when i turn my laptop on my hard rive started making this funny noise (BZZzzZZz...) so i bought a 2.5 mobile hard disk box so i can hook up my hd to the usb port. so i hooked up the hard drive to my other pc and it seem my damaged hard drive does work. but i have to wiggle it around so my pc can read whats inside. everytime i open a folder i need to shake my damaged hard drive so it can release the data. i guess its damege from the inside, i was thinking to open my hard drive to see whats wrong inside. shoul i? so after struggling and shaking my hard drive up and down some how i manage to go to my documents but it wont let me go in. the hard drive came out of compaq presario 2800t. so i dont know if compaq protects my documents. what cant i do??? i need my files... THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP!