Hi everyone here with more freaky things on my mitel network , it must be the end of year curse jeje
last sunday a power failure on my office occur so my ups came into action the bad thing is that they just last 12 hours and the power failure take more than that to get fix by the power company provider.So here the troubles comes , on monday i came to work see what happens and ohh surprise i found the 3 alarms leds blinking red and the hard disk led on ,this one never stop blink...So first thing i do was reset the mitel server then just do the same thing.
I connect the maintenance port to my computer to see what happens , and heres what i got
MPC8260 MMC-B POST (Power-On Self-Test) Ver 2.8
Copyright 09/12/2002 Mitel Networks
Power-On Self-Test:
MPC8260 Initialized from Reset -> Reserved Areas in SDRAM will be skipped
EXTERNAL SDRAM CS1 Data Bit Walk............... PASSED
EXTERNAL SDRAM CS2 Data Bit Walk............... PASSED
LOCAL SDRAM Data Bit Walk...................... PASSED
CPLD MMC and ATA2 16bit Data Bit Walk.......... PASSED
EXTERNAL SDRAM CS1 Address Walk1 and Walk0..... PASSED
EXTERNAL SDRAM CS2 Address Walk1 and Walk0..... PASSED
LOCAL SDRAM Address Walk1 and Walk0............ PASSED
LOCAL SDRAM March.............................. PASSED
MPC8260 Power-On Self-Tests PASSED
Status Information:
MPC8260 -> PARTNUM: 0x00 MASKNUM: 0x60
BUS: 66MHz CPU: 297MHz CPM: 165MHz
CCA: 56003040 RB.2 MAC ADDRESS: 08000F1191F0 SLOT: 0
VxWorks System Boot
Copyright 1984-1998 Wind River Systems, Inc.
CPU: Embedded cc8260: 3300 Controller Lite
Version: 5.4
BSP version: 1.2/4
Creation date: Jan 13 2003, 20:44:39
Press any key to stop auto-boot...
boot device : ata=0,0
unit number : 0
processor number : 0
host name : bootHost
file name : /sysro/lite8260
inet on ethernet (e) :
inet on backplane (b):
host inet (h) :
gateway inet (g) :
user (u) : '.'
ftp password (pw) : '.'
flags (f) : 0x0
other (o) : motfcc
Attaching to ATA-FAT disk device... done.
Loading /sysro/lite8260...50537792
Starting at 0x10000...
Attached TCP/IP interface to motfcc unit 0
Attaching interface lo0...done
Unable to add route to; errno = 0xffffffff.
Adding 101970 symbols for standalone.
/sysro/ - disk check in progress ...
dosChkLib : CLOCK_REALTIME is being reset to SUN DEC 03 11:43:44 2017
Value obtained from file system volume descriptor pointer: 0xebd6d20
The old setting was THU JAN 01 00:30:43 1970
Accepted system dates are greater than THU DEC 27 00:00:00 1990
/sysro/ - Volume is OK
total # of clusters: 401,396
# of free clusters: 354,403
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 1,384 Mb
max contiguous free space: 1,267,957,760 bytes
# of files: 7,325
# of folders: 314
total bytes in files: 166,197 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0
Last reset cause was (0x3) EXTERNAL_HARD_RESET
Press ENTER key to stop appStartup...
...invoking appStartup
/db/ - disk check in progress ...
/db/ - Volume is OK
total # of clusters: 1,101,790
# of free clusters: 1,027,824
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 4,014 Mb
max contiguous free space: 4,129,243,136 bytes
# of files: 84
# of folders: 13
total bytes in files: 295,647 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0
There is no host relink.
There is no relink on the disk.
MnLib::MnStlCachedAllocator initialized.
-> (Initialization issues if this message is seen twice.)
relink_call_ctors start
relink_call_ctors done
volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0xebd6d20
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0xebdca98
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR | DOS_CHK_VERB_1
max # of simultaneously open files: 62
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0
current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0x1dd0000
- total number of sectors: 3,217,473
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 8
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 3,143
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 6,318
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- root dir start cluster: 2
FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 41 clusters
- free space on volume: 1,451,634,688 bytes
volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0xebb3db8
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0xebb3e90
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR | DOS_CHK_VERB_1
max # of simultaneously open files: 62
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0
current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0xa8870000
- total number of sectors: 8,831,592
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 8
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 8,625
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 17,282
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- root dir start cluster: 2
FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 111 clusters
- free space on volume: 4,209,979,392 bytes
/vmail/ - disk check in progress ...
