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Mallboxs wont mount

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Jun 29, 2006
I don't know if this has anything to do with my earlier post but i think this is the real problem

When i click on "mailboxs and stuff" i get

"the action could not be completed because the microsoft exchange information store service in unavailable. Be sure that the service is running and you habe net work connectivity to the microsoft exchange server computer"

Operation: Retrieving mount information
ID No: c1041721
Exchange System Manager

Ok, but all the services are running....

I have no clue what is going on.... I am not a Exchange guy i ahve had little exp. but was thrown into this mess. Any help would be nice...

Allen R.
Ping the exchange server

Do you get 4 replies ?
Cancel that, I have just re-read the question.

How big are the exchange databases ?
1.4 g and just over 1g

There is 3g of space free on the drive.

I need to get this fixed soon, would it be better to reinstall Exchange and grab the back ups of the email or is that worse then trying to find the problem?

-Allen R.
Lets start from the beginning to clarify things a bit

On your exchange server, open ESM, expand down to your stores. ( normally something like Administrative groups / First administrative group / Sservers / yourservername / first storage group )

Right click the mailbox store, is the first option "mount store" or is it "dismount store" ?
Mount store, but its shaded and can not be clicked.

Also, so all the info is here... i had some problems with WINS the day prevous, don't know if they are related, but just incase.

-Allen R.
Have you tried a simple reboot of the server?

I'm Certifiable, not cert-ified.
It just means my answers are from experience, not a book.
oh yeah, reboot, restart DNS, emptied archives, but it all comes down to is that exchange doesnt see the message store and they dont see exchange....

Ok, we got hit with some major email and maxed out the drive two days ago... that when all this start to go south. I had it all working again, but after a few hours it all went down and i haven't been able to get it back up.....

Anyone else also knows that the pwers that be are leering over my shoulder asking when it will be fixed....

Thanks to all that are trying, any other thoughts?

-Allen R.
You're going to need to expand your drive space. What's your server arrangement? RAID? Number of drives, etc....

I'm Certifiable, not cert-ified.
It just means my answers are from experience, not a book.
how much more space do i need. there is 2.8 gig free on the drive where the data bases are call this drive E:... ont he system file one there is 1.5 gig free....

Now, both of these drives were maxed out by what ever hit us and flodded the system.

-Allen R.
Check that the Information Store and System Attendant services are running. If they aren't, start them then try mount the stores.

Note anything of relevance in the Application Log and post Event ID, Source and Descriptions back here
they are both running.

The application log is clean,

ID No: c1041721 is the one i get when i try to look at "mailboxs and stuff"

-Allen R.
Where do you find "mailboxs and stuff" ?

Can you right click the mailbox store, go to properties this time, then database tab. Does it show the correct location for the database

Can you tell us more about this flood of email you had, how you knew that the drives you have were maxed out (both of them ?) and what you did to reclaim the space


Where are you seeing "Mailboxes and stuff"?

I'm Certifiable, not cert-ified.
It just means my answers are from experience, not a book.
Exchange System Manager-Administrative groups-"Domain name"-Servers-"server name"-mailboxes and stuff

When i click on "mailboxes and stuff" is when i get the error.

-Allen R.
I'm confused. After you get to your server name, you should then next go to your Storage Group, but your saying that yours says "Mailboxes and stuff"?

What version of Exchange are you running exactly?

I'm Certifiable, not cert-ified.
It just means my answers are from experience, not a book.
2000, i think... the disk i have just says Exchange on it.

Where would i find that info. Again, i was thrown into this mess with little knowlage of exchange.

-Allen R.
lander215, I never tried this before, but is it possible someone changed the name of First Storag Group to 'mailboxes and stuff'? I was getting confused myself trying to follow this thread.
ok inside of "mailboxs and stuff" is "private information store" and "public information store" Does this help?

-Allen R.
Click on "Servers", then look in the right hand window and it will tell you what version you're running.

Wow...yes, someones named the storage group "Mailboxes and stuff"...sorry..can't fathom that one.

Click on the "Private Information Store" and what is under that? You should eventually find your mail stores. Right click on them and confirm the stores are dismounted (covering old ground, but lets be sure). If there are multiple stores, confirm they're all dismounted (they'll have the option, available or not, to mount).

If the stores won't/can't mount, reboot the server, let it come up, then go to your log files (application and system) and report back the errors. There has to be an error as to why the stores won't mount.

My bet is, regardless of what explorer is telling you, there is not enough space to mount them.

I'm Certifiable, not cert-ified.
It just means my answers are from experience, not a book.
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