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Need Assistance with Call Routing - including finding what is the current state, then change it 1

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Jan 26, 2009
System ::: DSA R1.5.06

The situation I am dealing with is this: Calls come into our Customer Service line and they are routed to the first available customer service rep in a round-robin fashion.

This needs to be change to calls coming to a prompt for a group of Customer Service Reps extensions for the caller to choose.

I will gladly display more information as to the current setup so I can get this configured. Please list the commands you want me to run to show what's actually going on, so we have a starting point. Once that is determined, we can go from there.

I am interested in knowing the theory behind what is going on, also. With theory and some practical application, I create consistent reproduce-ability.

you need to find out what trunk group the calls are comming in on "list trunk"

assigned to these trunks groups will be a "tac"

make a note of the "tac" or "tacs"

then in asa type "list trace tac ***" ***= number of tac in tg field

then throw calls into the system and watch for activity on the screen.

when you see your call you will be able to see the steps the call follows .

providing you have a VAL board ....you will then need to create a announcement "add ann next" or "add ann ***" this needs to be valid in the dial plan first.

Then I suspect your call will hit a vector you will need to add the ann to a step in this vector with a collect digits preceeding the announcement.

hope this gets you started

So when you are looking at the trace that montyzummer showed...you will probably see a 4 or 5 digit number. That is a "VDN" In my example below it is 8791.

08:00:12 Calling party trunk-group 26 member 41 cid 0x1c5b
08:00:12 Calling Number & Name 3135551212 NO-CPName
08:00:12 active trunk-group 26 member 41 cid 0x1c5b
08:00:12 dial 8791
08:00:12 ring announcement 8307 cid 0x1c5b
08:00:12 tone-receiver 01B0104 cid 0x1c5b
08:00:12 active announcement 8307 cid 0x1c5b
08:00:12 hear annc board 01B02 ext 8307 cid 0x1c5b
08:00:17 idle trunk-group 26 member 41 cid 0x1c5b
08:00:36 dial 8401
08:00:36 term announcement 8202 cid 0x1c5c
08:00:36 active announcement 8202 cid 0x1c5c
08:00:36 hear annc board 01B02 ext 8202 cid 0x1c5c
08:00:42 idle announcement cid 0x1c5c

Every VDN has a "Vector"...a vector is a list of steps the call proceeds through till it is answered. Right now your vector probably just routes to your customer service people. You need to change the vector associated with your VDN.
Thanks for the quick reply! I ran through what you'd mentioned and listed it below:

list trunk-group


Grp No. Out Que
No. TAC Group Type Group Name Mem TN COR CDR Meas Dsp Len

1 191 isdn UNKNOWN CALLER (CBT PRI) 46 1 95 y none n 0
2 192 did T1 DID 0 1 94 y none n 0
3 193 co 800-888 Cust Serv Numbers 0 1 95 y none n 0

::::list trace tac 193:::::

list trace tac 193


time data

08:45:31 TRACE COMPLETE trunk-group 3 cid 0x0

:::::::list trace 192:::::

list trace tac 192


time data

08:47:49 TRACE COMPLETE trunk-group 2 cid 0x0

:::::list trace tac 192::::::::
list trace tac 191


time data

08:50:00 TRACE COMPLETE trunk-group 1 cid 0x0

I called the 800 number and the trace showed No activity. I tried the DID TAC, same thing. It was only after I cancelled out that I received the information posted above.

Where to next?
hmm strange did you have the trace running before you made the call?? you must do this.

Most definitely, I have the trace started before the calls . . . .I am emulated in site administrator, does that make a difference? Do I need to actually be at the system terminal and watch it there?
no if you are in advanced start emulation that is fine.

try "list trace trunk 1" & 2 & 3

But you should be seeing the info on the TAC

the other thing you can do is try and identify the ddi

depending on version either "disp trunk 1" &2 & 3..... page 3 or 4 will give you ddi list

or "disp inc t 1" & 2 & 3 this is your ddi list.

when you find it post a screen shot

Thanks montyzummer for your assistance . . . I am in advanced emulation on Definity Site Administration R1.5.06 and am running through what you posted.

list trace trunk 1 or 2 or 3 all are ""trunk" is an invalid entry; please press HELP"

I am unsure what is meant by "ddi" and "display inc t 1,2 or 3" inc isn't recongnized.

display trunk 3 <--- appears to be for the 800 CS number

display trunk-group 3 Page 1 of 11

Group Number: 3 Group Type: co CDR Reports: y
Group Name: 800-888 Cust Serv Numbers COR: 95 TN: 1 TAC: 193
Direction: two-way Outgoing Display? n
Dial Access? n Busy Threshold: 1 Night Service: 2345
Queue Length: 0 Country: 1 Incoming Destination: 2345
Comm Type: voice Auth Code? n Digit Absorption List:
Prefix-1? y Trunk Flash? n Toll Restricted? y

