I am working on a old SX-200 analog/digital cabinet & customer lost dtmf dialing yesterday.
Customer can receive calls but dials out on rotary.Check the trunk polarity seems fine.
Any help would appriciate.
Thank you kwbMitel.My bad.
Yes it's sx-200 with rev.217. The cabinet has a two digital interface cards 9108-002-000. There is scanner card which has 9110-10-000 on it.
How do I fix this problem?. Is it a bad card or programming?.DTMF tone is lost suddenly.No change on the trunk side.
I really appriciate your feedback.
I might be the scanner card I'm thinking of but I'm not sure
I also can't remember what the digital interface cards do. May e give us the slot positions of these cards
I would be thinking about resetting the system. That being said, I would be VERY concerned about the batteries on the CPU holding the programming. If you know how to get a data dump from the system, I suggest that you do so
If you don't, you have my sympathy
What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
There is no receiver card that I can see. THere are 10 line circuit cards (9110-110),two Digital interface cards (yellow tab)
scanner card (orange tab)& a peripheral card (red tab) in the bottom self & 2 co trunk circuit cards 9110-211-000 & a trunk circuit (4 trunk) card 9110-011 & I dont know what does this card do?
Thanks for your reply.
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