OK here's the latest. My wall socket wires were crossed on a problem PC, I reconnected the wires straight through. Plugged the problem PC direct into the router (a Siemens 2604 4 port), reset and configured the PC to assign an address automatically. The 100baseT light lights up and the router gave the PC an IP address the other 2 PC's are and .3. The subnet and gateway addresses are correct also. So far so good! However, the PC still won't see the cable modem or the other PC's on the network.
Also, when I power off the problem PC, the port light on the router for this connection stays lit until I remove the connection from the NIC which is an internal card.
I can ping the router with the 2 connected PC's but the problem PC won't ping. It seems like the router can talk to the PC but the PC won't talk to the router???
It's a real head scratcher.
Also, when I power off the problem PC, the port light on the router for this connection stays lit until I remove the connection from the NIC which is an internal card.
I can ping the router with the 2 connected PC's but the problem PC won't ping. It seems like the router can talk to the PC but the PC won't talk to the router???
It's a real head scratcher.