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Nulls, empty string, unbound textbox, required and Allow Zero Length 1

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Technical User
Nov 29, 2000
I have a txtbox on a form that is designed to take the user's input and send it to a parameter query.

The user inputs a "secret" PIN number in the unbound field (txtPinNumber) on frmSignIn.

The PIN number is then sent to qrySignIn as a parameter [Forms!][frmPinNumber][txtPIN].

The user then double clicks on a command button to close the open form and open a second form that gathers sign-in time, etc.

My problem is I want this command button to do more than close a form and open a new one.

What I need is for the command button to handle the situation where the user does not enter anything in the PIN number text box (txtPIN) or the user enters a pin number that is not stored in a table (tblPinNumbers). The Pin numbers are strings.

I've tried writting code for the first part of my problem: the user does not enter anything but clicks on the command button anyway. I don't have a clue as to how to handle the second part: the user enter a pin number that doesn't exist.

My code does not work. I get an Access error message "Invalid Use of Null" I've tried everything I can find to do with tables, queries, etc that list "required" and "Allow Zero Length". I suspect since this is an unbound txtbox that this is part of my problem.

Here is my code to this point. I've added to what Access did for me when I made the cmdButton open a linked form.

Private Sub CmdClose_dblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_CmdClose_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As string

'I added this variable
Dim strValue As String


'The use of IsNull seems to be causing the problem.
If IsNull(strValue) Then
MsgBox "No PIN Number Entered",vbQuestion+vbOkOnly
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmChooseOne"
'Here I pick up with what code Access VBA wrote for me.
stDocName="[PinNumber]= "&"'" &Me![txtPin]&"'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName...stLinkCriteria
End If

End Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdClose_Click
End Sub

How do I handle null values in an unbound text box? And once I correct that part of the code, how do I handle nonexistent PIN numbers that are not in the table tblPinNumbers?

Please do not make an assumptions about my understanding of VBA and Access. I am a Stranger in a StrangeLand.

You will get an error on the first assignment statement if Me!txtPin is null, therefore, I would try the following:
strValue=Nz(Me!txtPin, vbNullString)
And then, instead of checking for Null (already done that), check the len of the string
If (Len(strValue) > 0) Then
Next, I would consider using the DLookUp function to verify the existence of the PIN. The DLookup function is described in the Help files.

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
I've just tried the first part of the solution -- using the Nz Function and then testing the length of the variable strValue. At first, it didn't work, but when I changed the "If (Len(strValue)>0" to "If (Len(strValue)=0" I got what I had programmed to follow the Then part of my If statement. So, seems to be working...

Now on to the DLookUp function.

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