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Loss of my privacy


Technical User
Sep 15, 2024
I believe I am being hacked but I do not have the tech knowledge to know how this person is able to do what he does. This is what
I have experienced:
- I signed onto my Amazon account and found a football game. I was able to exit the game and then found a statement across my screen that
said “I am going to call the police.” I did not order the game.
- after I changed my Apple password it would not work again. I had to change it a second time.
- I turned off my smart Sony TV and instead of going off it was on a different channel.
I purchased a VPN but I suspect it was being turned off because many times when I checked it was off.
Any thoughts on how this person is doing this stuff?
See Neighbor Hack (September 15th) for original thread. None of my questions were answered in the original thread nor does this subsequent thread add any factual info about what changes, if any, OP has made since then with her Xfinity service nor if she has contacted Xfinity support (or anyone else) about her concerns.

I signed onto my Amazon account and found a football game

I'm assuming this means 'a football game on Amazon Prime Video'? Please confirm. On what device? So far you've mentioned an Apple Air (which I assume is a MacBook Air) and a smart Sony TV (which I assume is connected to your home network [by WiFi or wired?] and also usually includes Amazon Prime Video). Please confirm.

Q1. Have you turned your (shared) Xfinity Home Hotspot service OFF?
Q2. Have you changed the password on your (personal) Xfinity WiFi? (This would mean you would have to sign back in with the new password on any WiFi-network-connected devices, e.g. MacBook Air and Sony TV.)
Q3. Have you ever used Invite Users to share your Prime Video Direct account?
Q4. Have you changed your Amazon account password? (See this Amazon support doc.)
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Answer 1. Yes, I have turned my shared Xfinity Home Hotspot service off.

Answer 2. I have changed my password on my personal Xfinity WiFi. It is a 19 character password. I have not changed it
On all devices. This I will do.

Answer 3. I have not used Invite Users to share my Prime Video Direct acccount.

Answer 4. Yes, I have changed my Amazon password.

My web devices are: IPad Air, Lg Smart TV, IPhone 14, Sony Bravia Smart TV, Sonos Sound Bar, Smart Thermostat.

1.5 years ago I filed a complaint with the the FBI Cyber Crime Unit but nothing happened.

I am looking into filing a complaint with local police authorities.

Thanks for taking the time to help.
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Sorry, I though it was MacBook Air. It helps if you are specific.

More questions, I'm afraid, whilst trying to build up an accurate picture of your circumstances.

Q5. How are your WiFi-connected devices still connecting to your personal Xfinity WiFi if you have changed the personal Xfinity WiFi password?
Q6. Do all your devices connect to your network using Wifi or do any (TVs?) connect with an ethernet cable plugged into your Xfinity router?
Q7. In your previous thread you mentioned an "outside WiFi hub". Do you use one or more WiFi extenders to extend coverage?
Q8. Are you the sole user of your personal Xfinity WiFi or are there others?
A5. How are they connecting to WiFi……I am not sure…I did change the password on the WiFi but I don’t remember changing all of my
Device password. I have always felt that he can get into my IPad Air because I have changed a password and the password would not
Work the next day. I have also noticed that at about 3am something is downloading automatically on my desktop GMail icon and my Reddit icon.

A6. There is a wire that goes from the router to a cable box to the LG TV. I have another cable box for the Sony Bravia and a wire that goes
From that cable box into a small round screw into the wall. Both cable boxes are also plugged into their respective TV. Sometimes in the morning when I first turn on the TV I have a message that pops up indicating that my cable box is turned off, do I want to turn it on. I don’t have time to answer caus somehow the cable box is turned on quickly.
My Sonos woofer is just plugged into the wall and my Sonos bar is plugged into the wall with another wire plugged into the TV.
My IPad and IPhone are just WiFi connected with no wires.

A7. I don’t know what a WiFi extender is so I can’t answer that one.

A8. I am the sole user of my personal Xfinity WiFi. No others.

Sometimes I when I turn on the Sony tv I get a message on the tv screen that says an “HDMI device is connected to my tv. On that same tv
I will get a message that indicates that my tv is “not hooked up to the WiFi”. I have thought it was peculiar that the tv was still working well
When not hooked up to the WiFi. ?????

I have had to have my old Dell computer scrapped by the Geek Squad about 4 times. They would always find access software embedded.
They also told me that they believed my personal router (not the current Xfinity router I have now) was compromised. I went through three

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