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MCSE's giving MCSD a bad name

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Feb 27, 2001
I am only 1 exam away from becoming MCSD and it has taken me nearly 2 years to get this far. Now it seems pointless as so many recruitment agencies and employers are comparing MCSD with MCSE and decided it means very little as an indication of my IT skills as the MCSE has become a joke. Has anyone come across this? What do you say to people who are in a position to hire you who don't make the distinction between the two? I have come across this even within IT departments.
It is not across the board Mark.

Those that think MCSE is a joke are only going on the fact that as with most things, you can achieve the end result by cheating (braindumps).

MCSD is not necessarily more difficult, but there are a lot fewer people braindumping MCSD as you get found out a lot faster.

Take heart - there are still plenty of companies who value the work you have put in. And if they don't value it, look elsewhere as they are the idiots not you.
You may find the comments in thread468-100149 encouraging.

FWIW, I wouldnt let the derogatory opinion of a few misinformed recruiters influence you to forgo achieving your MCSD. You've gone a long way, finish the race.

AFA how I would address them, challenge them. Offer to submit to a debugging exercise or a simple on-site work sample. Be aggressive, but not arrogant. Most MCSDs take pride in their achievement (that is, those who didnt pass by braindumping). If that recruiter attempts to discount those achievements, make him show more justification than simply stating "well, the MCSE has become a joke". Jon Hawkins
Nicely put Jon.

Those of us who are "really certified" rather than braindumpers should not get disheartened. Having the qualification puts you well above most people in the industry and having the real knowledge behind it puts you at the top of the pile. Anyone worth their salt will know the value of the MCSD/E but will also know how to sort the wheat from the chaff.

A couple of decent questions at interview will let them know whether you are a braindumper or a new employee.
didn't mean to tar all MCSE's with the same brush. There's probably some worthless MCSD's out there as well. I'm taking t he 70-100 exam in a couple of weeks. anybody got any hints?
Download the Case Study based demo test available at This will familiarize you with the format of the questions on the exam. IE, drop-n-connect, re-order list,etc...

There's also a demo exam available from Transcender at It's more similar to the type of questions you'll find on the exam. They also offer practice exams for about $150 US, but I can't comment on their worth for 70-100 because I havent used them. Jon Hawkins

I know I've joined this late but I couldn't agree more with the original post about some people's opinions of MCSD. You stick with it Beesknees and just remember that if it was that easy they'd all have done it!

It's always struck me as strange that there are so few MCSDs in relation to MCSEs when there are many more developers/programmers than networking bodies out there...

Hello all...
Wondering about the rationale in attending a bootcamp for my MCSD...

Counsel on this one guys? Good/Bad? Which schools DO teach and train? Any ideas on what kind of learning one gets overall?

Jim Rudnick
Couldn't say what a boot camp would and wouldn't teach you as I've never been to one but I can say as long as you study MS Curriculum approved study guides and get Transcenders you should be alright.
Learning the technology is really only half the battle, the rest is teaching yourself to think the way MS think.
For example when you're unsure of the answer to a multiple choice question it's nearly always the one that uses the latest MS technology or makes the best use of MS products. Any question that presents an option using a 3rd party product will probably not be the right answer!

Beesknees - MCSD

So, I've heard many of you mention here and on other forums about these Transcender practice exams.

So, is there any chance that some of you who've say passed 70-176 or 70-175 might consider now selling your Transcender exams?

I'd like to buy them to look them over, but if I can get them second-hand, that'd be a lot better!

Anyone know?

Okay...so no way to get any second-hand Transcenders.

If I buy NEW, which do I want? I'm planning on taking the 70-175, 70-176, 70-100 and mostl likely 70-092 exams...

Do they have a "package" for that selection too?

Jim, FWIW, you really should have created a new thread because your comments/questions are not a response to Beesknees thread.

If you only need to familiarize yourself with the types of questions, they have demo exams available. If you are looking for close simulations of exams, they're products are the way to go.

Yes, they have a MCSD package. See
I presume by 70-092 you meant either 70-029 (SQL Server) or 70-091 (VBA). Jon Hawkins
Sorry...yes 70-091 was the one I was talking about.

And also as the thread seemed to wander somewhat, I didn't think that I was outta line in asking. It's VERY hard to find MCSD folks who talk on forums -- at least I've only found two such forums...this one and the one at examnotes.net. Anyone else got a list of these forums that they might share?

Also, I'm having trouble finding the MOC for the VB track thru MCSD...are there any such puppies?


I didn't use Transcender for my VB exams. I found it most helpful for the solutions architecture exam.
I reckon your best bet (as well as the only way to learn VB inside out) is to buy the New Riders 70-175 & 70-176 (it's 1 big massive book).
Measureup are a lot cheaper than Transcender and nearly as good. Good luck.
I found a site that gives stats on # of people with MCSD

They reported there are 25,000 people with it so far (the number has been growing each year). I too wonder why so many have MCSE and few with MCSD. But for me I am taking a course and doing the exams for the reason of wanting to know how to interact VB with SQL back-end. I have programming exp. but very little MS solutions work. How "fast" can one take to finish all four exams and pass on first try? When i say "fast" i mean what is the most efficient way to learn? By practicing many questions? I found prior to studying VB questions that even with my knowledge in VB I could not answer some of the MCSD questions!!!
cgl88, you may want to refer to for statistics on MCPs. The page you posted appears to be outdated and unmaintained because 1) they failed to mention the Visual Foxpro track which was added in 1999 and 2) the exam cost was increased to $125US in Jan 2002. However, I'm not discounting ExamCram - they actually have some rather reliable resources for exam preparation. Jon Hawkins

Just got back from the testing centre..and got 842/1000 on 70-176!

Yea...1 down and 3 to go!

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