/vmail/ - Volume is OK
total # of clusters: 1,804,697
# of free clusters: 1,780,178
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 13,907 Mb
max contiguous free space: 14,570,708,994 bytes
# of files: 150
# of folders: 46
total bytes in files: 195,199 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0
volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0xeb30e50
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0xeb30f28
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR | DOS_CHK_VERB_1
max # of simultaneously open files: 62
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0
current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0xa9510000
- total number of sectors: 28,903,392
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 16
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 14,113
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 28,258
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- root dir start cluster: 2
FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 181 clusters
- free space on volume: 14,583,218,178 bytes
MiSslInit(): entry
MiSeedRand(): Start RandStatus = 0
MiSeedRand(): End RandStatus = 1
VxWorks time set on Rtc.
OtpLogs_Toggle: The following software logs are enabled:
OtpMaintenanceLogs_Toggle: The following maintenance logs are enabled:
rocessArguments - (option -debug)
Debug level set to level 0 -> OSA_ERROR_SEVERITY
SysServices::appStartup: Logs to be redirected to DataServices!
0xe1ec000 (tAppStartup): disk cache error: device ebb3e90 block -1 errno c0003,
disk read failed
copy: error reading file after copying 196608 bytes.
Failed to backup the software log db file
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/hdrswlog.db
*** WARNING: Startup incomplete after 1800.000 sec. Task StartupHwRst resetting
system. ***
06/12/27 12:08:20 - HardResetHookExecute called by task: StartupHwRst
End HardResetHookExecute
hope this can guide u guys to give an answer ,ill really appreciate.
Im worry about it cause i dont have any backup of that ,and that server administer my YA licences.
I have read already the log but im no resign to lost my HD and my database ..i want some pro advise.
tanx in advanced
forgive my spell
last sunday a power failure on my office occur so my ups came into action the bad thing is that they just last 12 hours and the power failure take more than that to get fix by the power company provider.So here the troubles comes , on monday i came to work see what happens and ohh surprise i found the 3 alarms leds blinking red and the hard disk led on ,this one never stop blink...So first thing i do was reset the mitel server then just do the same thing.
I connect the maintenance port to my computer to see what happens , and heres what i got
MPC8260 MMC-B POST (Power-On Self-Test) Ver 2.8
Copyright 09/12/2002 Mitel Networks
Power-On Self-Test:
MPC8260 Initialized from Reset -> Reserved Areas in SDRAM will be skipped
EXTERNAL SDRAM CS1 Data Bit Walk............... PASSED
EXTERNAL SDRAM CS2 Data Bit Walk............... PASSED
LOCAL SDRAM Data Bit Walk...................... PASSED
CPLD MMC and ATA2 16bit Data Bit Walk.......... PASSED
EXTERNAL SDRAM CS1 Address Walk1 and Walk0..... PASSED
EXTERNAL SDRAM CS2 Address Walk1 and Walk0..... PASSED
LOCAL SDRAM Address Walk1 and Walk0............ PASSED
LOCAL SDRAM March.............................. PASSED
MPC8260 Power-On Self-Tests PASSED
Status Information:
MPC8260 -> PARTNUM: 0x00 MASKNUM: 0x60
BUS: 66MHz CPU: 297MHz CPM: 165MHz
CCA: 56003040 RB.2 MAC ADDRESS: 08000F1191F0 SLOT: 0
VxWorks System Boot
Copyright 1984-1998 Wind River Systems, Inc.
CPU: Embedded cc8260: 3300 Controller Lite
Version: 5.4
BSP version: 1.2/4
Creation date: Jan 13 2003, 20:44:39
Press any key to stop auto-boot...
boot device : ata=0,0
unit number : 0
processor number : 0
host name : bootHost
file name : /sysro/lite8260
inet on ethernet (e) :
inet on backplane (b):
host inet (h) :
gateway inet (g) :
user (u) : '.'
ftp password (pw) : '.'
flags (f) : 0x0
other (o) : motfcc
Attaching to ATA-FAT disk device... done.
