Running 7.7.100 and 7.7 Flex on SQL2000.
I just upgraded from 7.6.400 and 7.6.300 Flex to 7.7.100 and 7.7 Flex in my test environment. After running some tests, I noticed that some of my flex code is not running properly. The problem has to do with running a LoseFocus event. If I SetFocus to a field from the LoseFocus event, it appears to have focus on that field but does not run any of my code. I was wondering if anyone that is running 7.7.100 and 7.7 Flex can run this real simple test code below and see if it works. Run this code from Item Master Maintenance. After tabbing from the description field, a message box should come up. The message box will not come up for me. Thanks for any input on this.
Private Sub Desc_GotFocus()
Desc.Text = "Test"
End Sub
Private Sub Desc_LoseFocus(AllowLoseFocus As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub Stocked_GotFocus()
MsgBox "Got Focus"
End Sub
I just upgraded from 7.6.400 and 7.6.300 Flex to 7.7.100 and 7.7 Flex in my test environment. After running some tests, I noticed that some of my flex code is not running properly. The problem has to do with running a LoseFocus event. If I SetFocus to a field from the LoseFocus event, it appears to have focus on that field but does not run any of my code. I was wondering if anyone that is running 7.7.100 and 7.7 Flex can run this real simple test code below and see if it works. Run this code from Item Master Maintenance. After tabbing from the description field, a message box should come up. The message box will not come up for me. Thanks for any input on this.
Private Sub Desc_GotFocus()
Desc.Text = "Test"
End Sub
Private Sub Desc_LoseFocus(AllowLoseFocus As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub Stocked_GotFocus()
MsgBox "Got Focus"
End Sub