I've really managed to screw up an extension on my Merlin System, and I can seem to restore it's functionality.
On our working extensions (we have a number of 4406D+'s) when you pick up a handset, it automatically selects line 1 or 2, you get a tone, you can then dial an extention, dial 9 to get out, press button 4 to get our VOIP line, or cradle the handset which hangs up and releases the line.
But on the screwed up extention, when you pick up the cradle, no line is selected, so no tone. You have to manually select a line. Then you get a tone. You can then dial an extension. If you try to dial 9 to get out though, you get a weird error sound. Pressing button 4 seems to hang up the phone, so you never get the VOIP line. If you cradle the handset the phone does *not* hang up or release the line (at that point, the messed up button 4 which seems to hang up the phone, is somewhat helpful)
I have the Quick Reference book, and have tried Copying Features and SA/ICOM Buttons from a working extention. I have also tried Copying Line/Truck Button Assignments from a working extention. Again, no dice.
I don't know a lot about these phones, but when I go into our command center phone (a 4424LD+) the extension seems to be set up like the other extensions, so I think I may have accidently set a feature on this phone that I don't want... but I may be mistaken.
Any ideas?