the ability to put a message waiting light on a phone of ANY mailbox, not just ones that are associated with extensions. Often want the dial 0 to go to a hunt or ring group and also have a message waiting light of it.
With all due respect for all the intelligent and dedicated Mitel oriented bretheren here...
ALL of the suggestions are valid/excellent.
I humbly recommend that the list be submitted now (if it has not been already).
I suspect that a small(ish) percent of the suggestions will be considered.
Of that smallish list, an even smaller list will be approved (ever put in a DCR?).
Get the list submitted and let's see what happens.
In this difficult time for sales/business, R&D will have a harsh eye on it from management. Do not expect miracles all at once. To be honest, I'd be suprised if 2 of the ideas came to light within 6 to 12 months.
Make no mistake, I applaude these efforts but I have seen the way this wheel turns...
Be cool
You can't believe anything you read... unless of course it's this sentence.
I am aware of the various ways to 'fudge' it and make it work, none of which would be neccessary if we could have a light of any valid mailbox. (each workaround requires extra mailbox licenses, ONS ports, or IP licenses, or a key on a phone you hope somebody doesn't delete as its use is not obvious)
we often have customers that want a mailbox for an ACD Path after hours.
I find it interesting that you NEVER use mailbox 0 when a) you can't delete it, and b)it doesn't use one of the licenses.
I am able to use it for the general message box 90% of the time. the only time I can't is because of the inability to put a light on a phone for mailboxes that are associated with a hunt group or a ring group.
Anyone else have issues with the way Multicall or Keylines display when they only have 1 appearance. (Appears as single line) Becomes an issue when you want to copy the key and you don't change it to the type it was created as.
I would like it to display the key type regardless of the number of appearances. Anyone else agree?
If so, what priority? LOW is my suggestion.
Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
My opinion is that Ross is correct.
It's not much different than many of the previous excellent suggestions.
By that I mean that there are work arounds or "fudges" or whatever you want to call them for many things. It's merely a matter of making it less complicated for little investment.
You can't believe anything you read... unless of course it's this sentence.
Let's face it. We have absolutely lost the window to make any change in 4.1
The announcement for that is less than 2 weeks away. A delay of that for any of this is ridiculous.
Submit the list.... Please... Now...
There are people that have already planned and designed 4.2
Don't kid yourself.
Bueller? Anyone?
You can't believe anything you read... unless of course it's this sentence.
kwbmitel - keyline or multiline
with all due respect, I think you may not have thought this one out completely.
say you had to choose multi or key for the FIRST and possibly only appearance of a DN.
say the customer wanted to set up a complaint or inquiry DID. they expected 3 calls a month so only wanted one key on one phone and an associated mailbox. you made it a multi, thinking that growth would be a second key on the same phone. 3 months later, they asked for another key on a second phone, but wanted the ability to simply put it on hold on one phone and pick it up on the other. they still only wanted one call at a time. you would have to delete the m/w key, delete the DN, reprogram it as a multi, reprogram the m/w and then reprogramm the call rerouting.
then perhaps they have a product recall and want to have 3 appearances on both phones and you have to delete it all again to turn them into multi's. After 3 weeks when the calls die down, they want it put back again.
I am not speaking of the underlying functionality of each key. Assume the key is programmed as it needs to be for to appropriate reasons.
What I want is the key to properly display the format that it was programmed as when there is only one appearance.
Currently, it wll display as single line, regardless of the type created. This becomes an issue if you want to copy the key as the system knows the key type and the copy fails unless you modify the key type from single line and guess correctly what type it was created as.
Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
I keep getting asked to do this these days and the 3300 does not have an easy/graceful/fault-free way to do it.
The system needs a way for ACD queues to have a Pre-Announce Greeting that will play before the caller is presented to the agents. My sites that request this have reporting packages and they want the time tracked including the message.
I currently have a work around in place but it has flaws.
Anyone else have this challenge, have a solution?
Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
I was aware of the CCM softphone solution but temporarily forgot. if memory serves the agent MUST be a softphone for the Pre-announce which eliminates its viability for me.
Most of my sites that want this ability do not have CCM either.
It seems a simple matter to me to have a Rad play before offering to the agents.
Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
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