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Phone Dialer Pro and IP500 set account code issue

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Technical User
May 10, 2007
I am using Phone dialer Pro to allow users to dial from a web browser. This works fine, however i am trying to configure the system to set an account code prior to dialing. The problem is that the ip office doesn't appear to recognise the pause being put in by ,,'s

My dial string is *60*2489(account code)#, telephone number.

If I just dial the string without the comma it works, but if I automate it I get an error. Call log is below. It's as though the comma isnt being recognised as a pause. Any thoughts?

m_RequestingCall(line): 0 5 -> 10:2:19
EndofCall_ErrNo: 7 Line: 5
rLineDrop_Line: 5
Line Closed
MakeCallError_Error No: 7
m_DroppingCall: 0 5 bBusy(line): 3 -> 10:2:19
lineTranslateDialog: 0
lineGetTranslateCaps_rtn: 0
lineGetTranslateCaps1_rtn: 0
CurrentLocationID: 2 CityCode: 01206 HomeCityCode: 01206 LocalAccessCode: *60*2489#, PreferredCardID: 0
lineGetCountry_rtn: 0 CountryID: 44
lineGetCountry1_rtn: 0 CountryID: 44
lineGetCountry1_CountryName: United Ki
cmdDial_Click: 07802498622
cmdDial_Click: chkLines(0): 1
rlineGenerateDigits: 07802498622 Line No:5
frmCallProgM_Unload_Line No: 5
subDial_straddr: 07802498622
subDial_calledparty: 07802498622
Dial_oIgnoreProp: 0 strAddr: 07802498622
before translate: Long distance
rlineTranslateAddress: 0 lineNo: 0 m_APIversions(0): 65540 strCanon: +44 (78024) 98622 CallingCard: 0
after translate_Dialable: T*60*2489#,07802498622
after translate_Displayable: *60*2489#, 0 78024 98622
Long Distance_Dialable: T*60*2489#,07802498622 Displayable: *60*2489#, 0 78024 98622
*===LINE OPEN===*
rtn: 0
lphLine: 66371
line: 5
AddressNo: 0 AddressName:
m_APIversions(5): 65540
m_Extversions(5): 0
Privileges: 1
MediaMode: 10
Line Open #: 5 Privileges: 1 MediaMode(line): 10
New Call
rlineMakeCall: T*60*2489#,07802498622 Line: 5
frmCallProgM_Load_Line No: 5
*===MAKE CALL===*
Line No: 5
Phone No: T*60*2489#,07802498622
MediaMode: 10
addressID: 0
addressMode: 1
CallParam: 2
lphLine(line): 66371
hNewCall(line): 0
rtn: 10333
m_RequestingCall(line): 0 5 -> 10:4:57
EndofCall_ErrNo: 7 Line: 5
rLineDrop_Line: 5
Line Closed
MakeCallError_Error No: 7
m_DroppingCall: 0 5 bBusy(line): 3 -> 10:4:57
frmCallProgM_cmdOK: &OK -> 10:5:0
EndofCall_ErrNo: 0 Line: 5
frmCallProgM_Unload_Line No: 5
The , character is to be used in the telephone number field of a shortcode to create pauses, it isn't a recognised character when dialled, that's not how it works :)

"No problem monkey socks
Your approach is wrong

SC = 9N
Feature = Dial
Force Accountcode = enabled

From your dialler dial 9<accountcode><number>

A simple mind delivers great solutions
Thanks for the feedback. Have tried intrigrants solution but didn't work. Still not clear as to why it isn't working. If I dial *60*2489(accountcode)# through the phone dialer I get a dial tone - which is correct to my mind. As soon as I add the number after the #, I get an error. My assumption is that the system needs to wait for a sec after the #, before it tried to dial the number. My short code is set to;

code: *60*N#
feature: set account code
Tel number: N

The dialler will dial en-bloc (all digits at once) so it fails, as you say it needs to wait maybe a sec or so for dialtone to be presented before dialling the second set of digits. Using the feature set account code will not work as the N part is the account code, anything after the # will be disgarded as that feature cannot then dial afterwrds, you need to wait for dialtone, basically that's for manual use with analogue telephones. The only way it will work is using a dial code setup as intrigrant suggested but again it will be dialled en bloc so wil just fail, you need to find a way for the dialler itslelf to pause after dialling the account code not the system.

The fact it's automated though would suggest you always use the same account code for certain numbers, so why not have the system automatically assign the account code when that number is dialled rather than trying to dial both? This is what the CLI field is for in the Account Code part of Manager :)

"No problem monkey socks
one further bit of info. We have a different inbound call handling system which uses the same tapi to 'pop' screens for inbound calls. Those calls can then be patched out. The system uses the same short code to prefix every outbound call with the appropriate account code and it works perfectly. I have spoken to the developer of that system and he is adament that he is passing *60*N(accountcode)# followed by the tel number to tapi without any pauses.

Unfortunately I can't use this system to dial out from a browser which is what I want the phone dialer for.
Wouldn't that suggest that phone dialler pro is messing it up in some way if indeed the shortcodes are the same, but if you have been changing shortcodes then it should have effected both systems as they both match system shortcodes :)

"No problem monkey socks
maybe a monitor trace....

