progress to converting to linux.
Here is an out of the blue suggestion,

Do it yourself!?!?!?!

Have a little Linux box set up as a server with a decent broadband connection, own and run your own server what could be better (I can almost smell the sweet air of freedom already).

I haven't managed this myself yet but by summer you will all know my IP address off by heart (If I was you i'd tatoo it onto the inside of your eye lids now so you never forget it)!!

or Ulsterstudent.com is another great provider lots of everything for £50 a year

good luck big man


... why use an IP addresss, besides most of the time you don't get a static IP anyways. If you use a service like no-ip.com they are a dynamic DNS service so you only have to remember the URL... not an IP address. I do run my own server at home. The problems I have encountered is keeping it up to date, keeping it up and running (I am having a problem with that right now), and backups. You do need to know a little about servers and networking if you want to run you own server. Email is what I have seen is the most complicated (most ISPs block port 25 so you can't even recieve mail. No-IP.com has a solution for that, but it will cost you about 50 bucks a year. So yes, it is fun, but it could cost you more than purchasing from someone who knows what they are doing.

iSeries Programmer/Lawson Software Administrator
See my progress to converting to linux.
Cutting Edge Webs....

I have seven sites hosted with these guys and have been with them for about 4 years total. NOT ONE problem. If I have site design questions, they are always willing to help and walk me through some problems.

Have never lost a connection either. NEVER! A site that I moniter closely has 100% up time for the past 24 months.

Has a full range of stock packages or will customize a package to fit your needs....

Unlimited bandwidth, excellent speed, and unparalleled in reliability.

Tell Rob Scribner....owner, that Steve from RecklesOp.com sent you!

Is there a chance that you could share your code with me ? -:)-

MHUK, I use FrontServe ( their very good, very affordable and their tech support is amazing. Very helpful, and very knowledgable.

[sub]Reality continues to ruin my life...[sub]
Hi everyone

Thank you very much for all your replies. I will look into all your suggestions. Thanks. I am from the United Kingdom so was wondering if anyone could also recommend UK hosting sites?

I have looked at and this seems the cheapest so far for service and space, bandwidth etc. However if anyone has experience or bad experience of them please let me know. I have also looked at clara.net although they are a lot more expensive at over twice the price.

Thank you for any help on UK hosting sites. Much appreciated. I thank you for all your previous replies.

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