I'm trying to model a hand with splines from start to finish, and then apply patches for the skin. I was following along with a tutorial. I'm going to give it another whirl, I think I'm just expecting things to be too easy. I guess what I was wondering was if this is the best method for this type of modeling or should I look for a plug in.
Thanks again
Im' definately not a god...
Personally, I believe that polygon modeling of a hand is the easiest method. It can give the basic hand shape fairly quickly. If you need a tutorial on this there is a good one at 3dcafe.com.
If you are looking to utilize patch modeling (I am assuming that you are using Surface tools, and not nurbs patches), that might be a more difficult. Remember that a patch can only have 3 or 4 sides. Max won't apply a patch otherwise, and will leave holes in your mesh once you apply the Surface modifier.
Can you give a link to the Tutorial you are using?
yeah Azh is right box modeling would be the quickest and easyest way of doing that... but its a question of how much detail you would like to have
lol i'm also a bit confuzed... with the different lingo people use... which exactly are you trying to use... Splines w/ a skin modifer... Nurbs... Patches... ect? I Em Not A God
I Em An Animator
ICQ 59238403
MSN azmaramza@hotmail.com
Here is the link to the tutorial on creating a hand using polygon modeling. This is from 3dcafe. This is a decent tutorial for those just starting out with Max modelling. Let me know if you need a better one.
AZ, you are right though. With all the different lingo that people use, it is a wonder we can still talk to one another.
Personally, I use Maya as my preference in modeling / animation software (switching from Max a few years ago), so I wind up using Maya terms alot. This makes it hard sometimes remembering where stuff is in Max and how to explain it when I do remember. If I ever leave anyone confused, just call me on it and I will try to be clearer and more accurate.
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