I'm setting up an external analogue voicemail system with a serial connection to the SMDI output from the MD110. Message lights on digital handsets work fine by sending an MW ON event through the serial port to the MD110. My problem is with analgoue phones with no message waiting lights. Is it possible to send an event string to the MD110 that would either break the dial tone or tinker/chirp the phone. At the moment the voicemail system is having to manually ring the handsets to signifiy message waiting. However, I heard that the MD110 does have options progamming options to allow for other ways of notifying analogue handsets.
Thanks for any response.
I'm setting up an external analogue voicemail system with a serial connection to the SMDI output from the MD110. Message lights on digital handsets work fine by sending an MW ON event through the serial port to the MD110. My problem is with analgoue phones with no message waiting lights. Is it possible to send an event string to the MD110 that would either break the dial tone or tinker/chirp the phone. At the moment the voicemail system is having to manually ring the handsets to signifiy message waiting. However, I heard that the MD110 does have options progamming options to allow for other ways of notifying analogue handsets.
Thanks for any response.