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Linksys Router makes network slow. 1

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Oct 31, 2002
OK, I got my network running fine and fast and then I needed to get a router, so I get a Linksys Router 'cause my network hub from Linksys and works well.

Now My Netwoooooork ruuuuuuuunssss sssssssssoooo sssssssssslllllllooooooooo *poof*

What can I do, I e-mailed Linksys but they haven't got back to me yet, its getting to the point I pull one computer fron the network and plug it in to my cable modem to access the internet.

I have one computer ruuning Windoz2000 Pro and the other two are running Windoz98

Try upgrading the firmware for your router from the linksys website.
I had a really bad experience with the Linksys routers, myself; it worked for about a week, then one of the internal parts burned out (almost literally). Buying it was stupid in the first place, as I should have purchased a D-Link, which is what I usually buy (and have been for the past 7 years). I've found that D-Link isn't as shiny or good-looking as the $60 NICs by 3com and Linksys, however, they do something much better for a much lower price -- they perform their manifest function of allowing you to run a network.
For every one person that has a problem with a linksys router, 100 others don't have a problem.

If your router isn't working fast just return it and get a new one. It should fix your problem.
Totally agree here. I've never had a problem with my LinkSys router (BEFSR41) and there are over 50 others being used for my company's VPN connections. Haven't had one reported failure in over 1 year of support.

"Router not working fast" sounds like a configuration problem. Have you logged into the router through your browser to check the configuration? Verify the correct settings with the manual in hand.

Does the connection run slow over the internet, if you just have one PC connected to the router? Do all of the pc's have 10/100 NIC cards? The router will show you 3 rows of LEDs lit up for each 10/100 card running at 100mbps. If you don't see all 3, make sure the card is configured properly in Windows.


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
I would check in the router config and make sure that the MNU setting doesn't need adjusted...it should normally be around 1492. Enkrypted
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Whoops.......typo......I meant MTU... Enkrypted
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Ok, Thanks guys for your input, the network seems to have inproved between the two windoz98 boxes, however the Windoz2000 box still takes forever to access the other comuters.

This problem is driving me nuts, Access to the internet is great and Win2000 seems to be running fine. I get 100 base at full duplex both on the router and Windoz. In the box is a P4 1.8 with 256RAM but over the our network it runs like an 8088!
Well I think I have found the problem with the slog, ZoneAlarm!
Turn ZoneAlarm off and it takes 6 seconds to access the one computer, and with it on it will take 28 seconds, but it only takes less than 3 seconds to see the other computer.

That's why I call Windows WINDOZ!!!!!
(I hate Bill! Bill makes me work to hard to fix his problems!)

Thanks guys for all your help.
Just a quick note to let you know how things turned out. The problem I had with Zone Alarm wasn’t a problem after all, in fact Zone Alarm was doing a standup job of stopping a virus from getting on the Windows98 computer.

The Virus was a collection of files that if you didn’t have a fire wall and Anti virus on the computer it would just sit there and attack port 137 about million times a day. Zone Alarm was taking so many hits that it was chewing up CPU time just to stay on top of it.

If you have Windows98 you should check if you have these files on your computer
If you find these files on your computer then your SCRSVR.EXE file has been taken over.

Now get this, the INSTIT.EXE is the key to the bug, look in your WIN.INI for a run command calling this file, remove it.

Most Anti Virus programs will not see INSTIT,EXE as a Virus because the program is a bug but it writes one on boot up.

The Good news is if you upgrade to Windows2000 then your safe from this bug, other wise, don’t let your fire wall go down!!!

It's cool that you found the source of your problem, but I just wanted to clarify one small thing.

There are viruses and there are trojans. I'm afraid the source of your problem in this case was a trojan. Antivirus scanners can detect some trojans, but they are much harder to see. Firewalls pick up the slack where virus scanners fall short in these situations, like you pointed out. I just wanted to make the mute point that most Antivirus scanners are not perfected against trojan defense, so it should be no surprise.

Just my 2¢...


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
If you are using a Linksys, shouldn't port 137 be blocked by the router?

Yes, ports are being blocked by the router, including port 137. However, the router opens ports when a request is sent from the inside. For example, when you browse a webpage, your browser uses the HTTP protocol which can use ports 80, 8080, 8181, etc. Any request made from your pc to the router goes through unless the port(s) in question have been turned off in the router config (which isn't practical).

Your router provides protection from the outside, not the inside. Hence the need to have a software firewall monitoring what ports are being used on your pc.

Does that answer your question? Don't hesitate to ask more if you're still unsure...


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
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