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now how did this happen?

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Jun 24, 2000
I have little program where i'm testing something; here it is:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>

#define HUNDREDTHOUK 100000
#define HALFMIL 500000
#define THOUTWOKAY 200000

void main()


int first_array [THOUTWOKAY], second_array [THOUTWOKAY], dummy;

cout << &quot;filling first array \n&quot;;
for ( dummy = 0; dummy < THOUTWOKAY; dummy++ )
first_array [dummy];
cout << &quot;filling second array \n&quot;;
for ( dummy =0; dummy < THOUTWOKAY; dummy +=10 )
second_array [dummy] = 0;
second_array [dummy+1]=0;
second_array [dummy+2]=0;
second_array [dummy+3]=0;
second_array [dummy+4]=0;
second_array [dummy+5]=0;
second_array [dummy+6]=0;
second_array [dummy+7]=0;
second_array [dummy+8]=0;
second_array [dummy+9]=0;
It compiles and builds okay, but when I attempt to run the executeable, there's an error saying that there was a stack fault in module FOR_TEST.EXE

My previous version of this program worked okay; the only define was HUnDREDTHOUKAY, it was used in place of THOUTWOKAY.

I'm not sure what you really want to do with that code?
You are missing a &quot;{&quot; somewhere - a typo perhaps?

You are adressing badly, note that
second_array [dummy+1] will be outside the space you allocated for your array when dummy = (THOUTWOKAY-1), and so on....

Can you see it?


Hi RandallW

It looks like there is a typo here an extra &quot;}&quot; perhaps...
Your array size is too big for the stack(200,000). I suggest
that you use a smaller array size. If you want to keep the
same array size then you need to increase the default stack
memory for the application. Try,

$MSVC/editbin /stack:0x200000 FOR_TEST.EXE

My earlier version of the program had 100000 as the array
size...it worked fine.
My extra '{' in the post is from bad typing of my message....I tried using the '[', then 'code', then ']', to make my code look different in the message, but I think I did it wrong.
As my program actually is, it compiles and builds okay;
the error is during the running of the executable file.
Crank up the stack allocation by clicking on Project / Settings / Link and in the &quot;Output&quot; category check what your reserved stack is (that's using MSVC++ 6.0). I would suggest setting it to (4 * 200,000)* 2 (2 arrays of 200,000 4-byte integers) plus a little more for &quot;good measure&quot; -- that equates to 0x186A00 so I would go with 0x190000.

Hope that helps!

Pat Gleason

Thanks to all who answered....the problem sure is the
array size....I have an older version of VC++ ( 4.0 ),
should be able to increase that stack.
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