We a flood in the server room, and are replacing all of the equipment. The existing IPO is still functioning and was not damaged as far as I can tell, but we are replacing it anyway. Can anyone advise were I can find the procedure for migrating? I have another IPO, but have not turned it on yet, so I don't know the firmware installed. The current firmware is 11.0. Also, what would I have to do to migrate licensing? It's currently using PLDS. Any help would be appreciated.
We a flood in the server room, and are replacing all of the equipment. The existing IPO is still functioning and was not damaged as far as I can tell, but we are replacing it anyway. Can anyone advise were I can find the procedure for migrating? I have another IPO, but have not turned it on yet, so I don't know the firmware installed. The current firmware is 11.0. Also, what would I have to do to migrate licensing? It's currently using PLDS. Any help would be appreciated.