Trunk Type: ground-start
Outgoing Dial Type: tone Cut-Through? n
Trunk Termination: rc Disconnect Timing(msec): 500

Auto Guard? n Call Still Held? n Sig Bit Inversion: none
Analog Loss Group: 6 Digital Loss Group: 11
Trunk Gain: high

Disconnect Supervision - In? y Out? n
Answer Supervision Timeout: 10 Receive Answer Supervision? n
display trunk-group 3 Page 2 of 11
ACA Assignment? n Measured: none
Maintenance Tests? y
Data Restriction? n

Abandoned Call Search? n
Suppress # Outpulsing? n

Charge Conversion: 1
Decimal Point: none
Currency Symbol:
Charge Type: units Receive Analog Incoming Call ID: disabled
Per Call CPN Blocking Code:
Per Call CPN Unblocking Code:

Outgoing ANI: Ds1 Echo Cancellation? n
display trunk-group 3 Page 3 of 11
Send Incoming/Outgoing Disconnect Timers to TN465 Ports? n
Incoming Disconnect(msec): 500 Outgoing Disconnect(msec): 500
Outgoing Dial Guard(msec): 1600
Incoming Glare Guard(msec): 3000 Outgoing Glare Guard(msec): 3000

Ringing Monitor(msec): 5200 Incoming Seizure(msec): 500
Outgoing End of Dial(sec): 10 Outgoing Seizure Response(sec): 5
Programmed Dial Pause(msec): 1500 Disconnect Signal Error(sec): 240
Flash Length(msec): 540

Tone(msec): 350 Pause(msec): 150

PPS: 10 Make(msec): 40 Break(msec): 60 PPM? n
display trunk-group 3 Page 4 of 11
TTL Type: 105-w-rl Far End Test No:
TTL Vendor: TTL Contact:
Trunk Vendor: Trunk Contact:
Trunk Length:
Min Max Min Max
1004 Hz Loss: -2 21 -2 21

-Dev +Dev -Dev +Dev
404 Hz Loss: 9 9 9 9
2804 Hz Loss: 9 9 9 9

Maximum C Message Noise: 55 55
Maximum C Notched Noise: 74 74
Minimum SRL-HI: 0 0
Minimum SRL-LO: 0 0
Minimum ERL: 0 0

Allow ATMS Busyout, Error Logging and Alarming? n

Any more suggestions?
it may well be trunk-group 1 ...etc if you press tab to complete the structure of the command or f5 for the other options available to you.

A ddi is the digits sent from your carrier to you and then the ddi table ,in your case this will only be relevant on group 1&2 so "disp trunk-group 1" , 2 and go to the page 3 or 4 ...it may be a further page (sorry doing this from memory)where you can see the digits you are dialing and look at the destination.

group 3 is a analogue trunk group its is ringing a destination of 2345 this i suspect is your vdn or possibly direct hunt group.

the command i gave you "disp inc t 1" is for later kit

As for VDN's and Vectors:

list vdn


VDN Vec Orig Notif Skills
Name (22 characters) Ext Ovrd COR TN Num Meas Annc Adj 1st 2nd 3rd

Test Meet Me 2000 n 1 1 1 none
Test Vector 4345 n 6 1 1 int

list vector


Number Name

1 Test

ok so it looks like its hitting a hunt group or station with a cover path then in turn a answer group,

try the "list trace trunk-group 1-2-3" and make your calls(dont forget f5 if you get stuck on your command)

No need to apologize . . . I will open a new thread as if upgrading site administration enables more abilities . .

display trunk-group 1 Page 3 of 10
Service/ Called Called Del Insert Per Call Night
Feature Len Number CPN/BN Serv
public-ntwrk 4 3621 4 2454
public-ntwrk 4 4938 4 2345

Vectors aren't operational as far as i can see . . . so it's probably a hunt group with coverage path.?

list hunt-group

Grp Grp
No. Name/ Grp ACD/ Que No. Cov Notif/ Dom Message
Ext Type MEAS Vec MCH Siz Mem Path Ctg Adj Ctrl Center

1 Operator
4190 ucd-mia n/- n none 0 0 n n
2 2392
2392 ucd-mia n/- n none 0 0 36 n n
4 East Coast Cust Service
4104 ucd-mia n/- n none 0 1 44 n n
5 Central Customer Service
4105 ucd-mia n/- n none 0 2 45 n n
4107 ucd-mia n/- n none 0 1 47 n n
12 *Cust Serv Sub Menu
4112 ucd-mia n/- n none 0 0 1 n n
2390 ucd-mia n/- n none 6 8 n A

display station 2345 Page 1 of 5

Extension: 2345 Lock Messages? n BCC: 0
Type: 6416D+ Security Code: TN: 1
Port: X Coverage Path 1: 1 COR: 4
Name: CUST. SERV MAIN NUMBER Coverage Path 2: COS: 1
Hunt-to Station:

