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NTP Time Server Sync

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Technical User
Jul 24, 2006
I am having problems getting my 8720's to sync to a NTP time server. I have opened the firewall on the servers. I have setup the NTP time server to sync from us.pool.ntp.org, which is where all of our network servers sync from. I have interchanged the servers, and they sync at interchange, then they drift by 5 to 7 minutes in 2 weeks.

What else needs to be setup? What have I missed?

Avaya now charges maintenance customers for time problems...


CMS 14
Intuity Audix 5.1
I have checked all the links I can find both here and on the Avaya website. I still haven't found the answer, and I am still having the problem.

I have been told by the Avaya techs that once the change is made, there is no need to reboot the servers.

Anyone experienced this problem?

Does anyone have the proper procedure to setup the NTP time sync?

Can you ping the NTP source? If its not reachable, it won't work. I setup NTP all the time, never had a problem.
Make sure on the firewall, "ntp" (123/udp) is allowed inbound and outbound...


AVAYA Certified Specialist
I can ping the NTP source from the 8720 servers. I have the firewall setup for both inbound and outbound.

Remote  Refid  Stratum  Type  When  Poll  Reach  Delay  Offset  Jitter  
xdnscache2.izoom  2  u  513  1024  375  51.648  28565.1  769.944 xHSPSAFUT2-dup  

PING us.pool.ntp.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=53 time=54.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=53.4 ms

--- us.pool.ntp.org ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 53.400/53.897/54.394/0.497 ms, pipe 2

The offset on the network time sync just keeps growing. It is like the polling is never happening. What switch do you have to flip to get the system to start to poll the NTP time source?

Does anyone know when the NTP service is supposed to sync the time?

Here is my current status and you can see the one from Monday above in my previous post...the time just keeps drifting...

Remote  Refid  Stratum  Type  When  Poll  Reach  Delay  Offset  Jitter  
xdnscache2.izoom  2  u  483  1024  377  51.538  25086.2  400.980 xHSPSAFUT2-dup  

your 'reach' is 377 octel, meaning the last eight times it tried to get the time, it did... You ARE getting time updates. maybe your duplicated server is causing the issue... set them so they are both using the same timesource, and not each other.


AVAYA Certified Specialist
They are both using the same time source...I have interchanged them each time I make a change, but the time so far just seems to drift. If I interchange, it seems to set the time back and it is good for a few days, then it starts to drift again...It has only been a few days since my last changes, so I am taking a wait and see approach, but I don't want this problem to get out of hand.

You have to make sure that you have the server proactively poll your NTP source, unless your NTP source Multicasts - which in our case it does not.

Multicast Client Support Yes No

Set multicast client support to NO and the S8720 will poll the NTP Source rather than wait for a push. I had the same issue and this resolved it. We currently poll of a router that does not multicast. Set this up through configure the server.


ACE IP Telephony
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