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Need an IP unblocked

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Technical User
Nov 23, 2005

My computer seems to have blocked one solitary IP address for some reason, and it's a site I designed and constantly update.

The url is The IP is
I have tried adding it to my trusted sites, it's listed in my hosts file as comicavalanche.com, and I've tried 3 different browsers, the current versions of IE, Firefox and Opera. I know others are able to access the site.

I also tried telnet from a command prompt and it said connect failed. I don't understand why I can't access this site anymore. It just started happening the day before yesterday, and I need to update it as it is a news site. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Have you asked your ISP if they have blocked it for any reason?
Are you behind a firewall? You may of added a deny instead of allow?
Can you ping the IP address (may need to alter permissions on firewall)? If you can ping it, can you connect via IP address? i.e

Only the truly stupid believe they know everything.
Stu.. 2004
Actually, I remembered how to ping and it said request timed out. You just type ping at the command prompt to ping it, right?

And yeah, I had typed it wrong in the first post. It's 190.153, not the other way around. Sorry.

Brant W. Fowler
Try removing the IP stack and re-installing it on the problem station.

CISSP, MCT, MCSE2K/2K3, MCSA, CEH, Security+, Network+, CTT+, A+
Not that it means anything, but here are the results of a tracert and ping:


Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>tracert

Tracing route to comicavalanche.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 126 ms 28 ms 7 ms
3 86 ms 47 ms 86 ms
4 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms
5 12 ms 10 ms 68 ms
6 62 ms 8 ms 50 ms
7 97 ms 52 ms 85 ms
8 249 ms 184 ms 103 ms unk-426d0ea5.adelphiacom.net []
9 119 ms 137 ms 159 ms p3-00-01-00.c0.atl90.adelphiacom.net [
10 123 ms 168 ms 133 ms p3-00-01-00.c1.dfw91.adelphiacom.net [
11 153 ms 162 ms 82 ms g1-03-02-00.p0.dfw91.adelphiacom.net [
12 160 ms 189 ms 109 ms ge-6-5.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net []
13 134 ms 132 ms 190 ms att-level3-oc48.Dallas1.Level3.net [
14 128 ms 111 ms 115 ms
15 129 ms 154 ms 164 ms gbr2-p20.phmaz.ip.att.net []
16 188 ms 111 ms 107 ms gar2-p370.phmaz.ip.att.net []
17 112 ms 125 ms 112 ms mdf1-gsr12-1-pos-7-0.phx1.attens.net [12.122.255
18 152 ms 109 ms 114 ms mdf1-bi8k-1-eth-1-1.phx1.attens.net [63.241.128.
19 115 ms 112 ms 111 ms
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.

Trace complete.


C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>ping comicavalanche.com

Pinging comicavalanche.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

Brant W. Fowler
Hi Brant,

First I must ask - when was the last time you were able to view it correctly and what has changed since then?

Following your tracert - I pretty much got the same results except the last line, where mine finished at secureserver.net
12 60 ms 60 ms 61 ms
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 62 ms 57 ms 58 ms ip-64-202-190-153.secureserver.net [
Trace complete.

Seeing I ended at the secureserver.net domain, I tried to visit that address - which took me to this page:

I then tried to visit just securepayment.net and that took me to the same place. Maybe their just a web server host or something (registered w/GoDaddy.com) but I thought that was a little odd. I did an A record lookup, and that shows correct, as well as their DNS servers.

Doing a little more digging, it looks like GoDaddy owns that entire block of IP addresses. That said, can you visit another site that they host?

For example, if you type in you'll notice it takes you to some Mobile Home Connection page (but hosted/owned by GoDaddy) If you can't get to it, more then likely something is going on with your ISP's DNS records.

Not likely, but is it possible in your software (ie Dreamweaver) you've set it to view local copy only? Or within the site options, you've changed cloaking w/test server or site? That still wouldn't explain why you can't resolve it w/ping & tracert though. Just trying to brainstorm out loud here.
I don't remember the exact day, but it was a couple of days before Thanksgiving if I remember correctly that I could last view it. Nothing really has changed since then on my PC or the site as far as I'm aware. I had uploaded a test page I was working on some code on, but when this started happening I had the site owner delete those pages in case it was something I had inadvertently put in the code.

