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Newbie: Crawling - HELP! 1

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Jun 7, 2001

I'm using the SharePoint Portal 2001 Eval edition at the moment to see if the company will make use of it if we buy it. I'm having a hell of a problem setting it up.

I was under the impression that the crawler/search engine automatically discovers docs and picks up keywords, so that I DON'T have to go into every file and give it keywords, titles and descriptions. At the moment I have copied a sample 200 files to the "Documents" folder in the SP web and they are all contract word doc. Each file is named "TT1234" where 1234 is the ref number. If I ask the SP web to Index and update I cannot search under these refs until I do to a document and type in the title, description and keywords manually. I thought SP could do this by itself?!

Please help!
Steve Hewitt
Systems Manager
Hi Steve,
You may need to run a full update on your content sources, try this on the SP server:

Open up Windows Explorer, go to Network Neighborhood.
Go to the workspace> at <your server name>.
Go to Management folder and click on Content Sources.
Under Content sources, right click on your workspace and select Start full update.

I think this should solve the problem.


Thanks for the advice. Will this work if I move all of my existing docs into the &quot;Documents&quot; folder which is in the portal? Sorry! - I'm a newbie!!!


Steve. Steve Hewitt
Systems Manager
Hi Steve,
Yes, this will work for the complete workspace. You can add all sorts of documents (be it word, excel, PPT etc.,) and the above procedure will include everything in the indexing of search, no matter where it is in the workspace.

Thanks Hassan,

So if I put a load of documents in the &quot;Documents&quot; folder and tell the portal to do a Full Update it will automatically catagorise/index everything in the folder? For example I have a word doc called TT1234.doc. But in the properties it has no title, keyword or catagory.
If I do a full update and then search for TT1234 will SharePoint find it?

Thanks again, Steve Hewitt
Systems Manager
Well, there's only one way to find out!! but to my knowledge it will work, thats the beauty of the software!

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