Loading /sysro/lite8260...50537792
Starting at 0x10000...
Attached TCP/IP interface to motfcc unit 0
Attaching interface lo0...done
Unable to add route to; errno = 0xffffffff.
Adding 101970 symbols for standalone.
/sysro/ - disk check in progress ...
dosChkLib : CLOCK_REALTIME is being reset to SUN DEC 03 11:43:44 2017
Value obtained from file system volume descriptor pointer: 0xebd6d20
The old setting was THU JAN 01 00:30:43 1970
Accepted system dates are greater than THU DEC 27 00:00:00 1990
/sysro/ - Volume is OK
total # of clusters: 401,396
# of free clusters: 354,403
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 1,384 Mb
max contiguous free space: 1,267,957,760 bytes
# of files: 7,325
# of folders: 314
total bytes in files: 166,197 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0
Last reset cause was (0x3) EXTERNAL_HARD_RESET
Press ENTER key to stop appStartup...
...invoking appStartup
/db/ - disk check in progress ...
/db/ - Volume is OK
total # of clusters: 1,101,790
# of free clusters: 1,027,824
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 4,014 Mb
max contiguous free space: 4,129,243,136 bytes
# of files: 84
# of folders: 13
total bytes in files: 295,647 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0
There is no host relink.
There is no relink on the disk.
MnLib::MnStlCachedAllocator initialized.
-> (Initialization issues if this message is seen twice.)
relink_call_ctors start
relink_call_ctors done
volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0xebd6d20
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0xebdca98
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR | DOS_CHK_VERB_1
max # of simultaneously open files: 62
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0
current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0x1dd0000
- total number of sectors: 3,217,473
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 8
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 3,143
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 6,318
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- root dir start cluster: 2
FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 41 clusters
- free space on volume: 1,451,634,688 bytes
volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0xebb3db8
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0xebb3e90
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR | DOS_CHK_VERB_1
max # of simultaneously open files: 62
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0
current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0xa8870000
- total number of sectors: 8,831,592
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 8
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 8,625
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 17,282
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- root dir start cluster: 2
FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 111 clusters
- free space on volume: 4,209,979,392 bytes
/vmail/ - disk check in progress ...
/vmail/ - Volume is OK
total # of clusters: 1,804,697
# of free clusters: 1,780,178
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 13,907 Mb
max contiguous free space: 14,570,708,994 bytes
# of files: 150
# of folders: 46
total bytes in files: 195,199 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0
volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0xeb30e50
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0xeb30f28
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR | DOS_CHK_VERB_1
max # of simultaneously open files: 62
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0
current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0xa9510000
- total number of sectors: 28,903,392
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 16
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 14,113
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 28,258
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- root dir start cluster: 2
FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 181 clusters
- free space on volume: 14,583,218,178 bytes
MiSslInit(): entry
MiSeedRand(): Start RandStatus = 0
MiSeedRand(): End RandStatus = 1
VxWorks time set on Rtc.
OtpLogs_Toggle: The following software logs are enabled:
OtpMaintenanceLogs_Toggle: The following maintenance logs are enabled:
Debug level set to level 0 -> OSA_ERROR_SEVERITY
SysServices::appStartup: Logs to be redirected to DataServices!
0xe1ec000 (tAppStartup): disk cache error: device ebb3e90 block -1 errno c0003,
disk read failed
copy: error reading file after copying 196608 bytes.
Failed to backup the software log db file
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/hdrswlog.db
*** WARNING: Startup incomplete after 1800.000 sec. Task StartupHwRst resetting
system. ***
06/12/27 12:08:20 - HardResetHookExecute called by task: StartupHwRst
End HardResetHookExecute
hope this can guide u guys to give an answer ,ill really appreciate.
Im worry about it cause i dont have any backup of that ,and that server administer my YA licences.
I have read already the log but im no resign to lost my HD and my database ..i want some pro advise.
tanx in advanced
forgive my spell