Loss Group: 2 Personalized Ringing Pattern: 2
Data Option: none Message Lamp Ext: 2345
Speakerphone: 2-way Mute Button Enabled? y
Display Language: english Expansion Module? n

Media Complex Ext:
IP SoftPhone? n
display station 2345 Page 2 of 5
LWC Reception: spe Auto Select Any Idle Appearance? n
LWC Activation? n Coverage Msg Retrieval? n
LWC Log External Calls? n Auto Answer: none
CDR Privacy? n Data Restriction? n
Redirect Notification? y Idle Appearance Preference? n
Per Button Ring Control? n
Bridged Call Alerting? n Restrict Last Appearance? y
Active Station Ringing: if-busy-single

H.320 Conversion? n Per Station CPN - Send Calling Number?
Service Link Mode: as-needed
Multimedia Mode: basic Audible Message Waiting? n
Display Client Redirection? n
Select Last Used Appearance? n
Coverage After Forwarding? s
Automatic Moves: no
Direct IP-IP Audio Connections? y
Emergency Location Ext: 2345 IP Audio Hairpinning? y

display station 2345 Page 3 of 5
Room: 800Number Headset? n
Jack: Speaker? n
Cable: Mounting: d
Floor: Cord Length: 0
Building: Set Color:

List1: personal 1 List2: List3: system

1: call-appr 5: autodial Number: #44502
2: call-appr 6: busy-ind TAC/Ext: 181
3: call-appr 7: drop
4: autodial Number: #44501 8: send-calls Ext:

display station 2345 Page 4 of 5


9: busy-ind TAC/Ext: 2326
10: busy-ind TAC/Ext: 2319
11: busy-ind TAC/Ext: 2395
12: busy-ind TAC/Ext: 2393
13: busy-ind TAC/Ext: 2360
14: busy-ind TAC/Ext: 2396
15: busy-ind TAC/Ext: 2394
16: busy-ind TAC/Ext: 2347
display station 2345 Page 5 of 5


1: directory
2: call-park
3: abrv-dial List: 3 DC: 01
4: abrv-dial List: 3 DC: 02
5: abrv-dial List: 3 DC: 03
6: call-fwd Ext:
7: abr-prog
8: abr-spchar Char: ~p
9: whisp-anbk
12: btn-view
ok we need to take a step back here what digits do you dial to access the destination in question?

i have just realised i have been telling you to do a list trace trunk that command does not exist ...sorry long day.

but there is a concern if you can not run a trace and see data on the list trace tac try that again
as you really need to see calls come in make sure somebody answers the call every time as well, and carry it out on the tac numbers you entered before as if they where invalid you would not be able to run the trace , try calling from a cell phone into the system so you can identify the call as yours

Okay . . . it's my turn to apologize . . .

I thought the TAC I thought was associated with the 800 number was, but it was 191

list trace tac 191 Page 1


time data

11:44:43 Calling party trunk-group 1 member 2 cid 0x1f
11:44:43 Calling Number & Name 9373290970 NO-CPName
11:44:43 active trunk-group 1 member 2 cid 0x1f
11:44:43 dial 2345
11:44:43 ring station 2345 cid 0x1f
11:44:45 active station 4004 cid 0x1f
11:45:18 conf/tran hold station 4004 cid 0x1f
11:45:18 dial 2018
11:45:18 redirect station 2018 cid 0x20
11:45:23 coverage-path 48 point 1 cid 0x20
11:45:23 transfer station 4004 cid 0x20
11:45:27 active station 2396 cid 0x20
11:45:37 idle station 2396 cid 0x20

ok so it is calling extn 2345 and routing from there.

You need to add a vector "add vector 2" (next in list)then you need to add the call flow in the vector , with announcement (see first post) , there is so many variable here on how you want the vector to operate you really need to search the forum for "vectors" and try and get used to the logic

You need to add a vdn "add vdn next"(make a note of the number it assigns and put vector 2 in the field)

then put the vdn number in the trunk group field where 2345 exists currently.

Quite a lot to keep you busy good luck.

monyzummer, two quick question. Would upgrading definity software require an upgrade of the system, itself? is so, there is no question two. If not, would you recommend going to a newer version of site administration?

Thanks Much!
I think you misunderstod about my "later Kit" , dont worry about it a newer version of ASA will not give you any more features that will effect your PBX you would need software and potentially hardware to get you to the most recent revision 6.2 and that is mega $$$$$$ , you have a decent quality pbx and your interface (ASA) is fine.

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