Take Care

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
I did a monitor trace of the two different systems; The first is the phone dialer with the failed call;

295645823mS CMTARGET: 251.9078.0 2125 AndrewPerillo.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=*60*2489#07802498622 sub= calling=209 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
295645824mS CMTARGET: 251.9078.0 2125 AndrewPerillo.0: ADD TARGET (N): number=*60*2489#07802498622 type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
295645825mS CMTARGET: 251.9078.0 2125 AndrewPerillo.0: DEF SC: *60*2489#07802498622 0 sc=type=Dial code=?, num=.S01206224500
295645825mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=51 - Found
295645825mS CMARS: MakeCallTarget - Called Number: *60*2489#07802498622
295645826mS CMCallEvt: 0.9080.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f4a75198 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
295645826mS CMTARGET: 251.9078.0 2125 AndrewPerillo.0: CancelTimer CMTCDialToneTimeout
295645826mS CMTARGET: 251.9078.0 2125 AndrewPerillo.0: INITIAL TARGETING SUCCEEDED
295645826mS CMTARGET: 251.9078.0 2125 AndrewPerillo.0: GetNoAnswerTimer:900
295645827mS CMCallEvt: 251.9078.0 2125 AndrewPerillo.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialling
295645831mS CMExtnTx: v=301, p1=8000
Line: type=IPLine 250 Call: lid=251 id=14 in=1
IE CMIEFastStartInfoData (6) 2 item(s)
295645832mS CMCallEvt: 0.9079.0 2125 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
295645833mS CMCallEvt: 0.9080.0 2125 ARS for Opal: StateChange: END=T CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
295645833mS CMCallEvt: 0.9079.0 2125 TargetingEP: RequestEnd 0.9080.0 2125 ARS for Opal
295645833mS CMTARGET: 251.9078.0 2125 AndrewPerillo.0: CancelTimer CMTCNoAnswerTimeout
295645834mS CMCallEvt: 0.9080.0 2125 ARS for Opal: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSOverlapRecv
295645834mS CMARS: FORM: Opal - Received Number: *60*2489#07802498622
295645834mS CMARS: ShortCodeNotFound
295645834mS CMARS: CMARSTargetingFailed
295645834mS CMARS: FAIL CALL
295645835mS CMARS: 0.9080.0 2125 ARS for Opal: DropCall() - ABOUT TO SEND CMReleaseComp

The second is the existing system succesfully transferring out a call, prefixing with the account code;

97966312mS H323Evt: SetOperational 92 to 1
297966312mS CD: CALL: 13.7.1 BState=Connected Cut=1 Music=1.0 Aend="Line 13" (6.3) Bend="VU2499(2499)" [AndrewPerillo(209)] (0.0) CalledNum=209 (AndrewPerillo) CallingNum=01206224500 () Internal=0 Time=6451 AState=Connected
297966313mS CD: CALL: 251.9189.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=3.0 Aend="AndrewPerillo(209)" (0.0) Bend="" [] (0.0) CalledNum= () CallingNum=01206224500 () Internal=1 Time=14 AState=Dialling
297966317mS CD: CALLSYNC: cs02
297967300mS H323Evt: RTP(50t): CODEC=G729A8K(6) PKTSZ=20 RFC2833=off AGE=989 SENT=50 (avg size=20) RECV=39 (avg size=20)
297967316mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: CancelTimer CMTCDialToneTimeout
297967316mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=*60*2499# sub= calling=01206224500 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
297967317mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: ADD TARGET (N): number=*60*2499# type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
297967318mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: SYS SC: *60*2499# 6 2499 sc=type=SetAccountCode code=*60*N#, num=N callinfop->sending_complete=0 secondary_dialtone=
297967318mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: SC LOCALPROCESS
297967318mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: CancelTimer CMTCDialToneTimeout
297967319mS CMExtnEvt: AndrewPerillo: ProcessShortCode feature=SetAccountCode id=2499
297967322mS CMMap: a=0.0 b=0.0 pcp[311]b0r1 RTPD0
297967322mS H323Evt: SetOperational 92 to 0
297967323mS CMMap: PCG::AddToneGenerator g D1[1] for cp[311]b0r1 append pcp[313]b0r1 (total 1)
297967323mS CMMap: PlatformConnectionAudioSAP::ConnectVoice pcp[313]b0r1 Configure 0.0
297967323mS CMMap: PlatformConnectionAudioSAP::ConnectVoice pcp[313]b0r1 ConnectIndication 0.0
297967323mS CMMap: a=0.0 b=0.0 pcp[311]b0r1 RTPD1
297967323mS H323Evt: SetOperational 92 to 1
297967875mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=07802498622 sub= calling=01206224500 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
297967876mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: ADD TARGET (N): number=07802498622 type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
297967877mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: DEF SC: 07802498622 0 sc=type=Dial code=?, num=.S01206224500
297967877mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=51 - Found
297967877mS CMARS: MakeCallTarget - Called Number: 07802498622
297967877mS CMCallEvt: 0.9191.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f4a75198 TOTAL NOW=7 CALL_LIST=3
297967878mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: CancelTimer CMTCDialToneTimeout
297967878mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: INITIAL TARGETING SUCCEEDED
297967878mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: GetNoAnswerTimer:900

It looks to me like the key is the difference between these 2 lines but I still cant see why the system treats the same digits differently. The first line which was successfull shows calling as 01206 224500, whereas the second line shows it as 209 (my ext I was calling from)

297967316mS CMTARGET: 251.9189.0 2157 AndrewPerillo.1: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=*60*2499# sub= calling=01206224500 dir=out complete=0 ses=0


295645823mS CMTARGET: 251.9078.0 2125 AndrewPerillo.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=*60*2489#07802498622 sub= calling=209 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
ARS receives this *60*2489#07802498622 so put a translation in there:
SC = *60*2489#N
Tel = N
Feature = dial

You can only use one Accountcode though so not much of a solution is it?
As of my best knowledge Account codes are not supported with TAPI dialling so try to find a different way to get a solution.
Usually a reporting tool in the PowerDialler.

A simple mind delivers great solutions
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