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Making Work Fun?

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Technical User
Jan 27, 2005
I’ve been with my current employer a little over a year and like what I do but every now and then you need something to make it interesting. What do you guys/gals do to make work more enjoyable and break the monotony of day to day operations?

We did a similar thing w/ the desktop except we would invert the image, move all the desktop icons to a temp folder on C: or hide what would hide. That way they'd come back to a mirror image desktop.

One time to mess with some of the test admins, the network admin set the desktop w/ backwards image as a GPO. Oh wasn't that fun, LOL.

How about bringing your dog in to poo in a co-workers office. As out of line that may seem...

That just happened over the last weekend. Someone was working on Saturday so brought there dog in. The dog wandered off and left a download of the brown load in another persons office.

Not on purpose but gave an interesting start to the week none the less.


There is room for all of gods creatures, "Right Beside the Mashed Potatoes".
Casper, I love your signature.

Just call me Captain Awesome.
Thanks... It is my Anti Vegan Protest. Here's another one I like to use.

"Every Notice how vegans are more violently opposed to Fur than Leather.
Probably because it is easier to harass little ole ladies than it is motorcycle gangs."


There is room for all of gods creatures, "Right Beside the Mashed Potatoes".
We recently had a company restructure as the old CEO ran us out of money. People were being let go left and right. A couple of people wrote his name in the lawn with fertilizer and appended "Sucks" after it. The lawn all burnt where the fertilizer was and the message was clear. That was fun. [Bigsmile]

If you choose to battle wits with the witless be prepared to lose.

Hahaha, Oh Casper, how we both loathe vegans.

Although, my one friend had the best vegan logic ever:
"I'm not a vegan because I love animals. I'm a vegan because I have vegtables."

Just call me Captain Awesome.
That just happened over the last weekend. Someone was working on Saturday so brought there dog in. The dog wandered off and left a download of the brown load in another persons office.

Several jobs ago, there was one person who was an obstructionist, and was holding up the product development: "Why wasn't I invited to this meeting? As the Business Analyst, I think I should be the one to make the decision on how the dialog boxes are laid out", and I was sooo tempted to go buy the 100-lb bag of dog food at the warehouse club and carpet their office with it, because they were being such a [female dog].

Chip H.

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grande said:
"I'm a vegan because I have vegtables."

if you'll pardon me I'll just correct the typo so there is no confusion

"I'm a vegan because I hate vegetables."

me, I'm an 'omnivore because I hate hominids I suppose
Thanks for correcting that, SteveGlo. I didn't even notice. It kinda makes a little more sense now, doesn't it?

Just call me Captain Awesome.
I'm an Omnivor because although vegetables are good for you, Pork ribs and t-bone steaks taste sooo darn good.


There is room for all of gods creatures, "Right Beside the Mashed Potatoes".

If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?


I can't stand those people! They love it when everyone has to wait for their input because it makes them feel important or something... grrrr. ...so anyway, speaking of having FUN at work... ;-)

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't. - Douglas Adams
Fun at work... Flinging meatloaf at the vegans... Oh wait that was from Animal House...

Okay but to get back onto topic. More fun at work.

* RC Cars... Zoom Zoom
* Put a Lima bean (The whole bean with the black husk) in the urinal.
* Change around everyones Office door Name Plate
* Fill up your co-workers cubilce with popcorn styrofoam

And here are some more fun things to do in the bathroom at work.


There is room for all of gods creatures, "Right Beside the Mashed Potatoes".
Put a Lima bean (The whole bean with the black husk) in the urinal.

not sure what a Lima bean is (being a Limey myself I ought to I know) but a little swirl of peanut butter (not the crunchy sort) on the toilet seat can be quite disconcerting as can a malteser or two bobbing about in the waves...
The team I work on is a close group, which allows us the atogonize each other all in good humor. We do this over e-mail,which I would not suggest if big brother is watching. It breaks up the day and is always fun to think of new ways to atagonize your co worker. It's just what we do, but I would not suggest it, unless it's all done in good humor. It's never intended to be malicious in any aspect.
Colleagues have in the past indulged in sending random bluetooth messages to other people's mobile phones just to freak people out.

Quite funny, though...


"Yes, I'll stop finding bugs in the software - as soon as you stop writing bugs into the software." <-- Me

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Fun at work... Flinging meatloaf at the vegans... Oh wait that was from Animal House...

Nope -- PCU.

PCU said:
President Garcia-Thompson: You passed out cigarettes for a smoke-a-thon on Earth Day. You installed speed bumps on the handicapped ramps and, most recently, you dumped 100 pounds of... MEAT on a peaceful vegan protest!

Droz: Oh, come on! That was way more than 100 pounds.

Fun movie, but tried a little to hard to be like Animal House.

Chip H.

Donate to Katrina relief:
If you want to get the best response to a question, please read FAQ222-2244 first
In a similar vein I knew a guy who chased a vegan around the staff canteen by wielding a rasher of bacon.

Victimisation possibly but very amusing for the spectators and the vegan took it in a good humoured way.


"Well, you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!"
....and I'll bet that secretly the vegan was thinking "mmmmm, bacon sandwich"

How can you tell if a Systems Engineer is an extrovert? - He looks at Your shoes when he talks to you.
Love this thread...I work at a church. We have done paintball wars in the past. And bowling. Right now we are in the midst of fantasy football and smack talk is knee deep. At the weekly staff meeting we have the "Eagle" award (an old eagle shaped award left by a previous pastor). Each week we nominate fellow staff members for the bonehead move of the week. i.e. like the assoc music pastor forgetting to go back to the piano after the sermon was over. Another one is calling each other during the service to see if they remembered to turn their cell phone off.
Our Christmas parties are just as fun. We have done Family Feud, Newlyed Game and Weakest Link with real prizes. You have never seen such cutthroat behavior! Not bad for a bunch of southern baptists....
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