I have a set of codes with text descriptions that relate to the code. This description has the potential to have multiple values in the table. ie when I do a select distinct code, value I get multiple text descriptions for each code.
I want to loop through the records and combine the descriptions into one field seperated by commas. Im not sure if a loop is the best option or if a cursor would be best. I need to know the record counts to loop through all of the distinct records, but I also need to "break" on the code changes so that I can end up with one record for each code, with a second column containing all of the descriptions seperated by commas.
SELECT Distinct
LEFT(S1.CourseCode,4) as Coursecode
Into #tmpCourseCodes
FROM dbo.SASICourse S1 (nolock)
Select Distinct
S2.Coursetitle as Title2005
into #tmp_w_2005
FROM #tmpCourseCodes S1 (NOLOCK)
Left Outer Join dbo.SASICourse S2 (Nolock)
on Left(S2.Coursecode,4) = Left(S1.Coursecode,4)
and S2.DistrictCode = '3201'
and S2.Schoolyear = '2005'
and S2.QuarterlyUpdateID = '180'
-- 2078 rows
-- select * from #tmp_w_2005 order by coursecode
-- drop table #tmp_w_2005
declare @tab2005 table (id int identity , CourseCode int, Title2005 varchar(8000))
Insert into @tab2005
select courseCode, CourseTitle from #tmp_w_2005
SELECT @2005DescriptionCount = @@ROWCOUNT
WHILE @2005DescriptionCount > 0
Select @CurrentCourseDescription = CourseTitle from #tmp_w_2005 WHERE i = @2005DescriptionCount
@FullListOfDescriptions = @FullListOfDescriptions + ',' + @CurrentCourseDescription
-- need to "break" on code
-- While Coursecode = coursecode
-- Insert into final table???
--- confusion lies here
--- Help needed
SET @2005DescriptionCount = @2005DescriptionCount -1
I want to loop through the records and combine the descriptions into one field seperated by commas. Im not sure if a loop is the best option or if a cursor would be best. I need to know the record counts to loop through all of the distinct records, but I also need to "break" on the code changes so that I can end up with one record for each code, with a second column containing all of the descriptions seperated by commas.
SELECT Distinct
LEFT(S1.CourseCode,4) as Coursecode
Into #tmpCourseCodes
FROM dbo.SASICourse S1 (nolock)
Select Distinct
S2.Coursetitle as Title2005
into #tmp_w_2005
FROM #tmpCourseCodes S1 (NOLOCK)
Left Outer Join dbo.SASICourse S2 (Nolock)
on Left(S2.Coursecode,4) = Left(S1.Coursecode,4)
and S2.DistrictCode = '3201'
and S2.Schoolyear = '2005'
and S2.QuarterlyUpdateID = '180'
-- 2078 rows
-- select * from #tmp_w_2005 order by coursecode
-- drop table #tmp_w_2005
declare @tab2005 table (id int identity , CourseCode int, Title2005 varchar(8000))
Insert into @tab2005
select courseCode, CourseTitle from #tmp_w_2005
SELECT @2005DescriptionCount = @@ROWCOUNT
WHILE @2005DescriptionCount > 0
Select @CurrentCourseDescription = CourseTitle from #tmp_w_2005 WHERE i = @2005DescriptionCount
@FullListOfDescriptions = @FullListOfDescriptions + ',' + @CurrentCourseDescription
-- need to "break" on code
-- While Coursecode = coursecode
-- Insert into final table???
--- confusion lies here
--- Help needed
SET @2005DescriptionCount = @2005DescriptionCount -1