I did know secureserver.net was the web host server as that's where the databases reside, but I've had no trouble accessing it before. I've been accessing it for a year now.

I did try that IP address you mentioned, and I couldn't access it either. You mention that could be a problem with my ISP's DNS records, but I spent a good 45 minutes online with my ISP's tech support walking through this and after seeing the tracert they told me because it was not failing on their end (they are the adelphiacom.net line in the tracert) that that's all they could do for me.

To test this, though I did some searching and found some other sites hosted by godaddy and secureserver and was able to access them, like which is at and
I can access godaddy.com and can even log into the account, and access the site's control panel, and I can access the databases, all on secureserver.net, but if I try to go to file management, which in this case is a simple ftp I get timed out.

I have no idea how to set it to view local copy only or where to look for that, or about the cloaking...

I don't know if any of that helps you, but I sure hope so. Thanks for all your help.

Brant W. Fowler
Not sure if you have an answer yet, but this is what I got just now:
golem:~ # host is an alias for comicavalanche.com.
comicavalanche.com has address
You were saying the ip was I can hit comicavalanche.com, and it also responds by ip address only ( I'm betting a typo when updating DNS records, or that someone gave you a hand-me-down typo when telling you the addresses to use.


No, I haven't figured it out yet, but if you'll notice a little above I stated I had mistyped it in the first couple of posts, but on my system I have it as Thanks though.

If anyone can help me out at all I'd greatly appreciate it.

Brant W. Fowler
Brant -
Lets try something to rule out the DNS records. It's pretty quick to do right from your PC (assuming WinXP)

First - see what DNS records you're using
From Start --> Run --> cmd to get to a command prompt
Next, type in: ipconfig /all
Near the bottom of the results your see two DNS IP addresses
Write them down for reference.

Next, clost that window and go to
Start --> My Network Connections --> (right click) and select properties. This will take you to your network connections. Highlight your connection, again right click and select properties.

Now in the middle of the screen you'll see Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) highlight that and click properties. At the bottom of that screen you'll see 2 boxes for your primary and alternative DNS records. Yours will probably be greyed out if you get your DNS through your ISP - thats fine. For this you're going to enter a couple alternative DNS servers - just to test. Click the button, and add the following DNS records:
Click ok.

Those are Comcast DNS servers - so they should work fine for the testing. It may take a second to refresh. Now, go back to the command prompt and type in: ipconfig /all
This will just confirm your new DNS records are being used.

Lastly, open your browser - clear all cache/cookies. Try and hit that web site. If it works - something with your original DNS servers are off. If it still doesn't work, more troubleshooting.

* remember the steps above when/if you need to reset your TCP/IP settings to not use those DNS servers you manually typed in.
Well, I did as you suggested, but with DNS servers you gave above it wouldn't allow me to connect to the internet at all, so I put it back on detect automatically, which gave me the old ones and I still can't access the site.

Brant W. Fowler
Sorry 'bout that Brant. I thought it would work for testing this out.

Ok - let's try the hosts file.

Navigate to your C: --> Windows --> System32 --> Drivers --> etc folder. You may see a few files in here, but the one your looking for is: hosts

Double Click to open. It may ask what to open it with. You can select Notepad. It should look like this:

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host localhost

Basically, there is usually only one entry in here (the - everything that has the # are comments) If there are other IPs, you can remove those entries. Remember to backup/copy & paste your info in case you need to re-add it later. Sometimes w/spyware this file can get messed up.

As a 2nd option, you can attempt to add your web page in this file - this can act as an override of your DNS entries. For example, under the entry, you'd add the following: comicavalanche.com
Actually I already tried that. Currently it lists the and the comicavalanche ones and no others, but I still can't access. Man, I appreciate all your help, I just hope we come across something that works.

Brant W. Fowler
Just to make sure, here is the file:

# Copyright © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host
# localhost comicavalanche.com

Brant W. Fowler

Maybe that's the issue. Have you tried removing the comicavalanche.com one from that hosts file? Once removed, reboot and give that a try.

Other things to look at -
Start --> Control Panel --> Firewall
Just to look around and see if there is anything in the blocked/exception lists. Or perhaps adding your browser as an exception.

Run a Adware/Spyware program - see if something is outta whack. Antivirus scan.

Is there another PC where you're located that you could try to hit this web page from?

Kinda reaching at ideas, but you never know.
Good luck.
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