I've got a Mitel SX-200 ICP that while in Night mode will not forward a call the the general voicemail box. I've troubleshooted the best I can, but I can't figure out whats wrong with it. Normally when it's on it will give a standard message (still works) and says press 1 for this 2 for that (works to press those numbers) then hold the line or press 0 to leave a message in the general mailbox (broken). If I press 0 it will tell me Not a Valid extension. If I hold the line eventually it tells me the same.
From other posts I gather I need to do something in Form 19, but for the life of me, cannot figure out what.
The general voicemail box is a Message Only type mailbox and seems to work properly if I call that extension from mine. So I am fairly certain the problem is that somehow the calls are not getting pushed off to that mailbox anymore.
Any pointers are appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
From other posts I gather I need to do something in Form 19, but for the life of me, cannot figure out what.
The general voicemail box is a Message Only type mailbox and seems to work properly if I call that extension from mine. So I am fairly certain the problem is that somehow the calls are not getting pushed off to that mailbox anymore.
Any pointers are appreciated.
Thanks in advance.