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Help me with this error!

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Technical User
Oct 28, 2010
Can someone figure out why I am getting this error? I am not an expert and I just don't see it.

I am getting two errors.

1>hangman.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > __cdecl getRandomSecretWord(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &)" (?getRandomSecretWord@@YA?AV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@ABV12@@Z) referenced in function _main

: fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

And this is what I have...

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

const string empty_string = "";

//hangMan prototypes
string getRandomSecretWord(const string& = "secretwords.txt");
string getRandomSecretWords(const string& = "secretwords.txt");
int getNumberOfSecretWords(const string& = "secretwords.txt");
void playHangman(const string&);
string buildMask(int, char = '*');
int computeMaximumWrongGuessCount(const string&);
char readGuessFromUser(const string&);
int countOccurences(char, const string&);
void updateMask(char, const string&, string&);
bool answerIsYes (char, const string&);

//random prototypes
void init(unsigned);
void init();
int nextInt();
int nextInt(int);
int nextInt(int, int);

//string prototypes
string trim(const string&);
string toupper(const string&);

bool answerIsYes(string answer)
bool answerIsYes = false;
answer = trim(answer);
answer = toupper(answer);
if(answer[0] == 'Y')

answerIsYes = true;

else answerIsYes = false;

return answerIsYes;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
init();//initialize random number generator

cout << "Do you want to play hangman? ";
string answer;
cin >> answer;

answer = trim(answer);
answer = toupper(answer);

while(answer[0] == 'Y')
string random_secret_word = getRandomSecretWord();
cout << "Do you want to play hangman? ";
cin >> answer;
answer = trim(answer);
answer = toupper(answer);

int getNumberOfSecretWords(const string& file_name)
ifstream secret_words;

int secret_word_counter = 0;
string secret_word;
secret_words>> secret_word;
secret_words >> secret_word;

return secret_word_counter;
string getRandomSecretWord(int secret_word_counter,const string& file_name)
ifstream secret_words;
string secret_word;

int secret_word_number = nextInt(1, secret_word_counter);

for(int counter = 1; counter <= secret_word_number; counter++)
secret_words >> secret_word;
return secret_word;
void playHangman(const string& original_secret_word)
string secret_word = trim(original_secret_word);
int secret_word_length = secret_word.length();
assert(secret_word_length > 0);
secret_word = toupper(secret_word);
string mask = buildMask(secret_word_length);
cout << mask << endl;
int maximum_wrong_guess_count = computeMaximumWrongGuessCount(secret_word);
string already_guessed_list = empty_string;
int wrong_guess_count = 0;
int right_guess_count = 0;

char guess = readGuessFromUser(already_guessed_list);
int n_occurences = countOccurences(guess, secret_word);
if(n_occurences > 0)
right_guess_count = right_guess_count + n_occurences;
already_guessed_list = already_guessed_list + guess;
updateMask(guess, secret_word, mask);
cout << mask << endl;
if(n_occurences == 1)
cout << guess << " appears 1 time in the secret word" << endl;
cout << guess << " appears " << n_occurences << " times in the secret word" << endl;

wrong_guess_count = wrong_guess_count + 1;
already_guessed_list = already_guessed_list + guess;
cout << guess << " did not appear in the secret word" << endl;


while(wrong_guess_count <= maximum_wrong_guess_count &&
right_guess_count < secret_word_length);

if(right_guess_count == secret_word_length)
cout << "You guessed the secret word" << endl;
cout << "You did not guess the secret word, "
<< secret_word << endl;

string buildMask(int word_length, char mask_char)
string mask = empty_string;
for(int counter = 0; counter < word_length; counter++)
mask = mask + mask_char;
return mask;
int computeMaximumWrongGuessCount(const string& parameter_word)
string word = trim(parameter_word);
int word_length = word.length();
assert(word_length > 0);
if(word_length == 7)
return word_length;
else if(word_length >5)
return word_length-2;
return word_length*2;
char readGuessFromUser(const string& already_guessed_list)

cout << "Please enter a guess: ";
char guess;
cin >> guess;
cout<<"You did not enter a letter\n";
cout << "Please enter a guess: ";
cin >> guess;
guess = toupper(guess);

while(already_guessed_list.find(guess) != -1)
cout << "You already guessed " << guess << endl;
cout << "Please enter a guess: ";
cin >> guess;
cout<<"You did not enter a letter\n";
cout << "Please enter a guess: ";
cin >> guess;
guess = toupper(guess);

return guess;
int countOccurences(char guess, const string& secret_word)
int n_occurences = 0;
int guess_pos = secret_word.find(guess);
while(guess_pos != -1)
guess_pos = secret_word.find(guess, guess_pos + 1);
return n_occurences;
void updateMask(char guess, const string& secret_word, string& mask)
int guess_pos = secret_word.find(guess);
while(guess_pos != -1)
mask[guess_pos] = guess;
guess_pos = secret_word.find(guess, guess_pos + 1);
//string functions
string toupper(const string& original)
string edited = empty_string;
int length = original.length();
for(int index = 0; index < length; index = index + 1)
char symbol = original[index];
symbol = toupper(symbol);
edited = edited + symbol;
return edited;
string trim(const string& original)
string trimmed = empty_string;
int left = 0;
int right = original.length() - 1;
while(left <= right && isspace(original
left = left + 1;
while(left <= right && isspace(original
right = right - 1;
if(left <= right)
trimmed = original.substr(left, right - left + 1);
return trimmed;
//random functions
void init()
void init(unsigned seed)
int nextInt()
return rand();
int nextInt(int upper_bound)
assert(upper_bound > 0);
return nextInt() % upper_bound;
int nextInt(int lower_bound, int upper_bound)
if(lower_bound > upper_bound)
int t = lower_bound;
lower_bound = upper_bound;
upper_bound = t;
int range = upper_bound - lower_bound + 1;
int next_int = nextInt(range) + lower_bound;
return next_int;

Your prototype only has one parameter while your definition has two.
you declare:

string getRandomSecretWord(const string& = "secretwords.txt");

and then define it as:

string getRandomSecretWord(int secret_word_counter,const string& file_name)
    ifstream secret_words;
    string secret_word;

so your declaration says it should expect 1 paramter(or zero if you ue the default param), and then you define it as having two paramters. Its complaining the the function youre calling doesnt exist because technically it doesnt.
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