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please read this

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Technical User
Dec 24, 2002
I have brought this subject up before, here and elsewhere, and the silence has been deafening. I am calling it to folks attention again because I can't believe this should happen, or can happen, but it HAS happened to me three times, the first time by disaster, the other times by me testing to see if it would do it again, and it did, each time.
I am hoping some brave soul will run a similar test and either not meet my own experiences, so I know it is a problem only on my machine and not 'normal', or finds the same thing happens and confirms it so that other folk do not suffer a disaster - and maybe someone asks Microsoft how this can be....

I am running XP Pro SP1. I wanted to claim back some hard drive space on each of my four drives, so I went to Disk Cleanup on each of the drive properties sheet General tab and clicked on the button.
First it compressed my 'old' files, which was fine, then it gave me the options of having files cleaned from two areas - recycle bin and the catalogue files for the contents indexer.
The amount of files reckoned to be compiled by the Indexer was enormous, but the blurb explained that these were files left over from a previous indexing operation and could be deleted safely - so I trusted the message and that is what I did, and I lost almost all of them.
In some cases the folders were left but with nowt inside, but the vast majority WERE deleted - the actual files, not some indexed list of files. Docs, applications, utilities, game sav files ( sob) - most everything except system files. It took 'old' stuff as well as a folder with updated docs in it that I had only just completed, and which I only managed to recover about two thirds of. I was horrified when I realised what had happened, couldn't believe it, so I backed up the few items I had left on my now wonderfully empty drive, and then set up the same operation - and again it took most but not all of everything, deleting some things out of the same folder as stuff it left, other places taking the lot. I did it again today, just to remind myself, and the same result.

How can this be? How can it say 'these files can be safely deleted' and then delete the majority without any further warning? It can't be meant to do this surely?
Please will someone else with more than one logical drive available have a go, after backing up of course, just to see if they get the same result.
I would really like to know for my own interests, but also to warn other folk not to tick the cleanup box for contents indexer if the same thing is going to happen to them...

OK Rick, I can check system restore and the recycle bin settings easily enough, but dont know anything about the Windows Time service. I shall go check that out now. Thanks

ps, we are having a Windows updating event as I speak...
This is apparently a virus or trojan of some type. I found info on another tech site. Perhaps linking to it is bad form? So I'll just give the info, which was posted 7-9-04.

It infects C:\Windows\System32\MSVCRT10.dll
Delete it. If this makes you nervous, observe that it does not have the same dates as the other "MSVCRT" libraries & the property page is not the correct type.

A problem was noted with created files
& it was advised to delete them. I did not find them or similarly named files on my machine.

Delete the RECYCLER folder with a command prompt (this is the only way it can be done)
C.\>rmdir/s recycler

It may keep reappearing every time you send something to the Recycle Bin. This may be dependant upon removing the above mentioned files. The only other advice was to keep removing the folder via command prompt.

BTW- I am running XP HOME & having this problem.
Rick998 (IS/IT--Manageme) Jul 14, 2004
Another thing to watch out for is Critical Updates.

Some totally ignore your own settings and change them back to defaults, e.g. starting the Windows Time Service again (for PC's without Internet access this creates System Event errors), restoring System Restore settings to default values (i.e. turning monitoring back on), restoring Recycle Bin settings, etc.

We were caught out on this several times until we realised what was happening.

Hope this helps...

Just wait until SP2 for XP is publicly released. Talk about changing your settings...

tullius - interesting... someone else mooted that it was a folder left behind by System Mechanic. I did have a tryware version of SM on here at one time, so that seemed to make sense, however, I shall look into it again now. Ta :)

do we know when SP2 is coming Rick? I think Bill said it was later this year, that was in the spring....
Take a look at and for details on SP2.

I believe there is still no official launch date for SP2, I wouldn't expect it for a couple of months yet, Oct/Nov I think would be realistic.

As for the Recycler folder, If you are using an NTFS file system then the deleted files are store in a folder caller Recycler. Here is the official MS word on this matter

Greg Palmer
Free Software for Adminstrators
thank you John, thank you Greg. I shall be sneaky and wait and see what comments appear on here after SP2:)

thanks for the info on RECYCLER Greg. Don't suppose you know what the Xerox folder holding nwwia file is for as well do you?

Bit off topic but useful to know :)

Off to make a cuppa for the cherished one.

You are not alone in this situation

I did manage to find an official Microsoft release regarding this situation
Unfortunatly it is in Chinese/Japanese? It looks like it is basically associated with the Windows Image Acquisition service.

Greg Palmer
Free Software for Adminstrators
Just a comment. Please provide a more specific title/subject. "Please read this" means nothing to anyone. Normally I wouldn't even have opened this thread, but I have a little extra time today...
jcrater, thank you for your sensible comment. I put that title deliberatly because folks are incurably nosey ( with exceptions here and there apparently) and would want to see what I was talking about. 40 plus responses later, it seems to have worked - far more so than when I put in a specific description a few months back and got hardly any response. The desire for people to read it was not because I needed help so much as to see if other people had the same experience, so that, if it were found to be a problem with XP, and not my system, people could be warned not to do what I did... having said all of that, i do take your point.

Have a nice day!

took a look at the MS link you offered on Xerox Greg - thanks for doing that. At least it tells me it is a belongum ok file and not some nasty lurking. Guess that will have to do for now - I could go on a crash course in oriental languages I spose....:)

Rough translation from Japanese to English

As for this article, in the past it was open with following ID: JP418634

When Windows XP is installed, < Systemdrive> The \xerox\nwwia folder is created to the \Program Files subordinate.

This operation is the specification of Windows XP.

As for the \xerox\nwwia folder from the XEROX Corporation way WIA which is offered (Windows
Image Acquisition) We are prepared in order to utilize ?????????? of correspondence and the ? do.
In addition, because it is the folder which is protected by the system, it is not possible to delete.

Now That should make it clearer for you, I know it did for me. [bugeyed]

Greg Palmer
Free Software for Adminstrators
It is a mystery folder best left alone. My own guess: at one time MSFT licensed software to handle TIFF and multipage-TIFF files from XEROX. At some point prior to going final with XP this license was not renewed.
wot a lovely lot you are - thanks Greg, and Bill. Seems it can be safely ignored, so I will do just that from now on :)

Thank you Termech, I shall go there and take a look.
I see from looking back in the thread that John had already given me guidance on RECYCLE, and I forgot - I am a bear of very little brain :)

ah Greg - you gave that link as well you say. So you did. When I tried it from your previous post I got a page about MacroMedias ColdFusion, eh ???

Perhaps Firefox was having a funny five seconds. Anyway, I have tried again now , on your link and Termechs, and it works just fine, so thank you both.

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