Instead of being prompted for starting my PPP connection upon dial-up to this S8700, I get some kind of Terminal Emulation prompt, followed by a BASH Command Prompt. This is unlike any other S8700 I've dialed into. Advice please?
first of all, do you really need ppp if you already got the command prompt? just type 'sat' and you'll have terminal emulation to do anything you need. if you do need ppp, just type 'ppp' at the command prompt and you'd get it.
I'm still in the Windows Dial-Up Networking window, trying to get the ppp connection established so I can launch ASA. This is what I see after successful login.
RFC_8700_12.4.20-AV14login: remote
Last login: Thu Aug 4 08:13:12 on usb/ttyACM0
Fri Aug 5 09:52:34 CDT 2005
Enter your terminal type (i.e., xterm, vt100, etc.) [vt100]=>vt100
16101: old priority 0, new priority 0
remote@RFC_8700_1> startppp
-bash: startppp: command not found
remote@RFC_8700_1> ppp
-bash: ppp: command not found
The sat command gives me a SAT terminal right there in the Windows Dial-Up Networking box. It doesn't give me the opportunity to complete the ppp connection and launch ASA.
First let me say that I use your web page A LOT! Thanks!!!
I know that I shouldn't have to start the PPP process, it should start by itself, but it doesn't. The 8700 gives me the bash prompt instead. Just for the heck of it I dialed up using ASA, entered the remote login and password, typed SAT at the bash prompt, then used my personal login and password to access the CM software. I've never done it that way, never heard of that being a new process.
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