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Music Play List 3

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Technical User
Jun 12, 2001
Ok, each time I come here I'm in deeper and more confused. Maybe someday I can stop being confused and be able to help others instead out but until then here's my questions.

I'm making a site w/ a song play list. My problems are:

A. The .swf file is too big to host (over tripod which before I found to hold some of the biggest files of anywhere), 20+megs. My solution would be to host the songs seperately and link them through HTML to the flash site but I don't know if this is possible since I wanna be able to pic the song through flash. My other solution would be if there's any chance I could make a couple different movies for the songs and then link them seemlessly to each other. But is that possible?

B. Who could host this thing if those ideas are no goes? And how much would I have to shell out to host this honker of a file?

and C. Is there any smaller file form to use on flash besides MP3? I know WMA is smaller but flash doesn't support it (I threw a fit when I noticed that).

What can I do?

ok but it doesn't play at all when I test it.... ??? Do I Will it just not play when I publish it and I have to do the movie test on it?

I'm so close,
oh, it doesn't play when I do the test (cntrl+enter) either btw

Anybody know why?
ok...look at the layer that holds your mp3... it is probably only showing a little blue line on the first frame... right? You have to add frames all the way to the end of the music on the mp3 layer in order for it to work.

scroll all the way to the right and hit F5.. scroll al the way to the right and hit F5 again... keep doing this until you get to the end of the music... Make sure you delete all the frames in the mp3 layer that are past the music(blue line)if you happen to add too many. Ya' Gotta Love It!
k, I had a feeling that might be it but it just didn't make any sense to me. Thanks for the help.
Is there any way to reduce the filesize (again) from this? The filesize for this swf file doubled when I added movie clips for these songs (I've got 5 of em on it now). I had to add about 4000 frames for each song btw.
have you considered only putting one song per swf file and doing a loadMovie action as needed?

That is definitely the way I would handle a play list.

You would basically have one main swf and it would have a list of all the songs. When a user clicked on the song it would load that selected swf and begin to play the music contained within that swf.

Just an idea. Ya' Gotta Love It!
i was gona say the same thing jeff..load them all externaly in a seperate swf..seems like the best way to get the job done..that file is gona be way to big no matter what you do to it..break each song into a seperate swf and load them in like that..will be a few files but hey take the good with the bad..

So are you saying to have it when they click on it to open up a new window with the new swf for the song? Or do you mean for it to change over to another swf containing the entire site and that 1 song, and have one of these per song? The 1st of those sounds suspect if your suggesting it, since it seems most people would close the window as soon as it pops up (if they're anything like me).


p.s. This thread is getting way too long, hehe.
no jeremy you would have the sound in a swf by itself..you would have a scene with all the buttons for the links to the sound files in the original movie..have a on and off button that loads and unloads the sound files into level 1 thru whatever you need..

button that calls the sound file:

on (release) {
loadMovieNum (" 1);

you are calling the sound file into your movie onto level one, o is the level of the original..don't worrie about the colorbackground of the swf that your loading into the original..all loaded movie backgrounds become invisible..so all you will have is the music playing..

the button that closes the sound file:

on (release) {
unloadMovieNum (1);
then just repeat the steps for all the files you have..

do you understand?


WOOHOO!!! Your tha man, virt2001!! That's kicks! Between you and Jeff I got this thing working sweet as heck. Thanks to everybody that helped out, especially you 2.

I wanna thank my bueatiful wife, my 4 kids, mom and dad, the makers of flash, whoever invented the mp3 file format, I also wanna thank god for making computers and Bill Gates for making it possible for almost ever man on earth to have their computers crash on them indiscriminately. Thank you all.

The site's not near done yet but the playlist is up.

If any of you guys are on dial-up and have problems the please let me know so I can increase the buffer on the songs.

Thanks again guys,

Yes I'm on dial-up (Sheeeeeeeeeeesh!), but sorry to report I can see your mp3 (well a bunch of letters and numbers)... But I can't hear it!
Sure that's the good link?

its working fine on my end... but here's the catch...I have cable!

I have been set free from the bonds that once held me captive....dial Up!

lots of letters and numbers, eh??!! Ya' Gotta Love It!
fine on my side as well..weird..

might be better if it were embedded in a html file. Even with cable it takes about 4 seconds for the music to start playing. Ya' Gotta Love It!
hey you two do me a favor and check this out..it's a new templet i'm working on..no where near finished yet though..see what ya think..170k with no preloader yet so be patient..

won't get much bigger though..a couple more buttons that will be it..the rest will be loaded externaly..

plus i'm working on my first real intro for the next few days..

I like the layout and the color scheme... did you do all the graphics work yourself? Ya' Gotta Love It!
yep..all me..all night last night ..

You know, if I went to your site and saw any of my work on your page I'd be excited at first, then upset to note that there's no way to contact me or obtain my work. I understand that these are your favorite songs or whatever, and whether I like them or not, there should be some sort of credit thing to where you could at least get the album or find out what album it's on. I'd be angry if my music was up without a link to me, and if you really like these artist's work, then you should spread the word about them.

Give some props,

Yep! Workin' now! +/- 10seconds on 56K connected at 45.33bps! Watch out for those capital letters in links!

The problem is... I only see letters & numbers on Carl's site now! Kidding Carl!


what did ya think old..better then the other templet?

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