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Out going with the trunk can i change with cor

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Jan 27, 2012
CM 5


total trunk 5

i have 200 station in location 1 accessing ARS analysis 0 LOCATION 1 COR 1 router pattern 1 which has TRUNK 1,2,3

now i have 50 PHONE FOR new project and i will create new cor 75 FOR TESTING and route to trunk 4 AND 5.

i want to know wether should i create a new ARS table.i want this cor 75 to route 4 and 5

do u have any idea how to do
Arvindsunny, hello again. Are you able to use partitions? You can assign the new COR a different time schedule (partition number) and then create a partion-route to specify what route pattern is used for the different partions. You then create mirror routes (different numbers) and assign the other trunks in the new route. In ARS, you tell it the route. If you use partions, you use a PXX number and anything that doesn't have a "p" can be used by everyone. Let me know if you get stuck and I can try and give you more step by step instructions if you need them.

COR Number: 100
COR Description: test

FRL: 0 APLT? y
Can Be Service Observed? n Calling Party Restriction: none
Can Be A Service Observer? n Called Party Restriction: none
Time of Day Chart: 8
Forced Entry of Account Codes? n
Priority Queuing? n Direct Agent Calling? n
Restriction Override: none Facility Access Trunk Test? y
Restricted Call List? n Can Change Coverage? n

display time-of-day 8


Time # Time # Time # Time # Time # Time #

Sun 00:00 8 : : : : :
Mon 00:00 8 : : : : :
Tue 00:00 8 : : : : :
Wed 00:00 8 : : : : :
Thu 00:00 8 : : : : :
Fri 00:00 8 : : : : :
Sat 00:00 8 :

display ars analysis 0 location 2 Page 1 of 2
Location: 2 Percent Full: 0

Dialed Total Route Call Node ANI
String Min Max Pattern Type Num Reqd
00 8 24 2 pubu n
01 10 10 2 pubu n
02 10 10 2 pubu n
03 10 10 2 pubu n
04 10 10 2 pubu n
05 10 10 2 pubu n
06 10 10 2 pubu n
07 10 10 2 pubu n
08 10 10 2 pubu n
0800 10 10 2 pubu n
089064 10 10 2 pubu n
089070 10 10 2 pubu n
089071 10 10 2 pubu n


Routing Patterns
Index PGN 8
----- ------
1 100

i have one thing to ask route index means route prattern

The problem is i want to use same Dialed String becuase the extension are in the same location.

same location using the same dial string but different trunk
Do you have different locations (media gateways with trunks)? If all the users are on the same location, you can use partitions as follows:

Dialed Number: 9 001 (any number that starts with 001)
Command: list ars analysis

                           ARS DIGIT ANALYSIS REPORT

                            Location:  all

               Dialed            Total        Route    Call      Node
               String          Min    Max    Pattern   Type     Number

         0                      1      1      p1       op
         0                      11     11     p2       op
         00                     2      2      p2       op
         000                    3      23     p2       op
         001                    3      23     p2       intl

The ARS entry for 011 uses Route Pattern "p2"

Command: display partition-route-table 2

                           PARTITION ROUTING TABLE

                              Routing Patterns
    Index    PGN 1  PGN 2  PGN 3  PGN 4  PGN 5  PGN 6  PGN 7  PGN 8
    -----    -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
    2        8      85     deny   deny   deny   deny   deny   deny
    3        10     86     deny   deny   deny   deny   deny   deny

For "p2" AKA Route index 2, users in Partition Group 1 (CORs with a time-of-day 1) will follow the rules for "route pattern 8" and users in Partition Group 2 (CORs with a time-of-day 2) will use route pattern 85.

Command: display route-pattern 8

                    Pattern Number: 8   Pattern Name: ATT LD
                             SCCAN? n     Secure SIP? n
    Grp FRL NPA Pfx Hop Toll No.  Inserted                             DCS/ IXC
    No          Mrk Lmt List Del  Digits                               QSIG
                             Dgts                                      Intw
 1: 2    4  303  1                                                      n   user
 2: 7    4  303  1                                                      n   user
 3: 14   4  303  1                                                      n   user                                                   

Command: display route-pattern 85

                    Pattern Number: 85  Pattern Name: Hlthcare LD
                             SCCAN? n     Secure SIP? n
    Grp FRL NPA Pfx Hop Toll No.  Inserted                             DCS/ IXC
    No          Mrk Lmt List Del  Digits                               QSIG
                             Dgts                                      Intw
 1: 10   4  303  1                                                      n   user
 2:                                                                     n   user
 3:                                                                     n   user

So people that have a COR with a time-of-day of 2 are the only users that can use trunk group 10.  You just mirror the route pattern and other cor of something that already works. Then create a new route pattern to use in the new "p" route.  Assign the new "p" route to the ARS entries to control where the calls go.  If you do not use a "p" route in ARS, all users with a COR that contains an FRL equal to or greater than that of the route pattern will be able to make calls.
Same location there 2 different project using different trunk same county same dail string.

