The FAQ that rgbean pointed you too is good, however I wish that ramani, the FAQ's author, would add information regarding the use of "SCREEN=OFF" in the CONFIG.FPW. Without it there is always a flicker of the _screen object when the application first starts up.
Was your question about just the _screen object being invisible, or were you also asking about the tray icon? Just curious.
Slighthaze = NULL
"Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad." - Anon
I applied this for a form used to show the button for user selection. I run this form through the prg file where prg is set to main, from the form which applied the knowledge of hiding vfp screen, it will still on the top, never disappear even giving thisform.release, and the main problem is, when this form is called, it never in setfocus, that is never activate automatically and require a click on the form everytime.
but when deliver the application, config.fpw is necessary or not ? I never deliver this file to the client system. What is the best way, may be just to show logo first.
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