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Please Help...Very SLOW Computer

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
Hi Everyone....
I'm having a very strange problem...please help me if you know what the problem might be.
I took out the Hard Disk form my PC and took to a friend's place to copy some data, when I fixed it back and turned on the PC, it gave me a CMOS Checksum error and asked me to "press any key"...I did that and the PC worked fine...but since then whenever I connect to the Internet my PC gets very very very slow....actually the entire RAM gets filled up...I've tried lots of things to solve the problem, I have switched the RAM with another RAM, switched IDE cables, changed the CMOS battery, even switched the Hard Disk with a friend's Hard Disk, but still I'm getting the same problem.
Here are my system specifications:

Super Socket 7 M598LMR Motherboard
AMD K6-II 500 MHz Processor
56K Modem

If anyone has any idea of what the problem might be....Please Help!!!
Did you put your take his driver files off of it becuse if you hooked it up to his then you acuiered his drivers for all of his hardware.
I you had the checksome error you will problery have to go into the BIOS and reset the default settings, Yes when you hooked the hard drive up to the other PC it did change the drivers but it should have done it again when you put it back into your own PC so it would be correct for your PC now
Yeah I reset the BIOS to the default settings....and my Hard Disk never got configured to the hardware in my friend's PC as I set my hard disk to be the slave....so his Pc never booted from my Hard Disk. I even changed the CMOS battery as it gave me CMOS battery low erro as well......I even cleared the BIOS by removing the BIOS jumpers and putting them back again....and then restored the default settings....but still nothing happenned.
I even formatted my C drive and reinstalled Windows 98!!!!
I have teken my hard drive out and used it maney times like you have , but never have I had a checksum error from the BIOS when putting it back in , I suspect your problem is not software issue I would lean more towards Hard ware ,IF you have checked you RAM and found it good ,The system is booting so the processor is good so lets look at the other componets you may have . If your Ram is filling up so quick your swap files might be set to low . If this is the case and you are not utilizing this correctly it would cause a big slow down.OR your MB chipset may have to be reinstalled
Just throwing things out that may be the problem ,Sometimes the problem is so obvious that we tend to over look it for something more difficult. Hope I may have helped even if it might have been a mind trigger , Good Luck
Hi Yasser
Couple of silly questions:
1- Did you put the HDD jumpers back to master?
2- do you or your friend use anti viral progs.
Sounds like a Virus to me .... I have had a simalar prob, coppied data from a mates computer and picked up 7 virus's when put it back in mine ... some virus's will slow your internet down dramaticly while it does what it needs too....

NEo81 >:):O>
I agree with Neo. I had a virus which "filled up space" on a work computer once. Delete all your temp files & cookies then run a virus scan (newest one you can find) on your drive. If that doesn't find anything, search your drive for any files that are far bigger then they have any right to be.

Did you backup your drive before you took it over to your friend's? If so, you might be able to get a third party utility to do a FAT Checksum between the backup and the current image. That might locate the problem files if this is a software issue. WinDiff is one I've heard of (never used it myself). These may cost you money, though.

Also, don't forget to use Scandisk to see if any of the sectors went bad. If too many of them decided to give up the ghost, you might be looking at getting a new hard drive.

Catadmin - New to Server Admin, but willing to learn... All help is appreciated.
If any stress utilities were performed on the machine, maybe the program didn't release the resources. Stress utilities essentially fill all resouces with "junk" data to see how much your PC will handle. If it was exitied prematurely due to reboot then the resources were never freed. The only way to free it back up is to completely format clean from a bootdisk, redo all partitions, etc. That's all that's left. Unless the hardrive controller is going bad for the eide channel. In which case, try a mobo swap.

Jay [3eyes]
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