List ars analysis 0 location 2

[li]isplay ars analysis 0 location 1 Page 1 of 2[/li]
[li] Location: 1 Percent Full: 0[/li]
[li] Dialed Total Route Call Node ANI[/li]
[li] String Min Max Pattern Type Num Reqd[/li]
[li] 00 8 24 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 01 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 02 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 03 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 04 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 05 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 06 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 07 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 08 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 0800 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 089064 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 089070 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 089071 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]
[li] 0891 10 10 1 pubu n[/li]

access ars table with 0

i am confused aboout the dail string should

for example

cor 55 and 100 should access the same dail string below and use different trunk

ars 0 route pat 1

Dail string

When my station cor cor 55 dails 00 trunk 10

When my station cor cor 100 dails 00 trunk 50

i can understand the partation route table but dail string there many dail sting.Should i do each every dail sting

cor 55 dail 00 P2 trunk 10
cor 100 dail 00 p3 trunk 50
cor 55 dail 01 P2 trunk 10
cor 100 dail 01 p3 trunk 50
cor 55 dail 03 P2 trunk 10
cor 100 dail 03 p3 trunk 50

should i do like this for each every dail string + other problem i have other location

total i have
location 1
location 2
location 2 has 2 projects here in L2 we need to use two different trunk.

so my display ars analaysis 0 table is empty

Verify that you really do have multiple locations in your PBX by using the command "display locations" If there is, the ARS should be defined for the dialed entries. Try using "list ars analysis location 2" to see ALL ARS rules for external dialing.

Now that you want to use a partition for a location, you need to modify each ARS entry to "split" the calls. Because the users are in "location 2" you need to modify the ARS location 2 tables for the new partition entries.

So we will make up a fake number of 1-255-355-8888. In ARS you could have an entry for 1255 (any number that starts with 1255)

                           ARS DIGIT ANALYSIS REPORT

                            Location:  2

               Dialed            Total        Route    Call      Node
               String          Min    Max    Pattern   Type     Number

         1255                   11      11      p2       fnpa

If you use command "list ars route-chosen 12553558888 location 2"

                           ARS ROUTE CHOSEN REPORT

     Location:  1                      Partitioned Group Number:  1

      Dialed            Total        Route    Call      Node
      String          Min    Max    Pattern   Type     Number    Location

 1255                  11    11       p2        fnpa                 2

This confirms what ARS entry rule the dialed number will follow. So any call in location 2 that dials that number will use "p2" to decide where to go. Partition Route Table Index 2 will define what Route Pattern to use based of the Time of Day table (Partition Group) in the users COR. The route pattern will determine what trunks can be used.

                              Routing Patterns
    Index    PGN 1  PGN 2  PGN 3  PGN 4  PGN 5  PGN 6  PGN 7  PGN 8
    -----    -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
    2        8      85     deny   deny   deny   deny   deny   deny 

For your example, lets say 
COR 55 =  Partition 1 (Time of Day 1)
COR 100 = Partition 2 (Time of Day 2)

If they called 1255..."any number"

The call will be processed by ARS and says "I found a match" (1255)..."All calls for 1255 use p2"

The Partition Route Table then processes the call and says "I have an entry for Index 2, it says to use Route Pattern 8 for callers with a COR that is in Partition 1 and use Route Pattern 85 for callers with a COR that is in Partition 2"

Then in each route Pattern, you define what trunks can be used.

So to answer your question, you need a "p" number (partition route index #)for any dialed number that you want to split and define a specific trunk (route pattern) based off of the COR.  

Make sense?
Oh yeah. If you do have 2 locations, and you just want location 2 users to use the only trunk at location 2, then you just need an ARS entry with a new route pattern for that trunk.
the station are in the same location same dail string but use differenet trunk

any idea so hard i think i will call avaya direct soon
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