We've recently had a 3300 installed along with 5320 IP handsets. I've tried everything i can think of to get call forwarding to an external number working when dial the station on an external number. I'm looking for some advice please.
Call forward type 'Always' works to an external number and so does 'No answer internal', but the type of 'no answer on external' does not work. I've check the COS for the handset and the PRI trunk and set 'call forward to external ' to yes
on both.
Does anyone know what else i need to change?
Thanks in advance
We've recently had a 3300 installed along with 5320 IP handsets. I've tried everything i can think of to get call forwarding to an external number working when dial the station on an external number. I'm looking for some advice please.
Call forward type 'Always' works to an external number and so does 'No answer internal', but the type of 'no answer on external' does not work. I've check the COS for the handset and the PRI trunk and set 'call forward to external ' to yes
on both.
Does anyone know what else i need to change?
Thanks in advance